LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Heads up:

iTunes has the Pilot episode (Season 1, part 1 & 2) and all the season recaps up for free.

I'm downloading to my iPhone as I type
Read the spoilers.

No matter which third spoiler is true, that's going to be something, though one seems more plausible than the other.
I'm rewatching the series.

Right now, I'm on early Season 4, the episode where Desmond "goes back in time" and tells Penny that he is going to call her 8 years later...

... on Christmas Eve. Crazy.
Here's the 4th day:

Spoiler [+]
For a good five seasons now, Benjamin Linus (Michael Emerson) has been one of the most sping-tingling, blood-curling "bad guys" on television, and certainly the most creeptastic "Other" on ABC's Lost.

But that's about to change in the upcoming final season, starting Feb. 2, because there's a new Baddie on Lost who will make Ben Linus look more like the wimpy Peanuts character with whom he shares a name.

So who is this terrifying and awesome new Big Bad? What has he done and how will you see him?

As our 12 Days of Lost-mas--in which we stuff your stockings with spoilery goodies--continues, here are three true things I can tell you about the New Big Bad.

  • Killed **h*.
  • Killed ***o*.
  • Is *h* **o** *****e*.
  • Wants to "g* **m*."
Again, this time, all three of these things are true. Your job is to decifer the missing letters...

Maybe Santa will bring you some for Christmas?
Here is the edited words as what they say with the *'s. Mostly stuff we've already discussed:
Spoiler [+]
Killed John, Killed Jacob, IS The Smoke Monster, Wants to "Go Home"
alright I got a random Lost question I was wondering about, I've been watching all the seasons all over again in order and

Spoiler [+]
Did they ever say why or what made Walt "special". When the Others had him, that woman Ms. Clue said he was special and so did that guy with the fake beard. I remember when the bird died in his flashback and his stepfather looked spooked by it, but did they ever say why or allude to it?
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

alright I got a random Lost question I was wondering about, I've been watching all the seasons all over again in order and

Spoiler [+]
Did they ever say why or what made Walt "special". When the Others had him, that woman Ms. Clue said he was special and so did that guy with the fake beard. I remember when the bird died in his flashback and his stepfather looked spooked by it, but did they ever say why or allude to it?
In a word, no.
just came in to say i will be joining yall when the series start lost is like my favorite
past time and to yall spoiler readers yall too thristy and you know damn well
when the season start you still wont get whats going on
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

just came in to say i will be joining yall when the series start lost is like my favorite
past time and to yall spoiler readers yall too thristy and you know damn well
when the season start you still wont get whats going on


Here's the 5th day. Nothing big at all but IT GOT ME VERY EXCITED!!!! GOD DAMN WHERE YOU AT FEB 2????

Spoiler [+]
Our 12 Days of Lost-mas--in which we give you scoop on the upcoming and final season of Lost-continues with a goodie today on a fan favorite many of you fear may be largely MIA when the series returns Feb. 2:

Desmond, a.k.a. Henry Ian Cusick.

Assuming the rumors are true that Lost's sixth season will center around that fateful Oceanic Flight 815, which Desmond was not on, does that mean we won't see Des?

Here's what I can tell you...
  1. According to sources, we will see Desmond again.
  2. Fairly early on in the season.
  3. His first appearance will be with one one of the Losties and the scene/encounter is very surprising.
  4. You guys are going to love it! (Honestly)
That's all I can spill for now, 'cause I'm told this is one surprise you won't want to be spoiled for...Check back tomorrow for more Lost-mas dish!
Well I watched all 5 seasons in the last 3-4 months, and I am just amazed at how good this show is. I thought it was boring at first but then it got real gooda few episodes into the first season.

Like most of you i tried to get some friends in to LOST, but only a few listened. The others say Heroes is better (
) But their excuse for not watchingLOST, is that it is boring. I feel bad for people that never gave Lost a chance.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Well I watched all 5 seasons in the last 3-4 months, and I am just amazed at how good this show is. I thought it was boring at first but then it got real good a few episodes into the first season.

Like most of you i tried to get some friends in to LOST, but only a few listened. The others say Heroes is better (
) But their excuse for not watching LOST, is that it is boring. I feel bad for people that never gave Lost a chance.
I don't think it's as much as people not giving it a chance as people expecting everything to happen in the episode(s) they watched. Ittakes time for the story to really evolve and get interesting.

Another thing a lot of people did wrong was try to start watching it late. You CANNOT start watching during season 4 and have any sort of understanding as towhat is going on. You really need to go back and re-watch. It might be time consuming, but it's worth it as we all know!

It's really, really starting to get close. January is going to FLY BY. With NFL Playoffs, College Basketball kicking into high gear and all the other showsreturning, it's going to be here before you know it.

God damn i'm excited.
^ It's true. The only friends of mine who dont like the show... never watched it. They saw the pilot and thought it was Gilligans Island Gets Dramatic. Orjust use the outdated cop-out of 'it's too far in, I'd just be confused.'
What's up everyone! Been a long time lurker and occasional poster. Just happy to be talkin' Lost again! Crazy EBW: I'm one who likes to readspoilers no matter what. It's still fun to watch how it plays out on screen! Just like when you read a book that gets turned into a film! I got a questionand I'm not too sure if it's been discussed yet. Without spoiling it for those who are playing catchup...Knowing what we know about Locke and season 5,who is Christian Shephard? If you catch my drift.
Originally Posted by 18key

^ It's true. The only friends of mine who dont like the show... never watched it. They saw the pilot and thought it was Gilligans Island Gets Dramatic.
same thing my friend said. he said i rather watch dollhouse
, but i managed to get my sister and brother to see it and theyenjoy every minute
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

Fact: The only people that don't like Lost are the ones who don't watch it.

definitely. I wasnt even all that into during the first episode. But after a few episodes i was like
Originally Posted by VeintiTres

Knowing what we know about Locke and season 5, who is Christian Shephard?
Good question. My only guess is Jacob's "nemesis".... But, he wouldn't be able to be in two places at once, i.e. in the cabinwith Sun and also with Ben in the raft.... So, maybe he's Jacob, or possibly there's a third "person"?.... Man, I have no clue.
.....But, I'm sure that will be answered this season.

Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

Fact: The only people that don't like Lost are the ones who don't watch it.
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