LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Man there's no way anyone can do a quick recap. Too much happened. I suggest going to IMDB or something and reading the recaps.

you have good taste in music or at least similar to me. should i give Lost a chance?
Cant really do a recap of season 5. There are so many things that happened.

If someone told you Sawyer and Jin were part of the Dharma Initiative, it would probably blow your mind.
You HAVE to watch the whole thing
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY


you have good taste in music or at least similar to me. should i give Lost a chance?
Definitely, it's practically the only show I watch. If you can, watch everything before the Season 6 premiere (Feb 2). You won't regretit. Trust me
So I just went back and read every page and almost every post in this thread while re-watching season 5.

I am super exhausted and at this point I'm just waiting for Season VI.

I am convinced that this is the greatest Television Series in history and this thread has definitely made it better... I applaud you all.
You can rewatch season 5 on ABC.com .. I'm about to rewatch the whole season on there before the 2nd.
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Ok guys, season 5 season finale part 1. I have a question about an exchange between somebody and Juliet and I'm not how to ask it without revealing stuff.

Spoiler [+]
Right when Kate, Sawyer and Juliet get back to the Island after coming back from the sub, Bernard asks Juliet "you sure you don't want some tea?" Then it shows his face and the music plays or whatever. Does anyone know what he meant? There's no way this was an awkward camera moment or something like that.
I have no idea, but it was very odd to me also.

CreekShow & MetallicNitro-- Thanks for posting that pic.

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

No Desmond in that pic? Hmmmmm.....
I'm hoping he just didn't make the photo shoot.But, I'm sure they could've PS'd him in there somehow.

Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

how good is Lost really?
Simply put.... it's the GOAT.

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

If anyone would be so kind as to give me a quick recap of season 5 it would be greatly appreciated
It's almost impossible to give a "quick recap" of S5. Other season's maybe.. but not S5.

Originally Posted by prokid404

So I just went back and read every page and almost every post in this thread while re-watching season 5.

I am super exhausted and at this point I'm just waiting for Season VI.

I am convinced that this is the greatest Television Series in history and this thread has definitely made it better... I applaud you all.

I can tell I'm about to be in full Lost mode because I'm starting to quote everything.

And if you haven't yet, I suggest you watch S5 over before S6 starts. Everything made much more sense (to me anyway)the 2nd time watching it.
Been away a few days and this thread has jumped a few pages. NICE.

Here's a different version of the last supper picture that hasn't been posted. Few people moved around.


I just finished watching Jughead again as i'm going through S5. Kinda having a mini marathon on my day off.

28 days from now it will be LOST TUESDAY. Word to DEMJS.
Alright yeah so I guess asking for a quick recap of season 5 was a reach

Thanks to the dude who said there's free episodes on abc.com, I'll definitely check it out.
Any episodes you guys recommend watching or skipping though? Not really tryna watch each and every episode
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Any episodes you guys recommend watching or skipping though? Not really tryna watch each and every episode

Too many things happen. You would literally tell yourself"oh what the @+!* happened to set that up? I gotta go back and watch that one now."

That new pic EBW posted is making me think Claire is special too. Like Hurley special.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Any episodes you guys recommend watching or skipping though? Not really tryna watch each and every episode

Too many things happen. You would literally tell yourself "oh what the @+!* happened to set that up? I gotta go back and watch that one now."

That new pic EBW posted is making me think Claire is special too. Like Hurley special.

Well alright then, looks like I'm in for a Lost marathon this weekend
wow that second last supper pic is mad creepy...like they caught us watching them creepy.

And my comment on Desmond not being in the pic just means he may not appear on the island after all...hopefully he"ll be on the show still.
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by 18key

CertifiedSW wrote:

Any episodes you guys recommend watching or skipping though? Not really tryna watch each and every episode

Too many things happen. You would literally tell yourself
"oh what the @+!* happened to set that up? I gotta go back and watch that one now."

That new pic EBW posted is making me think Claire is special too. Like Hurley special.

Well alright then, looks like I'm in for a Lost marathon this weekend

Nah dude... when you get to season 3.... please PLEASE skip the episode "Expose" It had NOTHING to do with anything

When I watched it the first time I Was like hmmm I have a feel I should skip this... I wasted 45 mins of my life that i'll never get back, that episode hadnothing to do with ANYTHING
NVM see you were just asking about season 5.. yeah every episode of season 5 was great...
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW


Well alright then, looks like I'm in for a Lost marathon this weekend

Nah dude... when you get to season 3.... please PLEASE skip the episode "Expose" It had NOTHING to do with anything

When I watched it the first time I Was like hmmm I have a feel I should skip this... I wasted 45 mins of my life that i'll never get back, that episode had nothing to do with ANYTHING
NVM see you were just asking about season 5.. yeah every episode of season 5 was great...
Crag, at first I was like what are you talking about Ididn't even ask about season 3. But yup, I'm about to watch all of season 5. Does anyone know how long ABC will be keeping up those full episodesthough? Or do they just keep 'em up there forever?
That 2nd pic is kinda weird. It's also weird that I didn't "miss" Claire that much in S5. I guess there was too much other stuff going on.
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