Lovecraft Country | Cancelled By HBO

I hope indigenous culture is revisited again as this series progrssss. More ifa, Santeria, voodoo, etc

Really loved the call back to that, and our own “magic” that’s been existing since forever.
I am sure that you picked up upon Christina walking into that church unfettered while Smollett was praying, then offering protection:lol: She even questioned the tactic of praying in a church! That does not happen in an ATR, as they only have access to our spirituality through the invite of Jesus/Christianity.
I am sure that you picked up upon Christina walking into that church unfettered while Smollett was praying, then offering protection:lol: She even questioned the tactic of praying in a church! That does not happen in an ATR, as they only have access to our spirituality through the invite of Jesus/Christianity.
She could walk all up inside nthe church but the house with actual spiritual protection could not be penetrated.

Looks like the next episode they are taking it back to their magical Christian roots. Looked like a baptism was taking place. Christians don't think these are rituals tho
Will is a good homie of mine, met him early when I first moved out to LA. We were part of the same church/men’s group together. But I’ve literally seen him make it out the mud to what he is today. He never went to acting school or took much acting classes, just made it out of pure determination and faith.

Will told me he was gonna be a movie star from day one and I never doubted my bro, mad proud of him!

That's pretty dope bro. I started following dude when he was still working with black and sexy tv, his show specifically (that guy) was dope. Black and sexy tv has kinda gone sideways in the years since his show ended but I'm very happy to see dude doing so well man. He pops up in alot of stuff I like (including Lovecraft) so it's really cool to see someone who worked so hard to be where he is. Tell my man to keep killing.
She could walk all up inside nthe church but the house with actual spiritual protection could not be penetrated.

Looks like the next episode they are taking it back to their magical Christian roots. Looked like a baptism was taking place. Christians don't think these are rituals tho
Yeah, it's funny that much of the juju has been watered down in order to be all inclusive, even toward your enemies. Moral of the story? Be careful as to who you let into your house.
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what’s sad is that’s all of them. They one in Knoxville TN that 1 know of and countless others I’m sure I have never heard of 😢
Very true. This map is basic.
There needs to be a database on terrorism done to black people in this country. Is there one that already exist?
I sent that reddit thread to my homie and he immediately called out at least 2 massacres I had t heard of.

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I sent that reddit thread to my homie and he immediately called out at least 2 massacres I had t heard of.
Yeah I learned about most of these some time in college.

They stuck with me though cuz you got something like the NY draft riots, one of ma y where you find out about all of these race riots cuz of the civil war. A bunch of racist white northerners unwilling to fight for their country and for freedom.

Then 60 years later in the 1910s and 1920s you got the red summer riots where the racial tension reaches a boil in the summer and seemingly with no connection other than word spreading and the post WW1 atmosphere all these race riots break out across the country.

In school, they skipped right past the 1900s man. Called it the Progressive era, touched on WWI and then fast forwarded to the depression and WWII :smh:
Let's not forget the massacre that occurred due to Jack Johnson kicking Jim Jeffries's ***, which pissed off white people all over the country.

80 Years Ago, the Truth Hurt : Johnson’s Victory Over Jeffries Taught Lesson to White America

Yeah I was just about to say the same. Look forward to them covering all that Jack Johnson greatness.
We need a movie on Wilmington. This doc does an OUTSTANDING job. The fact that the modern GOP, is still using these tactics (to this day) is sick.


Jordan men came before Michael and he knew three of them: his father, James, his grandfather William and his great-grandfather Dawson. Dawson's father was born a slave in 1862 and everyone called him ****. In the 64 years he lived, before his heart and kidneys failed and he died in a Wilmington hospital, he went from slavery to owning his own home. He learned to read and could borrow the supplies needed to farm vegetables on his own credit. Like the men in a lot of families, he was a truck farmer. On ****'s death certificate, filled out with a typewriter, is the only evidence that his father ever lived. John Jordan and his wife, Alice, came and went from this earth and left virtually no trace of themselves behind.


There's no history showing where John Jordan was born or where he was held captive as a slave. Based on his research into property and burial records, Pender County historian Mike Taylor says John likely worked the fields at Jesse Jordan's plantation. New documents are being found all the time, old wills and business papers, even maps of the swamps to the east of Highway 117. "The Angola Bay map that is attached was made in 1883," Taylor says, "and was discovered in a cache of surveys found in an old barn in a neighboring county only this past year. Michael Jordan's ancestry in America is rooted in this region going back to Colonial days. They are rooted to land, first enslaved working on land in Stag Park. I believe some of his enslaved ancestors are likely buried on this land."


Michael has never told the story in public, just as he's never publicly commented on the 1898 massacre in Wilmington, not once, even in passing. Michael's great-grandfather Dawson was 6 in 1898 and didn't die until Michael's 14th birthday. He didn't need to read a book. He knew someone who lived through it. "I'm sure the family was aware and just laid low," Zucchino says. "A lot of people didn't talk about it. It was too painful and it died out after a few generations."
There's a lot in this show that just makes me say "" but the show is at its best when it ties in with historical events/figures and making points about the racist @#$@ in American society that still exists today. I'm not a fan of magic/monster type of shows but I still find myself tuning in every weekend because of the attention to detail on that end.
To me the whole sci-fi theme has been a metaphor for white supremacy/racism. I wasn’t able to articulate it at first but the monsters have always been a symbol of white supremacy to me. This show is DEEP man.
Best show new series I've watched this year. It's far more unpredictable than anticipated. I'm not looking forward to not seeing Leti's (excellent) calves either :rolleyes.
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