LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

yes, he says "its nice talking to you jacob" or something to that extent.

other guy: Do you have any idea how bad they all want to kill you?
Jacob: Yes
other guy: One of these days, sooner or later, we're going to find a loophole, my friend.
Jacob: Well when you do, I'll be right here.
other guy: Always nice talking to you, Jacob.
Jacob: Nice talking to you, too.

So... 'other guy' is the one y'all are saying took over Locke's body to kill Jacob, right?

Sorry to be Johnny Come Lately on the season finale that you guys watched a couple weeks ago, but I have been really usy the last couple months.
wait how did jack's dad's body get to the island and whos using it....

didnt jack dad die b4 they crashed....if no one knew where the island was how did he get there.....

ben? have they seen eachother? i dont remebmer
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

wait how did jack's dad's body get to the island and whos using it....

didnt jack dad die b4 they crashed....if no one knew where the island was how did he get there.....

His body was on the flight 815. Jack went to Australia to identify and return the body back to L.A.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

yes, he says "its nice talking to you jacob" or something to that extent.

other guy: Do you have any idea how bad they all want to kill you?
Jacob: Yes
other guy: One of these days, sooner or later, we're going to find a loophole, my friend.
Jacob: Well when you do, I'll be right here.
other guy: Always nice talking to you, Jacob.
Jacob: Nice talking to you, too.

So... 'other guy' is the one y'all are saying took over Locke's body to kill Jacob, right?

Sorry to be Johnny Come Lately on the season finale that you guys watched a couple weeks ago, but I have been really usy the last couple months.

yup. And don't worry about being late, dudes would keep this thread going into next season if they could. And dude did touch hurley
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

oh haha...i didnt watch the first season....and if they showed it after..i just dont remember lol



Word. Nows the time to catch up. Especially knowing everything that you do from these later seasons.
I hate you all so much for bringing this thread back to life
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

oh haha...i didnt watch the first season....and if they showed it after..i just dont remember lol



the first 2 seasons were the best for me.

i gotta catch up and watch the whole 5th season.
I was watching one of the older episodes and, do you guys think we'll ever know why, if anything, Henry Gale made it to the island? Or how?
Originally Posted by franchise3

I was watching one of the older episodes and, do you guys think we'll ever know why, if anything, Henry Gale made it to the island? Or how?

Henry Gale is a freaking mystery to me.
I watched the Pilot again.

- Locke's speech about backgammon is much deeper than I remember. Obviously it refers to the struggle between Jacob and the black shirt. The game is"older than Jesus Christ." It also looks like a setup of Locke vs. Walt. The scene ends with him asking Walt, "do you want me to tell you asecret?"
- Could Locke have been possessed from the very beginning?
- Kate uses "Annie" as her alias. I know this isn't news to most people though.
- Kate yells out "Sawyer" when they're running from the polar bear... I'm not sure if he ever mentions his name as Sawyer??

I'm going to write up how I think everything ties together when I have time.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

- Could Locke have been possessed from the very beginning?
the smoke monster can only appear in the form of someone who is dead...

and Locke was not dead until the the end of season 5...

so i highly doubt that locke has been possessed the entire series...
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

- Could Locke have been possessed from the very beginning?
the smoke monster can only appear in the form of someone who is dead...

and Locke was not dead until the the end of season 5...

so i highly doubt that locke has been possessed the entire series...
How do you know that?

You don't.

Explain to me how John Locke can walk once he gets to the island?

Glad to see we're thinking outside the box this offseason! Thread isn't DEAD by any means.
How Everything Ties Together
by Senorrboto2k5!

The main premise of the show: The central conflict of LOST has always been between Jacob and the Bad Guy (from the opening scene of the seasonfinale), although what they're struggling over has yet to be explained.

Jacob recruits groups of people that he feels are special and/or worthy, then brings them to the island to help him accomplish his ultimate goal. However, theBad Guy says that "it always ends the same" - that the Bad Guy always ends up winning and/or being right, and Jacob falls short.

Why Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and the 815ers?
Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Jin, and Sun are not just Jacob's latest recruits; they are his recruits that are finally destined to succeed at helpingJacob win his cause and probably defeat the Bad Guy. The show focused on this group for a reason, over the Black Rock or any other previous group.

The Bad Guy still manages to find a way to win - this time, by killing Jacob
The Bad Guy finally finds a "loophole" that allows him to kill Jacob, ending their struggle once and for all. He does by targeting Locke.

Assuming the Smoke Monster is an extension or even manifestation of the Bad Guy himself, the Bad Guy has been after control of Locke from the very beginning.It "scanned" Locke when they came face-to-face, then tried pulling him down the hole in the ground like it did with the French crew. After Jackthwarted that plan by throwing dynamite down the shaft, the Bad Guy decided to try an indirect way to gain control of Locke.

The Bad Guy starts using the image of Christian Shephard to direct Locke. When he tells Locke to move the island, it's presumably to get them to the 1970sfor one reason or the other (remember, everything that happens in between isn't in Christian's plans, because Ben moved the wheel instead of John).When he talks to Locke before he leaves the island, he tells him that he has to die - so that the Bad Guy can finally take control of him when his bodyreturns.

The Variables
Eloise Hawking tells Jack, Ben, and company that in order to return to the island, everyone that left on the copter had to be on the same flight back.Otherwise, the "results would be unpredictable."

Everyone returns - sans Aaron. And the results were unpredictable; most of them got jumbled up in time and landed in the 1970s. This was not supposed tohappen; they were not supposed to be there, and they would've crashed in 2008 like Sun and Ben if they had just brought Aaron along, too. Even thoughhistory corrects itself by putting them in pictures thirty years later, Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley are the variables - they aren't supposed to be inthat time in the first place, so they have control over what they write in their history books.

The VERY end of the story
Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley all have roles to play that would've helped Jacob win the struggle. Only, with them lost in time, only part of Jacob'sforce - Sun - is in the present time to help him. That's not enough. (Maybe getting them lost in time was the loophole?)

Without Jacob's group there to play their roles, the Bad-Guy-in-Locke's-Body convinces Ben to kill him. This is the VERY END OF THE LOST STORY. The Bad Guy wins, the good guy loses. There's nothing more to be told; there's no moreconflict.

...except for the variables
Although the story ends with Jacob getting burned in a pit of fire, Jack, Kate, and crew find themselves at an earlier point in the story where they don'tbelong. As such, they can write what it is that they do there - such as setting off a hydrogen bomb that was never supposed to go off.

Think about the story in an absolute timeline. Jack throwing the bomb down the shaft happens, let's say, 120 days from the "start" when 815crashes; Sun and Richard hanging out at the statue's foot also happens 120 days from the start. They are 30 years apart, but at the same time in theirjourney.

When Juliet sets off the bomb that was never supposed to go off, whatever the explosion does causes the story to reset back to the "start" of theirjourney, which would likely be when Jack wakes up in the jungle and sees Vincent. It takes (at least some of) the characters from the VERY END of the storyback to the beginning...

Season six will be about working back towards the VERY END of the story, only with the characters trying to change to course of events so that the end nolonger involves Jacob being defeated.
^ Good write-up. Except with how fast this show's been moving, I dont know if the writers can keep that single storyline going for, what, 22 episodes? Imean, sure maybe half the time, leading up to the point when Ben kills Jacob, but maybe theres more to the story after that. I mean, evil cant win... can it?
^ No, I think that they are "reset" to a point in the story, then they try to change things so that it doesn't end with Ben killing him, but withgood winning in the end.
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