LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT


Gonna start rewatching season 5 in Jan.

I plan on doing the same.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by VeintiTres

Knowing what we know about Locke and season 5, who is Christian Shephard?
Good question. My only guess is Jacob's "nemesis".... But, he wouldn't be able to be in two places at once, i.e. in the cabin with Sun and also with Ben in the raft.... So, maybe he's Jacob, or possibly there's a third "person"?.... Man, I have no clue.
.....But, I'm sure that will be answered this season.
Was it ever confirmed that there were two smoke monsters or was that people using imagination?

I'm with you in that it's Jacob or third person. Since Christian said he was a spokesperson for Jacob that could be true.

I wanna watch the Incident right now just to see Jacob doing work.
This show has my mind in a big twisted pretzel! Every time I try to wrap my mind around what is going on within this world, I start seeing stars! Throw in thewhole space-time continuum plot and I'm reeling like when I first watched Back To The Future and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure!
Though thisof course is on a whole other level!
Well, if you can't wait until Feb 2, DarkUFO just posted a summary of Episode 1. After reading, i'm literally speechless.

It's not a detailed recap, just basically what goes down. I don't feel like it's anything new, but if you ARE trying to stay away from the biggerspoilers, etc, now would be a good time to just quick reply "Damn you EBW" or something like that instead of clicking that spoiler tag.

Spoiler [+]
Alt. Timeline-

We will see Desmond on Oceanic 815 and he will be traveling with a Lostie

We will see Charley overdose on drugs and Jack will have to save him

815 will fly by the island, and the Statue of Taweret will be intact, they will see it from the plane.

Hurley will be visited by Jacob, Jacob will confide in him, he can trust Hurley because he is a "source of Good"

Existing timeline-

Sayid will be fatally wounded and may actually "die" before being brought to the Temple and healed, in which case he will most definitely suffer the same effects that child Ben did, and will become an Other.

General LA X Comments:

- Unlike previous season premiere, which usually built the premise for the season, but revealed little, LA X is supposedly the most revealing episode (mythology-wise) ever produced for LOST. Expect to have a couple of gamechangers on the level of "flashforward" and "moving the island" in the first two hours.

- Darlton warns fans not to dismiss the possibility of two timelines as being something concrete and distinct, it is it not black and white, it would be very silly to simply erase 5 season of LOST, there is something more at work here, and it is very important to remember that Faraday had the "correct idea, but the wrong execution of the idea" in the ending of S5.

-The DHARMA- U of Michigan connection will be revisited early on in S6

-Most of the two hour LA X will take place on Oceanic 815, and it will be your job to determine what is alternate timeline 815, and what is simply unseen flashbacks to the original 815 in natural timeline. As always, LOST is never taboo with revisiting old events and revealing something new about them, and 815 is not out of the question.

-The presence of the Statue of Taweret in the alt. timeline SHOULD be taken a clear message that the alt. timeline was split from the original timeline at a point much earlier than 2004, seeing as how the statue is in ruins in 2004, and in 1977. The split most likely occured much earlier in time.

-From ABC Spokesman: I know most of you have heard about the "alt Lost " this season, and so have I. But I'm also told that the thing that I'm pretty sure needs to happen for "alt Lost " to happen does not happen.

In light of Faraday having the right idea about with wrong execution, is it possible that the alt. timeline is the recourse for wrong execution of the right idea? Maybe the alt timeline is the screw up. It wasn't meant to happen.

The part I changed the color for is what really got me.
checking in to say whats good with every one just seen the promo commercial with
sade in the background and i see EBW is still posting spoilers
i refuse to read them
After reading that spoiler, If there was ever a show that was appropriately titled.... this is it.

just please please please make sense of this #++# by the finale (none of that Sopranos open ended stuff)
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

it's gonna suck holding out for an entire month knowing everything is there to be read.
Exactly.... So, I'll just say, "Damn you EBW" and hopefully forget about it.
Who has been spoiler free for the past six months? I can say that I have not looked at one spoiler in this entire break. It's been tough but I love the"wow" moments when watching LOST.
I TRY to stay spoiler free, but I can't. I do however stay away from big, major reveals. All of us pretty much can figure out what's going to happen, Ijust like having that advantage.

I still feel just as shocked when I see it on TV as long as I don't see detailed synopsis.
@ you EBW posting thatepisode summary.

I'm not reading it; I will not succumb to the temptation.

Originally Posted by toine2983

@ you EBW posting that episode summary.

I'm not reading it; I will not succumb to the temptation.

My this @%$* is blowing me. Hurry up Feb 2! I pray I don't work that day if I do that will be the day I will be extremely early to work...orlate
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Anybody try streaming this from Netflix? How is quality? High Definition?
I streamed thru Netflix on my 360. Depends on u bandwidth. Looks good to me my dude
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Anybody try streaming this from Netflix? How is quality? High Definition?
I streamed thru Netflix on my 360. Depends on u bandwidth. Looks good to me my dude
yea looks good on the 360 the the ps3 image quality is so-so
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Banks2Pierce wrote:

Anybody try streaming this from Netflix? How is quality? High Definition?
I streamed thru Netflix on my 360. Depends on u bandwidth. Looks good to me my dude
yea looks good on the 360 the the ps3 image quality is so-so

The quality of the picture will be based on your internet connection. I get 4 bars/HD every time if im not downloading anything from my laptop.
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