LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

True but what made all of them leave the camp. But it I don't remember it looking like it was the 815's camp. I'm assuming that they found more guns because dude found a shot gun.

The smoke monster, Dharma people, the others, could have made them leave camp and try to hide.

I don't think it was 815's either.

IDK where they could have gotten more guns though.

yea the others dont seem to be the talk 1st type thats if they ever came out of hiding

and were couldnt they have gotten guns there every were there like easter eggs

anybody kno were that dude was we he was lookin thru stuff?
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

True but what made all of them leave the camp. But it I don't remember it looking like it was the 815's camp. I'm assuming that they found more guns because dude found a shot gun.

The smoke monster, Dharma people, the others, could have made them leave camp and try to hide.

I don't think it was 815's either.

IDK where they could have gotten more guns though.

yea the others dont seem to be the talk 1st type thats if they ever came out of hiding

and were couldnt they have gotten guns there every were there like easter eggs

anybody kno were that dude was we he was lookin thru stuff?
i think they got the guns from the hydra station where Ben kept Jack before the operation.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

True but what made all of them leave the camp. But it I don't remember it looking like it was the 815's camp. I'm assuming that they found more guns because dude found a shot gun.

The smoke monster, Dharma people, the others, could have made them leave camp and try to hide.

I don't think it was 815's either.

IDK where they could have gotten more guns though.
Yeah. This is proven b/c they found a Ajira water bottle in the canoe too...

The dude looked like he was scoping maps of the island
Ok....here I go...Thoughts on this week's ep.

1. I don't think Ben is "the bad guy." It's pretty obvious to me that during his convo with Locke, Ben realized that he (Locke) was giving uptoo easy. So rather than wait for him to complete his mission (getting the O6 back) he decided he would handle it himself. Ben can be a little more convincingthan Locke. Notice how fast he got them rounded up?

2. I agree with whomever said it earlier. I don't think Locke is alive. I think he's a spirit, allowing the others to see him. I don't think Benwill even flinch when he awakens though, because he already knows how this whole leaving the island and then dying to get back thing works.

3. I can't believe nobody has mentioned that they landed on the 2nd island! The 316 crew(Caesar, Locke, Ben, etc) is in the Hydra station on the 2nd island....aka...fish biscuit island. (the clue is the kayaks, the same ones thatKate/Sawyer/Alex/her boyfriend stole in season 2, and the same one that Sawyer and crew stole a couple episodes ago). The only thing is, who stole the 3rd one.I agree, it could very well be Lapidus and Sun.

4. Michael Emerson should win an emmy for his enigmatic portrayal of Benjamin Linus. Man he is a good actor.

As usual...I'll add/make revisions as things come to me.
This is a great episode tonight but I am stunned after reading all the pages that some of the great LOST fans on here did not pick up on something veryimportant me and my girlfriend observed while watching tonights episode. If I missed this and someone mentioned it then please forgive me:

From the opening scene my girlfriend and I were both bothered about where the two new characters from flight 315 were looking for stuff. What bothered us wasthe swinging double doors. We were trying to figure out exactly what station they were in that had swinging double doors and I guessed the Hydra station whichwas the only station I recalled with those doors. I am pretty sure my guess was proven correct when we saw Locke standing on the beach looking out into theocean and you could clearly see the OTHER island. It is pretty clear to me that Flight315 crashed on the island where the Hyrdra station was that Sawyer, Jack and Kate were taken to in season 3! Am I bugging or did anyone else come to thisconclusion as well???

The temptation is great...

Nah, I can control myself though...I'm like on episode 10 or 11 of Season 3, so in due time...

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

True but what made all of them leave the camp. But it I don't remember it looking like it was the 815's camp. I'm assuming that they found more guns because dude found a shot gun.

The smoke monster, Dharma people, the others, could have made them leave camp and try to hide.

I don't think it was 815's either.

IDK where they could have gotten more guns though.

yea the others dont seem to be the talk 1st type thats if they ever came out of hiding

and were couldnt they have gotten guns there every were there like easter eggs

anybody kno were that dude was we he was lookin thru stuff?

If that is the case then it wasn't the 316 people shooting at the 815 people. Whoever was gonna killed that girl with the sack over her head, I'm surethe canoes belonged to him and his people. The smoke monster has only gone that far out a few times.

The place where dude was rather close to their camp. I believe someone posted a pic with where the Dharma stations were located a while back, can you post itagain.
Anyone want to comment on Ceasar and Sayid's P.O.? Ceaser was looking for something in that room in the beginning of the episode, he came up on somemap's that look alot like Rousseu's or the map in the swan station.

Maybe their both working for Ben, Ceasar as the dude Ben had watching Sayid maybe?

Also I hope next weeks episode explains why Jin was in Dharma gear, I know that their in that period where Dharma first got to the island because the wellwasn't dug up but how Jin got the gear/bus got me wondering. Maybe Jin was the one who taught Charlotte Korean?
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok....here I go...Thoughts on this week's ep.

1. I don't think Ben is "the bad guy." It's pretty obvious to me that during his convo with Locke, Ben realized that he (Locke) was giving up too easy. So rather than wait for him to complete his mission (getting the O6 back) he decided he would handle it himself. Ben can be a little more convincing than Locke. Notice how fast he got them rounded up?

2. I agree with whomever said it earlier. I don't think Locke is alive. I think he's a spirit, allowing the others to see him.

3. I can't believe nobody has mentioned that they landed on the 2nd island? The 316 crew is in the hydra station on the 2nd island....aka...fish biscuit island. (the clue is the kayaks, the same ones that Kate/Sawyer/Alex/her boyfriend stole in season 2, and the same one that Sawyer and crew stole a couple episodes ago). The only thing is, who stole the 3rd one. I agree, it could very well be Lapidus and Sun.

4. Michael Emerson should win an emmy for his enigmatic portrayal of Benjamin Linus. Man he is a good actor.

As usual...I'll add/make revisions as things come to me.
YEP. I noticed that hydra logo and I was like waaiiitttttttt a minute.

Had to work late tonight, but just finished the episode.


Matthew getting taken out was insane. I'm going on the assumption that Ben really DID kill him.

The whole thing with Ben killing Locke is kinda trippin me out right now. I don't really understand that scene.


Can we finally agree that Walt ISN'T special?....

I am one of the believers that Ben is THE bad guy and that Widmore is the good guy. I wanna see this "war" that's about to go down. Locke vs o6and crew? PFFFFFFF LOCKE ALL DAY SON. HIS HAWK GAME IS TOO NICE.


Trying to figure out why the "exit" is located in Tunisia and I REALLY hope we get to see Ben trick Widmore into getting off the island.

What i'm trying to figure out is...we're back at the island now. Where in the HELL do we go from here? I can't even imagine where we'll begoing for the last few episodes that we do have left of LOST but damn i'm glad to know i'll be right there the entire time.

Shoutouts to everyone from the LOST thread. Y'all dudes keep it real.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok....here I go...Thoughts on this week's ep.

1. I don't think Ben is "the bad guy." It's pretty obvious to me that during his convo with Locke, Ben realized that he (Locke) was giving up too easy. So rather than wait for him to complete his mission (getting the O6 back) he decided he would handle it himself. Ben can be a little more convincing than Locke. Notice how fast he got them rounded up?

2. I agree with whomever said it earlier. I don't think Locke is alive. I think he's a spirit, allowing the others to see him.

3. I can't believe nobody has mentioned that they landed on the 2nd island? The 316 crew is in the hydra station on the 2nd island....aka...fish biscuit island. (the clue is the kayaks, the same ones that Kate/Sawyer/Alex/her boyfriend stole in season 2, and the same one that Sawyer and crew stole a couple episodes ago). The only thing is, who stole the 3rd one. I agree, it could very well be Lapidus and Sun.

4. Michael Emerson should win an emmy for his enigmatic portrayal of Benjamin Linus. Man he is a good actor.

As usual...I'll add/make revisions as things come to me.
Its crazy that we both posted this observation at the same time! I am still stunned nobody but myself and you have pointed out 315 crashed on theother island. How people didn't pick up on it is beyond me?! The hydra station, the canoes, Locke LOOKING at the OTHER island LOL! I feel crazy! LOL!
well lets get to this then since we know there on the other time some time in the future there going to go to the main island and thats when the 815'ersteal one and take off some im guessin soon they will load up and go over to the other island

that could explain why sun ran off so fast in one already
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok....here I go...Thoughts on this week's ep.

1. I don't think Ben is "the bad guy." It's pretty obvious to me that during his convo with Locke, Ben realized that he (Locke) was giving up too easy. So rather than wait for him to complete his mission (getting the O6 back) he decided he would handle it himself. Ben can be a little more convincing than Locke. Notice how fast he got them rounded up?

2. I agree with whomever said it earlier. I don't think Locke is alive. I think he's a spirit, allowing the others to see him.

3. I can't believe nobody has mentioned that they landed on the 2nd island? The 316 crew is in the hydra station on the 2nd island....aka...fish biscuit island. (the clue is the kayaks, the same ones that Kate/Sawyer/Alex/her boyfriend stole in season 2, and the same one that Sawyer and crew stole a couple episodes ago). The only thing is, who stole the 3rd one. I agree, it could very well be Lapidus and Sun.

4. Michael Emerson should win an emmy for his enigmatic portrayal of Benjamin Linus. Man he is a good actor.

As usual...I'll add/make revisions as things come to me.
Its crazy that we both posted this observation at the same time! I am still stunned nobody but myself and you have pointed out 315 crashed on the other island. How people didn't pick up on it is beyond me?! The hydra station, the canoes, Locke LOOKING at the OTHER island LOL! I feel crazy! LOL!
Nice find, I didn't even think of the other island....well I guess I don't need that map anymore.

So I guess it is them that used those canoes...maybe

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Anyone want to comment on Ceasar and Sayid's P.O.? Ceaser was looking for something in that room in the beginning of the episode, he came up on some map's that look alot like Rousseu's or the map in the swan station.

Maybe their both working for Ben, Ceasar as the dude Ben had watching Sayid maybe?

Also I hope next weeks episode explains why Jin was in Dharma gear, I know that their in that period where Dharma first got to the island because the well wasn't dug up but how Jin got the gear/bus got me wondering. Maybe Jin was the one who taught Charlotte Korean?

Yea they make dude and the girl come off sketchy.
looks like the main island is in the past in the dharma era explaining why jin has the dharma suit and VW. while the second island looks like its in thepresent ( the run down hydra station)
Other thoughts from tonight:

I saw Ben killing Locke coming from miles away. I too agree that Ben killed Locke because he knew he HAD to and the island wouldn't allow Locke to killhimself. Case and point is that right before Locke is about to step forward the door knocks and Ben bursts through....the island refused to allow that tohappen.

Abbadons death was surprising and I wonder if it was Sayid who put in the work with the silencer.

I thought it was interesting that after Abbadons death that Locke did not dial 23 (one of the numbers) and call Widmore for help.

I may be in the minority here but I believe Ben and I believe that Widmore was using Locke due to the fact of Hurley freaking out about Abbadon's presence.I forgot Abbadon tried to get answers out of Hurley and something just doesn't sit right with me about him and Widmore. I cant say that Widmore or Abbadonare evil but I have no doubt that they like Ben will use people to get what they want.
so is locke the resurection that ben was tellin jack about in the church painting? it would take the resurection of locke for jack to finally believe. "iwish you would believe" JL
That TIME magazine in the beginning of the episode was from the 1950's...so can we guess that Locke/315ers are in the same time as Jack/Sawyer/Jin just ondifferent islands? I don't fully believe that 315 crashed in 2007 but i'm not exactly sure if I wanna stick with that theory for right now.

Locke with the cloak at the beginning was trippy too...Jacob anyone?

Sorry just rewatching the episode again with the laptop posting a few thoughts that I haven't seen mentioned so far.
I wouldn't think it would be the islands, but you NEVER know with LOST. (unless your name is Knicks

Light VS Dark coming back into play possibly???
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

That TIME magazine in the beginning of the episode was from the 1950's...so can we guess that Locke/315ers are in the same time as Jack/Sawyer/Jin just on different islands? I don't fully believe that 315 crashed in 2007 but i'm not exactly sure if I wanna stick with that theory for right now.

Locke with the cloak at the beginning was trippy too...Jacob anyone?

Sorry just rewatching the episode again with the laptop posting a few thoughts that I haven't seen mentioned so far.
Good pick up on the TIME magazine!
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

That TIME magazine in the beginning of the episode was from the 1950's...so can we guess that Locke/315ers are in the same time as Jack/Sawyer/Jin just on different islands? I don't fully believe that 315 crashed in 2007 but i'm not exactly sure if I wanna stick with that theory for right now.

Locke with the cloak at the beginning was trippy too...Jacob anyone?

Sorry just rewatching the episode again with the laptop posting a few thoughts that I haven't seen mentioned so far.
Good pick up on the TIME magazine!

i dont recall but how old did the magazine look? could it have been just an old copy from the 50's?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

That TIME magazine in the beginning of the episode was from the 1950's...so can we guess that Locke/315ers are in the same time as Jack/Sawyer/Jin just on different islands? I don't fully believe that 315 crashed in 2007 but i'm not exactly sure if I wanna stick with that theory for right now.

Locke with the cloak at the beginning was trippy too...Jacob anyone?

Sorry just rewatching the episode again with the laptop posting a few thoughts that I haven't seen mentioned so far.
nah i wouldnt go off that remember when they finally got the hatch open everything in there was as old as time
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