LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Okay so something else just dawned on me, maybe it's been stated already. When Ben met up with Widmore in his bedroom (haha...+#$%...it may be
) they stated that each other can't return to the island. Could that mean that Widmore turned the wheel? And I wondered if Alpert was the original one who could talk to Jacob but through certain events he fell out of favor and Ben took counsel role, then it was taken away from him by Locke.

That's been speculated (and is probably true, IMO). Especially now that we know a young Widmore was on the island. But, it hasn't been officiallyconfirmed.

I don't think Alpert ever fell out with Jacob, I wouldn't be surprised if they was father and son, brothers, or possibly the same person (stuck indifferent time loops).
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

At this point we have to assume that's why they can't return just based off what we know about the rules of returning the island.

I just thought of this as I was responding, why was Locke the one supposed to move the island? I haven't read the write ups yet so that might be in there and I don't think it's been discussed here. What gives? Is Locke not supposed to be on the island?

When Locke seen Christian, Christian told Locke HE was supposed to move the island. And then Ben done it. And the write up suggested Ben knew that Locke wassupposed to move it, but done it himself, for what reason we don't know yet. Possibly because he knew Locke messed up (or would mess up), and he coul"save the day" and get back on Jacob's good side.
Ben said to Widmore that he will never find the island and Widmore said neither will you...

Here's the catch. When the Island jumps in time, the rest of the world continues turning, orbiting, etc. through space. The Earth will thus be in a different position relative to the Island when it reappears. If you have trouble visualizing what I mean, consider an analogy inspired by the comments of poster Wayne Allen Sallee. Due to the Earth's motion, the constellations you see from a given location tonight will be different from those you'll see from the same location in six months.

I posted that and other info on page 79
Its funny you say that CF cuz I remember way back when, when Locke was taken to the cabin by Ben we got to see the shadowy figure of Jacob and alot of peoplewere saying it looked like either Alpert or Ben.

As to why Locke is the one who's supposed to move the island my only guess is his relentless faith in the island/jacob...maybe the island is using hisfaith to dupe him to take the fall for the islands/jacobs true purposes.
I just had a thought that both Ben and Widmore are using these people to break that rule to get back to the island. Both crews have people that are returningto the island. Maybe they have to give the island some sacrificial lambs to gain re-entry.
Each episode this season has started with a parent child relationship : Candle and his baby, Desmond and Charlie Hume, Kate and Aaron, Sun and her daughter.�Walt should have a big role coming up this season. Hopefully.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by quiktoflip

Does that crack in the side look to anyone else that the monster broke out? Could that be the incident Candle was taking about?
The monster broke out and raised all kinds of hell.

Isnt it weird that in all the walking around that the Losties did, they never came across the temple before?
Ben sent his people to the temple to wait for him. If the monster is there "living" they obviously arent afraid of it.


Ben can control the Monster (at least he did when he got it to attack Keemy).

I don't know if Ben can "control" it, but he can unleash it. It appears to me that smokey's purpose is to protect/maintain the tranquility of the island and its original inhabitants (the others) by laying the hammer down to any threats to that tranquility (like you said, "the incident"). What I don't understand is why Russeau's baby daddy was defending the smoke monster's actions right before he tried to put a cap in his lady's #@+. Does the temple have some sort of mind control? Is there something in the temple that can convert you from being an outsider to an "other" so smokey leaves you alone? Ugh!....more questions.
I think you're right. The smoke monster weeds out those who can be manipulated and those that can't. Ecko, I believe, was the only Lostie( other than insignificant background survivors of the crash)� that got killed by the smoke monster. He NEVER compromised his true self, during the numerousattempts by the smoke monster ( intimidation through overwhelming power, the illusions of his priest brother, and the request that he repent). Ecko held firm,and so smoky deaded him.


That does sound like Daniel in the background. Hmm..
Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

Two questions for you lost heads. 1. i was re watching season 3 and it was the episode where Jack was getting a tattoo and the lady on the island said his tat said "he walks among us but he is not one of us" what do u take from that and 2. Christian Shepard was a man with a family, two actually.lol. but a great doctor and im guessing he was either at work or with the fam, so why does he have so much say with the island? I mean i know they will explain it i just dont get how.
Jack may be considered an outsider or a pseudoleader ( is that a word, lol). He was nowhere near the plane crash on the first episode. Hewasn't on Jacob's list.� Jack is currently aligned with Ben, who IMO is the "bad" guy. Christian Shepard had his family and practice afterleaving the Island ( assuming he was on the Island at some point before). He got back to the Island by dying in Austrailia. Same thing will happen with Locke.�
Spaceman-- Ben and Widmore def have something up their sleeves. That's an interesting theory.

-That's def Faraday in the background, IMO.

-And Jack's not a pseudo leader...... he's a lame.
Yeah im saying, Widmore had 3, Ben and Ellie have 6. Maybe they need 3 per.

Im def overthinking it. Show makes me wanna smoke weed again to see what it's like high.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I just had a thought that both Ben and Widmore are using these people to break that rule to get back to the island. Both crews have people that are returning to the island. Maybe they have to give the island some sacrificial lambs to gain re-entry.
Wasn't it Widmore that gathered the Losties and crashed the plane onto the Island? He already did it. Ben just one up him and moved theisland.
The producers said that Adam and Eve are a part of the ending of the show and proof that they had an idea of how it was gonna end all along.

They've been adamant that they won't leave the door open for a movie. So if there are questions left, it was meant to be that way.
Dadgummit! I leave for a few hours and come home to this! Each one of you pick a corner and go stand in it and I don't wanna hear a peepoutta you until I tell you to come out! If we can't all be a big happy LOST family then I'm leaving and I'm taking the cat with me!
Originally Posted by vector23

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I just had a thought that both Ben and Widmore are using these people to break that rule to get back to the island. Both crews have people that are returning to the island. Maybe they have to give the island some sacrificial lambs to gain re-entry.
Wasn't it Widmore that gathered the Losties and crashed the plane onto the Island? He already did it. Ben just one up him and moved the island.
Widmore only found the island after the hatch blew up.
Originally Posted by vector23

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I just had a thought that both Ben and Widmore are using these people to break that rule to get back to the island. Both crews have people that are returning to the island. Maybe they have to give the island some sacrificial lambs to gain re-entry.
Wasn't it Widmore that gathered the Losties and crashed the plane onto the Island? He already did it. Ben just one up him and moved the island.
I don't remember anything that said widmore put that together.
Why is it that people can't "return" to the island?

Is it because they move it, therefore they won't be able to find it again? Or something like that?

On another note...

I think Adam and Eve are Adam and Eve?

Time traveling makes it possible
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW


Also, we should have some sort of running list of who people think Adam & Eve is......I'll say Paulo & Nikki

Ok, i'll take Aaron and Ji Yeon.
@ what this post has become...I just finished watching last weeks episode and the only theory I have is everybody that knows things about the island thatis off the island has been on the island.

Some go crazy on it while others go crazy off. People that died on the island finished their task or island was done with them.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW


Also, we should have some sort of running list of who people think Adam & Eve is......I'll say Paulo & Nikki

Ok, i'll take Aaron and Ji Yeon.
im with you EBW, so far only Aaron and sun were told not to come back
That's definitely Daniel in that video.

I think there's something about Locke that we don't know and he's not "the one" for some reason. He never really killed his father, hehad Sawyer do it. He didn't turn the wheel, Ben did it. And finally, when he did turn the wheel, it's not him bringing everyone back, it's Ben. He didn't give Sun Jin's ring. I don't know but it's something I've been thinking about. This dude doesn't come through when he'ssupposed to and I think Ben's been using him to get whatever he wants done.. whatever crazy plan he probably has.
Originally Posted by vector23

Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

Two questions for you lost heads. 1. i was re watching season 3 and it was the episode where Jack was getting a tattoo and the lady on the island said his tat said "he walks among us but he is not one of us" what do u take from that and 2. Christian Shepard was a man with a family, two actually.lol. but a great doctor and im guessing he was either at work or with the fam, so why does he have so much say with the island? I mean i know they will explain it i just dont get how.
Jack may be considered an outsider or a pseudoleader ( is that a word, lol). He was nowhere near the plane crash on the first episode. He wasn't on Jacob's list.� Jack is currently aligned with Ben, who IMO is the "bad" guy. Christian Shepard had his family and practice after leaving the Island ( assuming he was on the Island at some point before). He got back to the Island by dying in Austrailia. Same thing will happen with Locke.�
Don't forget Jack was playing football with the "Others"

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