Well I really only want the 9's honestly and I only have about $200 towards the pack right now. I guess I'm about to get my hustle on this week. lol

Favre's retirement today was pretty sad, kinda reminded me of Michael's in '98.
Yeah man it was hard to watch for me. Cant visualize another QB behind center in GB....

I gotta pass on this pack even though i want it.
i honestly dont think the packers can be that bad next year. they got a good defense, a nice recieving core, and aaron rogers has been patiently waitin for histime and i think he'll step up to the challenge..
Is Kat Williams performing at the Palace this month?

yeah, i think its sold out!! he must be eating here in the ville, because he was just here not too long ago! i saw him here when he came last year. funnyguy...the good thing about the Palace venue is that they have a bar there, so you can get ripped before and/or during the show...
If you guys havent read the post "WOW" in the jordan brand forum i suggest you do, its the most interesting thread ive ever read. Dude is tamperingwith original jordans, restitching, resoling and sellin them as authentic game worn PEs, you must read all pages to really understand but all i can say is WOW!Take an hour out of your time if you can and read after 5 pages u are GLUED!

- its really unbelievable how much some of these guys know about shoes, even i could see that some of the shoes were tampered with.
The palace is a great venue. I've been there twice......once to see The Black Crowes and once to see Ben Harper both were good times.
^ co-sign! i'm trying to hold off from shoveling my driveway, even though i'll have to do it eventually! delaying the inevitable i guess. no matterwhat, i have to make it to the store tomorrow so i can buy Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii
How much snow did you all get in Lville. We got 9 inches in my town....the roads were terrible this morning they are fine now. Noon tomorrow UF goes for their8th win in a row against UK, possibly for a Tournament spot. Gators FTW!!!!!!!
Gator! I dont hink so buddy, we got this one, yall have had our number for 3 straight years. Were gonna send Joe, and Ramel out on top.

I can remember like it was yesterday when they were freshman, time really does fly and here lately ive been noticing it.
I feel you D. I remember when David Lee and James White were McD's AA. The crew of Lee, Roberson and Walsh could never beat UK but finally did in the SECChampionship game for UF's first. I expect it to be a helluva game don't know who can guard Speights with Patterson being injured.
Exactly, man i seen Roberson when i was in cleveland over the summer at the airport....to bad him and walsh missed out on the Title, i bet they felt likeidiots seein that they will never get burn in the league.

I dont really see anyone being able to guard him one on one, although i dont think hes a great player....hes still better than any big man we have. Hopefullystevenson can disrpuit him with his length and black some shots cuz i sure as hell know mark coury aint messin with him. We are 7-0 at home in SEC play sohopefully we can band together and get one for the 2 seniors....didnt think id say this but im really gonna miss em lol. Hopefully next year Jasper and Meekswill be healthy and we will get out to a better start, it killed us this year.

Hey ive been wondering this for a while, im sure you remember Christian Drejer? Do you know whatever happened with him, i know he left mid season for pro teamacross seas but do you know what hes up to know? Just thought you might know, i thought he had potential to be a very good NBA player.
As far as I know Drejer is still playing overseas, he was eligible for the NBA Draft a few years ago but wasn't picked up. To think they ran off JamesWhite for Drejer. Calathes reminds me of a Drejer, but has actually lived up to the hype. I think Parsons will be a great player once he puts on some weightand gets acclimated to the system.
Good first half so far. UF unis are pretty nice they are breaking out the heat today: Lucas has on Penny 1's, Hodge has on the Kobe 3 and Mitchell iswearing the Penny Foams.
YES we are IN! hopefully we can make a run in the tourney and improve our seed. No doubt about floridas unis, they are sick! i seen the heat they were rockin.I was very impresses with UK today, actually one of our best performances minus the last 2 minutes. Everyone played GREAT. Stevenson proved to me that he isgonna be a big part of the future....him and patterson next year will be trouble again if he can pick up some damn strength....he held his own against speightstoday. Bradley and Crawford went out on top. Thats what i like to see. Jai Lucas actually has me eating my words, when he spurned us last year i didnt reallycare. i said hed never be a good player in D-1 ball, hes not great, but hes a decent player who knocks down open shots....i guess we could have used himafterall. Derrick Jasper ( minus his free throw shooting ) also has me convinced we will be a GOOD team next year, hopefully Meeks can be 100% all of next yearbecause his scoring is vital. Good overall game though.
Good game. UK is probably in the tourney with that win and their tradition. UF will be back next year is Speights doesn't leave. They have some bigs comingin Vargas and Kadji.
I went to Evansville today, got to see the IX and XIV pack. The 14s are alright the 9s are sick. I've told myself I'm not going to get this packbecause I already have some White/Red 14s.
Because sometimes kids get bad advice and think they are better than they actually are. I don't think he will but you never know with 18-20 year old kids.Omar Cook, Matt Walsh and Anthony Roberson come to mind. Also Donnell Harvey UF kids seem to enter the draft when they have no business there.
^^^^^^uk has shown a lot of heart this season, i have to give it to 'em. i still wonder how long the hard-line uk fans will settle for mediocrity. all thecats fans i talk to all say "wait til next season," but realistically it'll take longer than that for the Cats to reach the level of dominationthe fans want to see...
yeah it gonna take a couple more years, but we will be back in the top 15 next year as long as injuries dont come around again. Hopefully we can make a run inthe SEC tourney, if we can somehow win the damn thing i can see as high as a 6 or 7 seed in tournament.
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