MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
I don't think the cops did it. They went pretty far but I don't think that far. They came up on a scene and decided they were going to make it work for Steven. But still, who chopped up the body parts?
No matter how it was edited, we all have the same evidence and information to absorb. Of course we're being presented with everything in a more linear and quicker matter, but everything's still there.

i don't think so. i don't think we're getting the same information to absorb. we're getting the clean version of the information and/or the facts. we're not hearing all the crap that all these ppl had to hear and discuss over a 10 year period. during that time, I'm betting ALL kinds of conflicting information was coming out: rumors, news reports, incorrect new reports, biased news reports, editorialist commentary, commentary from friends, family, neighbors, classmates, colleagues, co-workers, etc. We're getting a very 20/20 view of everything and hearing it over the course 10 hours. they've cleaned it up for us. they've made it look extremely linear. they've filtered out a whole lot of information that none of us know anything about...

I mean, I guess i'm just trying to say I think this has got to be very confusing...frustrating...whatever for EVERYONE involved. even fringe locals who had nothing to do with anyone involved. we can all easily sit here and say 'oh this is ridiculous' but none of us were really be put through a 10 year process of trying to understand what happened. 

IMO...could this be like that 'get better or die' theory? Imagine you keep hearing about the SAME dude who is accused of killing the SAME girl in the SAME circumstances day in and day out for 10 you just stop caring about what is right, what is wrong...and all you want is closure? honestly, i know i can take like 5 newscycles, TOPS, about something before i make a judgement on it and never want to hear about it again. 

Thought this at first, but honestly this is all speculation. So far after the docs have been released, folks who were there to see it agree that's how it was, and the prosecution keeps saying there were other factors, but not releasing what they were. Yes the viewers were manipulated, the filmmakers had a biased view, and cleaned it up for us, but I don't see what could have possibly been omitted that makes Steven look guilty, or the law enforcement of that town look competent.
Thought this at first, but honestly this is all speculation. So far after the docs have been released, folks who were there to see it agree that's how it was, and the prosecution keeps saying there were other factors, but not releasing what they were. Yes the viewers were manipulated, the filmmakers had a biased view, and cleaned it up for us, but I don't see what could have possibly been omitted that makes Steven look guilty, or the law enforcement of that town look competent.
Whether or not there was any more or less PERTINENT information isn't really what I was getting at - it's the digestion of the pertinent information that I was really trying to point out. 

For us to digest the pertinent information over 10 hours, while our interest is conveniently at its peak...


The ppl involved digesting the pertinent information (along with all kinds of false info and rumors and strong opinions floating around) over the course of 10 years...

The difference of 10 hours vs. 10 years is NOT insignificant is what I am trying to argue..  

I'm not saying I believe the guy is guilty and I'm not saying I don't agree with 99% of what was said in this thread, I'm just trying to understand what it is WE miss out on by watching a sensationalized series conveniently cut and dried in the convenience of our holiday homes, while those actually involved had to deal with this crap day in and day out for 10+ years (in addition to their regular every day problems).
But Avery was villainized from the jump in that community so it's not like their 10 years of personal experience were unbiased or less skewed
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As sad as this is, the reality is these two men will die in prison, the system will not be made a fool of a second time by the same family, they will continue to deny their appeals till they die, only way I see them getting out is a pardon letter from the President himself.

The justice system failed them in the worst way, watching the trials I just can't swallow the fact they were both convicted, the only literal evidence of Brenan ever even being involved is what he was practically forced to say, not a witness, not a single spec of blood or DNA for that matter, not even Steve would put him there because Dteve never confessed to anything..,yet they still convicted him, a lot of people involved in this case have no soul...least Kratz got a little taste of his own medicine, Scumbag.
Averys lawyer was good. Every good point he's brought up so far just isnt sticking. And its crazy that it hasn't. The lack of prints on the car, only his prints on the key, the vial with the broken seals and hole in it, who had access to her voicemail. And I'm only on episode 5, no telling how much more is brought up.
Averys lawyer was good. Every good point he's brought up so far just isnt sticking. And its crazy that it hasn't. The lack of prints on the car, only his prints on the key, the vial with the broken seals and hole in it, who had access to her voicemail. And I'm only on episode 5, no telling how much more is brought up.
wait til you see the conclusion. You'll feel you taken crazy pills.
These dudes never even considered anyone else... Or they didn't want to
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Averys lawyer was good. Every good point he's brought up so far just isnt sticking. And its crazy that it hasn't. The lack of prints on the car, only his prints on the key, the vial with the broken seals and hole in it, who had access to her voicemail. And I'm only on episode 5, no telling how much more is brought up.
The points he brought up weren't sticking because the jury had made up it's mind regardless, and Because the Prosecutors picked the Jury (if I'm not mistaken) and they hand picked a homegrown jury that was going to side with them, and the conviction.

I'm not going to lie, I was super salty at the juror that had to step away for a "family emergency" yet stuck around after the trial and for the next trial in support of Avery and Dassey.

They should have atleast told us what his family emergency was and let us decide if it was serious enough for him to step away and allow a conviction, because he ALLOWED a conviction by stepping away.

Them not telling us what his emergency was makes me 150% sure that it wasn't a legit enough emergency to step away.

He held more power than anybody, and he gave it up for what.......

1.Were there threats on his life?

2.Did they pay him off?

3.Did he really have an emergency that was legit?

I say 1 or 2, but I will never believe 3.
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What's not talked about most was the number that kept calling her weeks prior when her colleague mentioned that she kept receiving calls from a number that upsetted her or bothered her. Why didn't they investigate that number and see who it was and questioned the person calling her leading up to her disappearance.

And her brother and ex boyfriend both guessed her password apparently for her voicemail and records.

Shady roommate who never reported her missing for three such days.

Nobody still commented on the number that kept calling her.
So after watching I felt the same way a lot of you seem to, at least about the kid. I wasn't sure about Steve . I went to reddit to get more info. I have been reading everything last couple of days. How do you all feel about the stuff the doc left out ?

- watch full interview with the kid. IMO seems he had a lot of info on his own and would even keep denying some things the cops tried to get him to say. He even answers question about why blood was in the RAV4. To me, when I watch the full thing, unedited, I think he probably was involved.
- all the phone calls Avery made to the girl the day of the murder. I forget the number but he called, a lot and even used *67. Also, read he requested that she specifically come to take pictures when he called autotrader
- was being accused of having sex with under aged cousin right before the murder happen. DA said he was going to be charged with that if no murder
- the lady's phone/camera found in burn barrel, where the kid said he saw them in interview.
-when Brendan got home that evening , his mom noticed bleach on his pants.
- Kid mentioned Avery unhooking battery of car. Avery Dna was found on hood latch

There are probably more I am missing. What do you all think about this info. I think both killed her now.
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As someone who hasent researched the case at all and think he is innocent i think alot of people are being naive as to why people in that town think he is guilty. Apparently the fam has a long history of stuff and we know for a fact that avery waent apposed to running people off the road and pulling guns on people. I think the doc is def trying to paint him as someone he isnt but i also dont think he killed those people
As someone who hasent researched the case at all and think he is innocent i think alot of people are being naive as to why people in that town think he is guilty. Apparently the fam has a long history of stuff and we know for a fact that avery waent apposed to running people off the road and pulling guns on people. I think the doc is def trying to paint him as someone he isnt but i also dont think he killed those people

This is one of the the first things they established, No one's being naive if you paid attention . They just think none of that equates to brutal rape and murder.
From the area just because is simply stated doesn't mean it lacks intelligence. Theresa was friends of friend and it's sad that a documentary can be so one sided.
This is one of the the first things they established, No one's being naive if you paid attention . They just think none of that equates to brutal rape and murder.

I think pouring gasoline on a cat, throwing it in a fire and watching it burn and being accused of raping a under aged family member by members of your own family are for sure some signs he's capable of this. Then on top of all the other evidence, I think it's reasonable to assume he did it. Beyond reasonable doubt with all the shady police stuff? Maybe not. But I can honestly think he did it.
From the area just because is simply stated doesn't mean it lacks intelligence. Theresa was friends of friend and it's sad that a documentary can be so one sided.

Well let's say it lacks detail and still does, and there certainly wasn't any wisdom drawn from it. Seriously, please add something more than a few words on how you feel. Something that would make those not a part of that area and Era understand. I sincerely want to hear both sides but so far it's been hopeless, leaving only one conclusion. Help us out here.
This is one of the the first things they established, No one's being naive if you paid attention . They just think none of that equates to brutal rape and murder.

I think pouring gasoline on a cat, throwing it in a fire and watching it burn and being accused of raping a under aged family member by members of your own family are for sure some signs he's capable of this. Then on top of all the other evidence, I think it's reasonable to assume he did it. Beyond reasonable doubt with all the shady police stuff? Maybe not. But I can honestly think he did it.

Everyone has the capability to do bad. But there wasn't proper evidence to prove he did. So we're just going to end someone's life based on how we feel and history? Being overly mischievous as a youth is not reasonable doubt for anything. If this is what the jury was made of, I understand why he went away.

Expand on the "rape of underage family members" haven't seen that touched on anywhere.
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One of the parts of the evidence was a bullet found which was fired from Steven Avery's gun. Avery's are not that poor own quite a bit of property in two counties Mantiwoc and Marinette I believe. Dassey seems to be easily coax to do things Avery could have taken advantage of that also. From being wrongfully accused in the past had a lot time to read about evidence procedures in prison. Also heard that he had sick kinda disturbing humor in prison.
Everyone has the capability to do bad. But there wasn't proper evidence to prove he did. So we're just going to end someone's life based on how we feel and history? Being overly mischievous as a youth is not reasonable doubt for anything. If this is what the jury was made of, I understand why he went away.

I said maybe with everything that Happened that maybe there wasn't enough for beyond a reasonable doubt. But there is a difference between not guilty and innocent. I'm pretty sure he did it. Doesn't mean the jury decision was right... But I'm not gonna defend someone who is clearly not a good person, and very likely a rapist and murderer.

And youth ?

He burned cat at 20 and accused of raping family member months before murder. Let's not pretend he was a 12 year old.

It came out one of his family members had come to the police accusing him of a sexual relationship with 16 year old daughter. He would take her hunting over that summer before murder. This is probably why some of his family said some things about him during documentary. But of course doc doesn't show that. Just like it said " threw cat over fire". Not poured gas on it and watched it burn. Which is what official report says.
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Everyone has the capabality to do bad but i have never run anyone off a road, pulled a gun on anyone, lit a cat on fire, etc.... those are not everyday things that people "just do" so i can def understand why people came on with the mindset they did on him
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