LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Don't know if anyone has ever watched it but this show remnids me of Twin Peaks on so many levels. Lost is by far a better show though
Never heard of this. Might have to look into it. Info?
I'm wondering when I should pick up where I left off. (Mid-Season 4.)

I might re-start Season 4 and then continue watching until the end of 5 after this weekend, to keep it at about a 2 episode-per-day (until S6) average.
One thing this "Last Supper" poster tells me is that Locke (dead Locke in the crate) must "rise from the dead" like Jesus. The last thingJacob said before Smoke Locke kicked him into the fire was that "they are coming." Who was coming? Iliana and her crew bringing the next"one wholies in the shadow of the statue" to take Jacob's place (dead Locke in the crate).
Been watching Season 5 over the past week or so. Got one more episode to watch, and that's the finale. I love how i forget things. I enjoy beingre-shocked....lol

To those wondering about Twin Peaks, it was a pretty big show in the 90's that started out following a murder of a hs girl but quickly unwound into atangled up story that left much to the imagination, very similar to Lost. They have a lot of fan sites that can give more info.
I don't really see how it's similar to LOST but I might have to check it out. It says you can watch the series on CBS.com EXCEPT for the pilot.
Kinda %%# backwards.
If the state of the union has to go down it better start at 8pm on the dot and end before 9pm.

I wouldn't care if they took over the recap hour ...
-Yeah they can have the re-cap hour. I just finished my S5 re-watch a week or two ago.

-For some reason I always thought Twin Peaks was a comedy. I'll have to check it out someday.

-Seemed like Jack's Grandfather knew about the island. I guess that was important?
Nah, I want the recap hour, too.

I'm not negotiating crap.
I'd be that athlete agents hate representing.

- Lakers: "So we'll raise our previous offer to $2mil a year."
- me: "That's funny, because I distinctly remember saying $4mil."
- Lakers: "Alright, alright... $2.75, with no player options attached."
- me, to my agent: "Does $2.75mil sound like $4million in your language?"
- my agent: *to himself* "Is this dude serious right now?" *facepalm*


I want the recap hour, the season premier, AND Claire and Juliette on my couch watching it with me, or the puppy dies.

Sorry, didn't mean to get things twisted, I don't think the stories of the two shows are the same only the way things are left open and every episodeyou have to peice things together and most is left to the viewers imagination.
Yay! It's on facebook too.

It's official: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has confirmed that the State of the Union will not pre-empt the premiere of LOST The Final Seasonon 2/2. See you in 25 days.
Yay! It's on facebook too.

It's official: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has confirmed that the State of the Union will not pre-empt the premiere of LOST The Final Season on 2/2. See you in 25 days.
Got people in the White House like 'Y'allcalm down. We're not going to bump your damn show.'
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Nah, I want the recap hour, too.

I'm not negotiating crap.
I'd be that athlete agents hate representing.

- Lakers: "So we'll raise our previous offer to $2mil a year."
- me: "That's funny, because I distinctly remember saying $4mil."
- Lakers: "Alright, alright... $2.75, with no player options attached."
- me, to my agent: "Does $2.75mil sound like $4million in your language?"
- my agent: *to himself* "Is this dude serious right now?" *facepalm*


I want the recap hour, the season premier, AND Claire and Juliette on my couch watching it with me, or the puppy dies.

Yo Ska...Claire and Juliette are beautiful women in their own right, but if I had to choose one......it is and will always be Evangeline.
Got my friend hooked on this show. I had him borrow my seasons 1-4 back in like May. He Got 2-3 eps through season 4 and stopped watching but kept saying heliked the show a lot.

Out of no where asked me to borrow season 4 again and finished it in 2 days. So he says "Can I borrow season 5?" I decline since I'm rewatchingit again (2nd rewatch
g/f got pissed I rewatched it with out her) But i remind him abc.com has all the episodes.

So he just goes and drops 50 to buy the blu-ray set
another lost fan i've created

I'm enjoying everytime something crazy happens he texts me with the "WTH"
Finally caught up to the 5th season. I guess one of the good things about adopting this late is that the wait isn't as bad. Plus the cliffhangersaren't really cliffhangers cause all 5 season were available.
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