LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

I was thinking it could have been an old copy, but it looked kinda fresh...

I dunno. I'm probably looking into it too much but thats how I get down with LOST.
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

That TIME magazine in the beginning of the episode was from the 1950's...so can we guess that Locke/315ers are in the same time as Jack/Sawyer/Jin just on different islands? I don't fully believe that 315 crashed in 2007 but i'm not exactly sure if I wanna stick with that theory for right now.

Locke with the cloak at the beginning was trippy too...Jacob anyone?

Sorry just rewatching the episode again with the laptop posting a few thoughts that I haven't seen mentioned so far.
Good pick up on the TIME magazine!

i dont recall but how old did the magazine look? could it have been just an old copy from the 50's?
It had the old time logo with white lettering and red box in the corner of the front cover. I agree with EBW but it did look like a fresh copyfrom the 50's however the points brought up about everything looking old and dusty is a fair point.
heres a pic of the mag i think its an old copy because the table next to its dusty. i also included the sheet the guy found in the beginning of the show lookslike something Faraday had in his book

B/C Jack wasn't trying to f with what Locke was saying.

I feel like after Locke brought up the "Say hit to my son" line that really shook Jack. I think that might have caused him to start drinking,poppin' pills, and take random flights over the Pacific Ocean trying to get back to the island.

It might be, that was who I thought have but within those pics there are three or more people who we don't know. Actually nvm

I just saw this pic http://www.imagebam.com/image/75b1eb27848436/ kinda looks like he is wearing aDharma suit


Is LaFleur the name of someone or, the flower.

It also seems that Swayer knows who the girl is

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

B/C Jack wasn't trying to f with what Locke was saying.

I feel like after Locke brought up the "Say hit to my son" line that really shook Jack. I think that might have caused him to start drinking, poppin' pills, and take random flights over the Pacific Ocean trying to get back to the island.

There was always the fact that his body was missing and that he saw his dad in the jungle, I'm sure that has been eating away at Jack. I think the othertimes when he saw his dad were after this.
Can we finally agree that Walt ISN'T special?....
I think they want us to forget about Walt's abilities and the fact that he's special...For the time being.

If we know anything for sure, We know that Lost doesn't just do just do/show things for the hell of it.
Eight years later, Brian tracked down Michael in New York, and told him that they had moved to Australia and whilst there, Susan had died of a "blood disorder". Brian arrived in New York the day after Susan's death. He pleaded with Michael to take custody of Walt once more, and gave him tickets for the flight to Sydney and back, plus extra money for travel expenses. Brian had never wanted to be a father, and had only adopted Walt to appease Susan. Brian also admitted that he was afraid of Walt, saying: "There's something about him. Sometimes, when he's around, things happen. He's different somehow."
One thing that made Brian suspect Walt was "different" happened shortly before his mother Susan's death. As Brian and Susan were discussing her recently diagnosed illness, Walt was studying a book of Australian native birds, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening in the room. He wanted Brian to look at the entry for the Australian Bronze ****oo. When Brian ignored him, Walt became angry and insistent, demanding "You're not looking!" Suddenly a bird slammed into the sliding glass door, killing itself on impact. It was an Australian Bronze ****oo.
Let's not forget The Others kidnapping him for God knows how long and making him take tests, Then Klugh asking Michael all of thosequestions...

I don't think all of that was for nothing...
Yea, Walt has appeared in places he shouldn't technically be...And he's not dead/a spirit.
When Michael went after the Others to retrieve Walt, he was captured. An Other who called herself Ms. Klugh asked Michael, "Has Walt ever been somewhere he wasn't meant to be?".
Walt Theories:

Spoiler [+]
[h2]Future[/h2]http:// [h3]Walt as future leader[/h3]http:// [h4]Theory 1: Locke, Ben, and Walt (and even Aaron) share the features of the "special" person who is chosen to lead the Island by the Others.[/h4]
  • Walt, Locke, and Ben share many characteristics; these commonalities may imply the (necessary?) characteristics of the leaders the Others chose to lead them, and could have implications for Walt.
    • They all had bad fathers.
    • They all had troubled home lives.
    • They were all raised without mothers.
      • Walt was raised by his mother, so I dont think he applies to this statement...
    • They all had mothers who died prematurely.
      • Locke had a foster mother, but was not raised by his biological mother.
      • Walt was only with his mother until she died when he was 10.
    • All were born off-island.
      • All were contacted/observed as young children by Richard and the Others
      • All love the Island and are capable of special insights into its working.
        • Like Locke (the picture he drew of the Monster as a boy) and Ben ("I always have a plan"; "I used to have dreams, too"), the Island communicates with Walt, giving him visions of the future in his dreams that influence his behavior (i.e. burning the escape raft) to make certain events occur. Like them, he also did not want to leave the Island.
  • The Others only have a rough approximation and a few clues who the "special" people are, and thus rely on clues (i.e. the similarities shared by Locke and Ben, the test Alpert gives Locke as a boy, and the tests the Others ran on Walt (blood tests, etc.)) to find them.
    • Richard says that The Others chose their leaders very carefully from a very very young age.(Jughead While Walt can be considered not very very young, it is plausible that the tests that they had him take were for this purpose.
  • Walt is to Locke as Ben is to Richard.
    • What does this mean?
      • They mean that, when Ben was a child, and Richard found him, Richard saw the potential of Ben as being formidable to the Others, through whatever means Richard was able to gauge Ben's resolve. Ben's sincerity in wanting to join the Others at a young age, escaping from his current habitation, resembles Walt's want to not only stay on the island, but become someone of use on the island, given the promise Locke seems to see in him. Ben, in Richard's eyes, was seen as someone who could easily survive on the island and help protect it, which given Ben's history, he seems to have done pretty well. Locke sees Walt as someone who can also help protect the island. I think that's what he meant.
  • Ben said that the Others would never give back Walt, presumably because he is so special. When they finally have to, it is not inconceivable that they also have a plan for ultimately getting them back, especially after Michael is dead - though his grandma seems like a tough customer in There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3.
  • Walt's special abilities make him a likely candidate for the Others' leader.
    • Ms. Klugh asks Michael if Walt had ever appeared somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. This is a direct reference to his special ability (whether controlled or uncontrollable) to appear to various Losties on the Island.
  • Now that Locke is dead There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3, Walt might be the candidate to replace him, and thus one of the Losties who "has to go back" according to Ben. In the end, the Others may have thought Locke was their chosen one, but it turns out it was one of the other Losties who had bad fathers, troubled home lives, raised without mothers. Possible candidates who meet at least some of these criteria are: Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, or of course Ben again.
  • It's important to note Walt's special powers make him only a candidate for leadership, not the necessary or eventual leader. Walt was let go in by the Others because he was was more trouble than they bargained for. His power may have been to unwieldy, too strong, or not in keeping with Jacob's mission or goals. Dpetley 19:13, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
  • Walt does not really share characteristics with Locke and Ben.
    • Michael wasn't a bad father; his mother kept him out of Walt's life. Brian was by all accounts a good father.
      • He wasn't a good father until Walt's mother died and he had no choice but to raise the boy.
    • Walt was raised by his mother.
    • They were all born off-island, but so are most of the characters on the show.
    • Richard has not had any contact with Walt on record.
      • Richard had no contact with Ben, either, until Ben was on the Island. Walt was being tested for something by the Others and its certainly reasonable to assume Richard was involved.
    • The similarities between Ben and Locke are more striking than the collective trio.
  • The fact that the Others gave Walt back despite of what Ben said might be an evidence that he is not what they were looking for.
  • Knowing that the Losties are supposed to stay on the Island or that the Island is special does not mean someone is meant to be the Others' leader.
    • Rose knows too (in a way). She also knows how special the Island is, and Eko knows too.
  • Having special powers does not mean that Walt is meant to be the Others' leader.
    • Locke and Ben do not seem to have any powers other than talking to Jacob and insight.
    • Desmond has his own power to see the future, and does not seem to be a candidate for leader.
    • Cuse was quoted in an Entertainment Weekly article that "...there's a circularity to the way the story of Michael and Walt is going to unfold in the overall mythology, and that is a long-planned approach."
http:// [h2]Rescue Boat Call Scene[/h2]
  • Walt did not tell Locke anything new, after his scene ended, that would lead Locke to believe that he must stop Naomi from making the call. Walt only told him that Naomi is about to get them rescued off the Island, and Locke already knew that he must stop them. Locke already knows that they're "not supposed to" be rescued.
    • From the moment they crashed on the Island, Locke has known that the Island is their destiny and there is no other life for them (much like the psychic told Claire regarding Aaron). This is why he has been destroying every means of getting off the Island (i.e. condoning Walt's burning the raft, blowing up the submarine, and knocking out Sayid before he was able to locate the source of Rousseau's distress signal). Locke already knows that they're "not supposed to" be rescued. All Walt had to tell him was that Naomi was about to make the call, and Locke already knew he had to stop her.
  • This scene is the off-islanders, including Walt, returning but the island still jumping through time. Walt, disillusioned to everything that happened since he left, went off to try to change the past, ignoring all possible protests because the O6 lied about his father still being alive. Instead of changing the past (because it can't be changed) he caused the following chain of events, mainly the death of Naomi.
http:// [h2]Monster[/h2]http:// [h3]Theory 1: Walt is the smoke monster[/h3]
  • Walt may be using his powers to send a mental self-projection to appear as the monster. (This can Be as Ben call the monster to help him when he in the house with Locke. the people from the ship send to get Ben of the Island. the monster come and kill the soldiers from the ship)
  • Maybe Walt is the monster - post death and freed from the bandages of time. Kills Eko, whom seemed to be an antagonist of Locke until a day or two before his death, and tries to bring Locke to a place where he could learn about the island (a pit possibly leading to temple).
http:// [h3]Theory 2: The smoke monster is Walt[/h3]http:// [h4]Evidence[/h4]
  • Walt is just another projection that the Monster (maybe Jacob) used to move things along.
    • Jacob knows that only by saving Locke and manipulating him to perhaps convince Jack not to save the Losties--and, in effect, killing them and raising the possibility that the Island will be discovered and thereby tainted--can the Island be kept whole.
      • This is substantiated by Ben's insistence that everything he did he did for the "island." Which is Jacob, the manifestation of the power of the Island.
  • When Walt appeared to John, he was just a manifestation of the Island. Therefore it is the Island that is asking Locke to help. As we know Locke has "some sort of communion with the Island."
    • This explains why Jacob said, "Help me." Jacob is the Island. And since he knew that Jack and Naomi were trying to get rescued, he needed John's help to save the Island--to save him.
    • This would also explain why Ben shot Locke because Jacob asked Locke not Ben and this is why Jacob either brings Walt or a manifestation of Walt to help him.
  • The writers gave us subtle proof that Walt was a manifestation of the Island or of Locke's imagination. Walt always called Locke, "Mr. Locke" but when Walt appeared to Locke in "Through the Looking Glass" he called him "John."
    • In that case it would probably be the former, since Locke would probably imagine Walt calling him by what he always did, "Mr. Locke".
http:// [h4]Counter-evidence[/h4]
  • If Jacob was going to show Walt to Locke, surely he wouldn't have shown an aged Walt - he'd show Walt as he looked when leaving the Island. This would ensure Locke actually recognized him. The Walt that Locke sees is actually Walt, and he has aged at an accelerated pace, in much the same way as Ben seems to (e.g. compared to Richard Alpert).
    • The actor who plays Walt is going to age, however they wanted him to still appear relatively young (hence the over-sized clothing and the frequent face close ups.) I don't think his rapid aging after being off the Island for only about a month (show time) is relevant.
      • If it wasn't, Locke wouldn't have mentioned that it was "Walt... only taller."
      • In reality Malcolm David Kelley, who plays Walt, is 14 years old. In the show, Walt is supposed to be 10 years old. This explains the rapid aging, it has nothing to do with events inside the plot.
    • Actually the producers confirmed in a recent podcast that Walt's appearance on the Island has been part apparition, part monster.
  • Walt is not Smoke Monster. Bea Klugh asked Michael if Walt was ever somewhere he shouldn't have been, and Michael was caught off-guard by the question, showing us that Walt has (at least) the ability to manifest himself away from his current physical location.
  • Based on the events occurring early in Season 5, it seems much more probable that Walt, at some point in the future, after he's grown older, returns to the Island and ends up becoming unstuck in time. When his world-line coincides with Locke's at the end of Season 3, he gives him the message to stop Naomi (his motivation hasn't been revealed yet).
http:// [h3]Walt controls the smoke monster[/h3]
  • Walt controls the monster to appear to Locke. This is why his is "Walt only taller" (we can assume older) and yet, as the producers say, a manifestation of the monster.
http:// [h2]Captivity[/h2]
  • There may be some connection between Walt's strange powers and Aaron. Aaron is shown crying immediately after Charlie dies. While this may just be a coincidence, or just a factor of a miserable trek through the jungle, there could be something special that happens to children brought to or (in a rare case) born on the Island.
    • Neither Alex nor Karl have shown any special abilities like Aaron did. Alex was definitely born on the Island. It is unknown whether Karl was born on the Island or brought there after his birth.
      • It is possible Alex was not born on the Island. We know nothing concrete of Rousseau's past, only what she has told us. And almost every one of the characters has had a reason (or two) to lie about their past.
        • Alex was born on the island because Rousseau was still pregnant when she recorded her distress signal and she stated she gave birth to her 2 days later.
  • Walt may have been taken to the Barracks and saw the Others without their disguises, because he told Michael that the Others are 'not what they seem' and 'they pretend'.
  • He and Michael were directed to the second island, where they are still captive.
  • Escaped from Hydra Island by swimming, explaining why he always appeared wet.
http:// [h2]Ability[/h2]
  • Walt may have a strange ability that allows him to project himself back through time from 2007 to 2004 to give Locke a mission. (Perhaps at the request of Jack, who wants to undo the chain of events that led to him leaving the Island)
    • Maybe he arrives back on the Island with the Oceanic Six and engages in jumping through time, perhaps ending up in time to tell Locke what he needs to do. Maybe Locke as Bentham told him when and where.
  • Walt had 'special powers' (we know this because when he was in Australia with his mother, he 'summoned' a bird he was looking at in a book), so it would make sense for Jacob to have him near, as it appears The Others are looking for 'special' people, like Locke.
  • He and Aaron represent "light" and "dark" pawns in a struggle between two sides, as metaphorically suggested by Locke during the backgammon game.
  • Much of the apparent psychic ability Walt has displayed while on the Island may stem from his reading of the Green Lantern comic book. Inspired by this, Walt may be the so-called "the magic box". Walt summoned the polar bear after seeing it in his comic book. Walt has the power to make his wishes appear. This might be why the Others wanted him.
    • It is Vincent, not Walt, that has psychic powers: when something "strange" happens to or around Walt, Vincent is with him (the bird in the flashback, throwing the knife, etc.); when Walt appears to Shannon, she's taking care of Vincent (Vincent also finds the DHARMA van and knows Nikki and Paulo are still alive).
      • Except in the Missing Pieces, there is a pile of dead birds outside the window to Room 23 when Walt is in it. Room 23 is on Hydra Island. Vincent is still on the main island at this time.
  • In addition to animal empathy, Walt may possess the ability to manipulate probabilities.
    • When playing backgammon, he always gets the exact rolls he needs to move ahead in the game.
    • During an argument with Walt about finding a missing Vincent, Michael says, "I'm going to get your dog back as soon as it stops raining." Walt looks out from under the shrapnel that was covering them, and almost instantly, the rain stops.
  • When Ms. Klugh is questioning Michael, she asks him, "Did Walt ever appear in a place where he was not supposed to be?" Michael does not understand what she is asking, so she clarifies, "You say he was halfway around the world, but... did you see him?" She could be suggesting that Walt can project his image across great distances (as in the paranormal phenomenon of astral projection). The Others may know that he appeared to Shannon and Sayid.
  • Walt may be capable of teleporting himself across space and time, like Richard Alpert, hence he was teleporting himself to Shannon in order to warn her of the danger she was about to face, or indeed to cause her death.
  • Walt used his powers to teleport into a room with a computer, allowing him to contact Michael. It is this incident that alerted the Others to his potential danger to them.
    • Walt didn't use the computer to contact Michael, it was the Others using it to lead him into their trap while watching from the Pearl.
      • It may have been Walt who contacted Michael at first. The Others caught him doing that and decided it to use it to their advantage and get Michael there.
  • In "Special", Walt's ability to see with his mind's eye is a sign of the artistic vision he received from his father.
  • Walt will return in season 4, but will have aged (as in real life) approximately three years. This will be explained by time moving slower on the Island.
  • Walt's powers may be, in essence, a "younger version" of the same abilities that Desmond has.
    • Another possibility is that Walt's abilities pertain to the concept of "space" (being in multiple places at once, manipulating physical elements such as backgammon dice and weather) and Desmond's pertain to "time" (crossing from present to past, seeing future events and thus having the capacity to alter the "direction" in which time flows).
    • He could also be the opposite of Desmond in the sense that Desmond sees the future and attempts to stop it, Walt could be in the future and tells Shannon "They're coming ad they're close" referring to Ana Lucia in an attempt to stop it from happening unforunately it didn't work or the "Universe changed" in accordance with what Desmond was told when he went back into the past. This also agrees with Walt telling Locke that "He has work to do", this meant that he had to stop Naomi and Jack, however Jack called his bluff and once again the universe "Corrected itself" much in the same way Desmond tried to save Charlie only that Walt is trying to do it from the future.(If any of you watch Heroes its a bit like Hiro trying to stop the bomb going off).
  • Walt is actually Jacob
    • Not likely- Jacob appears to be an old man.
      • If this is linked to the above theory, though...
  • Walt appeared to Locke to change the past. He comes from the future which we know from Jack's flash-forward, in which somebody dies, probably Michael, because the lostaway returned which is connected to his death. In order to change this event, Walt trys to hold all of them on the Island. Because of that he is older.
  • Walt's special powers were passed on to him from his mother Susan Lloyd who came from the Island, originally a slave on the Black Rock. She died of an unspecified "blood disorder." Alvar Hanso (who is also theorized to have come from the Island via the Black Rock) had something unusual about his blood, something that would cause "heart problems" (according to The Lost Experience). Hanso was reported to be "older than he looked" suggesting unnaturally long life, if not immortality, presumably a result of living on the Island. This longevity is manifested in a blood anomaly or "disorder" that can cause death when islanders leave the Island. Passed on to Walt off the Island, the anomaly is the cause of his special abilities.
  • Walt's special power is somehow related to birds.
  • Walt is "special" because his body and mind both travel time as opposed to Desmond who has only traveled with his mind.
  • Walt has some influence/control over electromagnetic fields. This is why the bird runs into the window because migrating birds use magnetic fields for navigation. Walt may be able to be in two places much like the bunnies in the Orchid orientation film.
    • Walt's control over electromagnetic fields allows him to transport both his mind and his image between time periods. He must use a constant to do this. Several constants still exist on the Island for Walt. The most obvious one is Vincent - which explains why he appeared to Shannon, who was caring for Vincent. However, his connection to Locke also allowed him to appear to Locke as well.
    • When he appeared to Shannon (before she died), he seemed to be frantic, trying to warn Shannon of her death. He was still going back in time when he was talking to Shannon which explains why he was talking backwards.
  • Walt's abilities will be instrumental in getting the O6 back to the Island in season 5.
  • Walt is Matthew Abaddon. First of all, Abaddon refers to Locke in the flashback as "Mr. Locke", just like Walt. He also convinces Locke to take the walkabout, seeming like he will know what will happen. Abaddon also says he took a walkabout once, and this could be a reference to the Island.
    • Perhaps older Walt is making sure the timestream remains intact as Abaddon? We've seen him do three things so far-he's scared Hurley into going back to the island, he's recruited the science team, and he's drawn Locke to the island by way of a walkabout. Perhaps, then, he is manipulating events to make sure that everything occurs as it should-sort of like Mrs. Hawking or Desmond- He's "special," just like them.
  • In "Tabula Rasa" when Michael exclaims that he will search for the dog when it stops raining, Walt makes the rain cease.
http:// [h2]Misc[/h2]
  • Michael did not actually use the computer physically to communicate with Walt. The computer tapped into Michael's mind somehow, or vice versa.
    • The producers stated on the promo for 'Secrets of Lost' (Blue-Ray special feature), that it indeed was Walt, who Michael was talking to. However, they didn't say if Walt did is physically, or telepathically.
  • Walt will meet up and talk with the oceanic six. He will become a major character again in the "2006-2008" time line of the show. Malcolm David Kelley's current age will match up correctly to the future timeline.--Jbaltiero 14:49, 6 May 2008 (PDT)
  • He must go back with the rest of the Oceanic 6 because he was on the plane too.
  • Michael, Walt's father, much like Aaron's father was/is an artist or painter who wasn't around much or at all for the childhood of either Walt or Aaron. They are both "special" and require some kind of special attention. There may be some link, especially because Backgammon/Light Vs. Dark is such a common theme, and Walt and Aaron could represent a potential battle between the two forces.
http:// [h2]Pop Culture Reference[/h2]
  • Walt's character, a child with special powers in the midst of a strange situation, could be a reference to the literary work of Stephen King, who often centers his stories around similar "special" children, such as in the Shining, Carrie, and Firestarter.
http:// [h2]Room 23 (Walt)[/h2]
  • Walt has a unique condition that allows him to "tap into" The Island's power(s)
  • When we first see walt use his powers his kills a small bird, when he kills alot more whilst being in room 23 his power has grown vastly and is able to do alot more

I feel like he WAS going to be, but isn't going to be...
Locke was thought to be special at one point, Then he was thought not to be special at onepoint...

He also didn't start fulfilling his destiny as leader of the island until he was an old man...

Who knows where Walt will end up and what he'll end up doing...
The best thing about this ep is that there isn't a break between episodes like somebody said.

And the dude Walt is special. First thing he says to Locke is he's been dreaming about him, in a suit, surrounded by people. And there he is, on theisland, in a suit, surrounded.

I would like to hope that Walt will play a vital part towards the end of the show, I just don't THINK it will play out like that.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Can we finally agree that Walt ISN'T special?....
I think they want us to forget about Walt's abilities and the fact that he's special...For the time being.

If we know anything for sure, We know that Lost doesn't just do just do/show things for the hell of it.
Eight years later, Brian tracked down Michael in New York, and told him that they had moved to Australia and whilst there, Susan had died of a "blood disorder". Brian arrived in New York the day after Susan's death. He pleaded with Michael to take custody of Walt once more, and gave him tickets for the flight to Sydney and back, plus extra money for travel expenses. Brian had never wanted to be a father, and had only adopted Walt to appease Susan. Brian also admitted that he was afraid of Walt, saying: "There's something about him. Sometimes, when he's around, things happen. He's different somehow."
One thing that made Brian suspect Walt was "different" happened shortly before his mother Susan's death. As Brian and Susan were discussing her recently diagnosed illness, Walt was studying a book of Australian native birds, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening in the room. He wanted Brian to look at the entry for the Australian Bronze ****oo. When Brian ignored him, Walt became angry and insistent, demanding "You're not looking!" Suddenly a bird slammed into the sliding glass door, killing itself on impact. It was an Australian Bronze ****oo.
Let's not forget The Others kidnapping him for God knows how long and making him take tests, Then Klugh asking Michael all of those questions...

I don't think all of that was for nothing...

I could not agree more Barack. Walt will still have major importance in the show and I believe he will find his way back to the island. Just the fact that hestill was having dreams about Locke shows that he still has a connection to the island that he will never be able to break. I highly doubt that we have thelast of Walt....there is no way his "specialness" was so hyped up to mean absolutely nothing.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Can we finally agree that Walt ISN'T special?....
I think they want us to forget about Walt's abilities and the fact that he's special...For the time being.

If we know anything for sure, We know that Lost doesn't just do just do/show things for the hell of it.
Eight years later, Brian tracked down Michael in New York, and told him that they had moved to Australia and whilst there, Susan had died of a "blood disorder". Brian arrived in New York the day after Susan's death. He pleaded with Michael to take custody of Walt once more, and gave him tickets for the flight to Sydney and back, plus extra money for travel expenses. Brian had never wanted to be a father, and had only adopted Walt to appease Susan. Brian also admitted that he was afraid of Walt, saying: "There's something about him. Sometimes, when he's around, things happen. He's different somehow."
One thing that made Brian suspect Walt was "different" happened shortly before his mother Susan's death. As Brian and Susan were discussing her recently diagnosed illness, Walt was studying a book of Australian native birds, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening in the room. He wanted Brian to look at the entry for the Australian Bronze ****oo. When Brian ignored him, Walt became angry and insistent, demanding "You're not looking!" Suddenly a bird slammed into the sliding glass door, killing itself on impact. It was an Australian Bronze ****oo.
Let's not forget The Others kidnapping him for God knows how long and making him take tests, Then Klugh asking Michael all of those questions...

I don't think all of that was for nothing...

I could not agree more Barack. Walt will still have major importance in the show and I believe he will find his way back to the island. Just the fact that he still was having dreams about Locke shows that he still has a connection to the island that he will never be able to break. I highly doubt that we have the last of Walt....there is no way his "specialness" was so hyped up to mean absolutely nothing.

I think they were running radiation test, maybe?

And is also that other that can teleport. She was the wife of the husband who Juliet had an affair with.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Can we finally agree that Walt ISN'T special?....
I think they want us to forget about Walt's abilities and the fact that he's special...For the time being.

If we know anything for sure, We know that Lost doesn't just do just do/show things for the hell of it.
Eight years later, Brian tracked down Michael in New York, and told him that they had moved to Australia and whilst there, Susan had died of a "blood disorder". Brian arrived in New York the day after Susan's death. He pleaded with Michael to take custody of Walt once more, and gave him tickets for the flight to Sydney and back, plus extra money for travel expenses. Brian had never wanted to be a father, and had only adopted Walt to appease Susan. Brian also admitted that he was afraid of Walt, saying: "There's something about him. Sometimes, when he's around, things happen. He's different somehow."
One thing that made Brian suspect Walt was "different" happened shortly before his mother Susan's death. As Brian and Susan were discussing her recently diagnosed illness, Walt was studying a book of Australian native birds, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening in the room. He wanted Brian to look at the entry for the Australian Bronze ****oo. When Brian ignored him, Walt became angry and insistent, demanding "You're not looking!" Suddenly a bird slammed into the sliding glass door, killing itself on impact. It was an Australian Bronze ****oo.
Let's not forget The Others kidnapping him for God knows how long and making him take tests, Then Klugh asking Michael all of those questions...

I don't think all of that was for nothing...

I could not agree more Barack. Walt will still have major importance in the show and I believe he will find his way back to the island. Just the fact that he still was having dreams about Locke shows that he still has a connection to the island that he will never be able to break. I highly doubt that we have the last of Walt....there is no way his "specialness" was so hyped up to mean absolutely nothing.

I think they were running radiation test, maybe?

And is also that other that can teleport. She was the wife of the husband who Juliet had an affair with.

Did I miss something but when did she teleport?
So crazy...
.. I literally just sat there with my mouth opened when Benkilled Locke. I also noticed that they were on the smaller island. Is it possible that the 316 + Ben + Locke are there while Jack + Kate + Hurley + Sayidwere placed on the main island?

It looks like Caesar knows what's up with the island. He grabbed the shotgun for some reason and hid the fact he had it. He seemed to have some infoabout the island's map and didn't seemed phased when he was looking at all the equations and stuff. When Locke was explaining that he had died.. hewasn't shocked. Any normal person that just crashed on a deserted island would not be doing these things. Just my thoughts.

As far as next weeks preview: They showed it really quick but I thought I saw a Sawyer with a clean shave and also a Sawyer with a beard? Could a"Dharma" time Sawyer possibly meet a "real" time Sawyer?
... I know it's been said that it the producers have stated it isn'tpossible but weren't these the same dudes that time travel wasn't a key element?
I guess i'm just going against the grain with my LOST theories lately. Jack not being on the island before, Walt not being as important, etc.
Damnwhat's wrong with me.

That's the beauty of LOST though, I could be right and you guys could be wrong. Or I could be as dumb as I think I am and those theories be true.That's why i'm going to be pissed when this show is over.

Great episode. Was NOT expecting to see Abbadon offed. Or for the 316'ers to crash on the other island

Only question I have is what time period are the o6 in? 70's? How will they get back to present time now that the wheel is fixed?
Also, was the war that Widmore was talking about the one between him and Ben? It seems like it would be since Widmores mercs killed Ben's daughter.
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

So crazy...
.. I literally just sat there with my mouth opened when Ben killed Locke. I also noticed that they were on the smaller island. Is it possible that the 316 + Ben + Locke are there while Jack + Kate + Hurley + Sayid were placed on the main island?

It looks like Caesar knows what's up with the island. He grabbed the shotgun for some reason and hid the fact he had it. He seemed to have some info about the island's map and didn't seemed phased when he was looking at all the equations and stuff. When Locke was explaining that he had died.. he wasn't shocked. Any normal person that just crashed on a deserted island would not be doing these things. Just my thoughts.

As far as next weeks preview: They showed it really quick but I thought I saw a Sawyer with a clean shave and also a Sawyer with a beard? Could a "Dharma" time Sawyer possibly meet a "real" time Sawyer?
... I know it's been said that it the producers have stated it isn't possible but weren't these the same dudes that time travel wasn't a key element?
There is no doubt the O6 are on the main island because they saw Jin who was on the main island.
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