Dmoney I know fullcourt hasnt got them in yet...but they don't recieve shipment late in the afternoon so once I know what's up I'll let u all know. Chew goodluck coppin two pairs of the spizikes at jmall, the midnight madness and jmall thing will be your best bet. These are gonna go fast like the dmp IMO, I just need to find out for sure if fullcourt is going to have them because if not I need to figure out what store I'm going to copp at. O yea as of now finishline in jmall hasn't recieved their shipment either. My dad went to the mall today and one of the workers at the shoe store let him take a quick peak at the spizike and he said they look much better in person.
I can't do the resell thing personally because I don't have the money to and I just don't really like reseller's taking other people's shoes...unless they dont sell out quickly, then that is a different story.
One last thing...people keep messaging me about the foams here in louisville, their still trying to copp. lol