MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
This dude needs to sue the state and spend the rest of his life on an island with his real family that stuck with him, and fishing all day.
Off subject right quick and to focus on a positive vibe...

I know its rough for my guy steven, but

anybody peep how my dude was pulling 

from inside the prison? He really had a 

few shorties riding tough for dude.  
Man **** that special prosecutor and his soft *** voice.

Also, that first lawyer Brendan should get his license revoked. Steven is a better/stronger man than me. I would have offed myself the 2nd time. Absolutely disgusting seeing him convicted again.

Seeing them interrogate a kid who clearly has a learning disability was so frustrating, man. It's like forcing an 8 year old to say he killed someone. Felt so bad for him :smh:
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How they could say both were guilty with out a doubt is a joke. Not to mention the prosecutor in Stevens case said Steven killed her all by him self and than goes and prosecutes brandon for the same murder
25 minutes into episode three and things are just getting more and more ****** up :smh:
Man this story is wild. I finished episode 3 yesterday.

The DA had a good idea who did the rape and STILL let Steven continue to get framed and let a rapist free to run wild :smh:

How did they even use Brendan's "confession" the kid is CLEARY challenged and he was basically agreeing with everything the cops were feeding him, that ain't a confession. This kid started talking about some project he had to turn in after he just agreed to being part of a murder. He ain't know what was going on. Poor dude.

[thread="641448"]So I just finished the entire documentary. I def take back some of the stuff I said earlier, it didnt have a place in this thread.[/thread]

I see no problem with race being brought up. There's a million black Steven Avery's and Brendan's that America ignores. Whenever we talk about how crooked and f'ed up the system is they brush it off. With a documentary like this they get a lil taste of what we've been experiencing for decades.
Man I'm trying my hardest not to comment here on every little thing that upsets me while watching this.
i think all of us, having watched the series, can claim the ludicrousness of the whole situation...i mean...whoever directed this and did the editing and the storyline and blah blah blah really made it look like a gross miscarriage of justice (i'm not saying it wasn't, i'm just saying that's exactly how it was portrayed and netflix did a great job of portraying as a gross miscarriage - probably in order to get people interested). 

i'm trying to figure, though, how things must have been AT THE TIME it was all happening. like what did they see that we didn't? or what didn't they see that we saw? based on all the information that any of us know, it's damn near impossible for any of us to say 'they were guilty'. ppl who lived there at the time...was the preconception and news reports of this guy so strong - at the time - that the basic stuff any of us - today - can point out was simply ignored, overlooked, or not compelling enough? 

i thought the last little bit, when the dude was saying the inital count in the jury room was 7 not guilty, 3 guilty, 2 undecided. like how could 3 ppl sway the other 9 ppl? what was said in that jury room that got 9 rational, open-minded ppl to abandon rationale? were they really just 'tired and trying to go home'? 
No matter how it was edited, we all have the same evidence and information to absorb. Of course we're being presented with everything in a more linear and quicker matter, but everything's still there.
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No matter how it was edited, we all have the same evidence and information to absorb. Of course we're being presented with everything in a more linear and quicker matter, but everything's still there.
i don't think so. i don't think we're getting the same information to absorb. we're getting the clean version of the information and/or the facts. we're not hearing all the crap that all these ppl had to hear and discuss over a 10 year period. during that time, I'm betting ALL kinds of conflicting information was coming out: rumors, news reports, incorrect new reports, biased news reports, editorialist commentary, commentary from friends, family, neighbors, classmates, colleagues, co-workers, etc. We're getting a very 20/20 view of everything and hearing it over the course 10 hours. they've cleaned it up for us. they've made it look extremely linear. they've filtered out a whole lot of information that none of us know anything about...

I mean, I guess i'm just trying to say I think this has got to be very confusing...frustrating...whatever for EVERYONE involved. even fringe locals who had nothing to do with anyone involved. we can all easily sit here and say 'oh this is ridiculous' but none of us were really be put through a 10 year process of trying to understand what happened. 

IMO...could this be like that 'get better or die' theory? Imagine you keep hearing about the SAME dude who is accused of killing the SAME girl in the SAME circumstances day in and day out for 10 you just stop caring about what is right, what is wrong...and all you want is closure? honestly, i know i can take like 5 newscycles, TOPS, about something before i make a judgement on it and never want to hear about it again. 
Im impressed of the footage they got for this documentary over the period of time that they filmed all of this. Whoever had the cameras at every moment and situation at time of the interviews
Evidence box seal broken, strofoam kit seal also broken. Hypodermic sized hole in his vial. None of Averys fingerprints on the car, and only his prints on the key? I cant do this anymore. This is too much.

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Early on I thought the police had killed her and set him up those 8 days they were on his property :lol:
Wasn't Steven Avery convicted of committing the murder alone in his trial? And then Brenden got convicted later for helping his uncle? How does that work? Or did i miss something?
Nope, you didn't miss anything, that's what happened.
Did the documentary ever state that the bones found were even the missing girls?

Sounds like a ridiculous question, for those of us that live outside of Manitowoc but with the lack of actual investigating with the rest of the case who knows.
sneaker savant sneaker savant you bring up some really interesting points, and I have to think the same.

I mean I'm not going to go and say that I think Avery did it because I'd bet my house he didn't but, this documentary is siding with Avery, so it is definitely going to present a case to is, the viewer, that promotes Avery as being wrongly convicted.

The logical side of me has to understand this one glaring point and that is: This case was presided over by a town that was out to get Avery but, his appeals have been exhausted and the Supreme Court has refused to hear the case so, there has to be facts that are not shown to us in this documentary that weigh heavily in the favor of the prosecutors. There is a reason the SC refused to hear this case, right?

Point is, this doc is one side of the story, I'd love to hear the other side in a similar style tell all.
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Of course its gonna look one sided when the man got screwed over and the filmmakers are trying to get justice. This isnt the first time somebody was wrongly accused of something. That last bit of info I pointed out has me convinced all the way in episode 4 that he was set up. But i get what ya'll are saying. Maybe the people who did the serial podcast should try to tackle it. They had a balanced approach with their case.
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Ken Kratz :smh:

Him along with Fassbender, Lentz and that other detective are the absolute worst scum of this earth, how can they go about their lives knowing they blatantly framed a poor kid with serious cognitive issues....the fact they mind **** him into confessing to things he didn't commit, seriously broke my heart
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