No Tony, why ?

You plan on copping the nelly 6 rings from them? Spoos & I have them cheaper, just buy from one of us. We won't let no one know you bought them if yourashamed.
Hey joe make it ready for war.
Mike i tryed to talk him in to buying something else but he has his mind set on the six rings.He wants to be the only kid at his school with them.I have tryedto get him to buy some older heat that none of his friends have but he want listen,he his a little young and dumb.
Well. heres how it all started. Lets see if anyone follows....read all before scrolling down.

"I know they will release this month. I just dont think yet. May be wrong."-chewvenile

"^^^^ ANy word on anyone near us getting any? I guess im going to have to pay resell prices on ebay." - chewvenile

"Chew and Dmoney, the ***** ***** just arrived at fullcourt for ***$...yall better hurry up and go copp.!"-mjmvp23

" ^^^They wont hold and I cant get off work til 6 and I lost all of your alls#. If anyone Goes Please pick me up a 10, 10.5 or 9.5, I will me eternallygrateful. 1 sz run"-chewvenile

2 minutes later

"Man im flippin out, seriously about to quit my job so I can go." -chewvenile

"chew I'll call my buddy down there and tell him to sit u a 10 or 10.5 aside and that youll be there around 6...hit me up on my cell...I sent it to uin a message. he put it up for u." mjmvp23

"Spoos I appreciate the pick ups man, if you ever need a favor give me a shout. Mj thanks for callin your buddy I appreciate it man. THis is the bestretro, as far as staying true to the OG ive seen in a long time."- chewvenile

"Not a problem chewy. I'm glad I could help out. Hey I should have let you check out my ball while you were here....
" src="http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif">" SPOOSMAN

so thanks to Chris for selling this pair to me, Corey for the first heads up and lastly David for not really caring for this shoe at all, if it wasnt for uselling them to chew in the first place for $150 each i would have never gotten this opportunity. My new pickup that will actually fit me now.

SPOOS- Do u still not care for this shoe?
"Chew and Dmoney, the ***** ***** just arrived at fullcourt for ***$...yall better hurry up and go copp.!"-mjmvp23
IMO one of Louisville's greatest sneaker release/come ups ever especially because of the hype, rarity, and Louisville's shoe scene at thetime.
That release was really the first release where everyone on this forum started to look out for one another. I'll never forget that day walking into FullCourt. Remember it like it was yesterday. He held my pair for two months for me before I copped. Still DS. lol

Sometimes I kinda wish Full Court was still around because of all the steals and what not.

Good grab btw D.
^^^Spoos, I remember you didn't really want anything to do with this shoe when it dropped lol. You just copped like four pairs for the hell of it. Icouldn't believe it.
I dont think so....we won't know until wednesday or thursday. if you want something just let me know
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