MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Just finished the 10 episode series. I immediately jumped on here and started researching what people were doing after seeing this on Netflix. It's wild to see both convicted, and Brendan has gained at least 50 pounds since his initial trial. I'm interested to see how far this is going to go after the publicity and buzz it's getting.

its possible he gained weight from take meds to deal with a mental issue
Finished this last night. Legit speechless. Smh @ Brendan... feel bad for Avery's parents too.

On a lighter note, the Wisconsin accent was almost unbearable
"Oh yah?"

Also to the troll who mentioned requesting for a mistrial. You know a mistrial doesn't mean you get off right?

It just means you get put right back into prison while you wait for another trial. At this point all the stuff brought up from your previous trial can not be used again. Thus all the time the state messed up on their testimony would be not applicable to the new trial. It also gives the prosecution more time to build a case on you and figure out how to lie their way out of the mistakes brought up from the original trial. Plus Steven's retainer was already depleted by the end of the first trial.

To have asked for a mistrial at that time would have been the silliest thing to do if you were the defense.

This is the guy who wanted to talk about problems with judicial system. 
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The initial complaint that Steven's cousin made just didn't make any sense. She's alleging that while she was driving at regular speed, Steven just ran in front of her and whipped it out on her.
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Did anyone else catch when they were talking about the evidence from the first rape allegation and they said something like "it couldn't have been from Steven Averys underwear, because he doesn't own any"
Bruh Im on episode 3 Lenk & Calborn just planted the key like wtf. How Calumet County didnt see it but a miracle just happened to pop up after Lenk went through the house. Smh
Yeah it's obvious he was framed. No doubt in my mind. Too much evidence (or lack thereof) there.

No trace of Teresa's DNA on her own key.
Brendan describes this violent murder scene but there was no blood spatter anywhere in the room
Steven ain't the brightest dude but why would he keep his victims car on his property when he could've easily destroyed it

List goes on but those right there kind of made it clear to me that evidence was planted
Did anyone else catch when they were talking about the evidence from the first rape allegation and they said something like "it couldn't have been from Steven Averys underwear, because he doesn't own any"
That caught me off guard as well when I saw that 

How does someone not have underwear? Maybe they meant a specific type of underwear he didn't own.
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I actually think he didnt own underwear during that point in his life. Perhaps he liked freebaling it in bis denim overalls.About the hole on the blood vial: i read on reddit that someone who worked at LapCorp said that that is how they get the blood in there with a needle. Once the cap is punctured itll reseal itself. But caps during that time also did not reseal according to the post. So I have no clue how they explained that one.
Yeah it's obvious he was framed. No doubt in my mind. Too much evidence (or lack thereof) there.

No trace of Teresa's DNA on her own key.
Brendan describes this violent murder scene but there was no blood spatter anywhere in the room
Steven ain't the brightest dude but why would he keep his victims car on his property when he could've easily destroyed it

List goes on but those right there kind of made it clear to me that evidence was planted

I agree with all these statements. It seems there MUST be something that wasn't included in the 10 episodes that gives more of a reason to charge him and deny all appeals thus far. I read a number of articles stating this, but I'd be very interested to learn more. This is going to get so much attention from the media - SOME lawyer has got to pick this up to make a name for himself/herself. It could be a game changer for their career.
I agree with all these statements. It seems there MUST be something that wasn't included in the 10 episodes that gives more of a reason to charge him and deny all appeals thus far. I read a number of articles stating this, but I'd be very interested to learn more. This is going to get so much attention from the media - SOME lawyer has got to pick this up to make a name for himself/herself. It could be a game changer for their career.

Corruption. Law enforcement in that county must really hate the guy for some reason. Someone said earlier in the thread that some people on the jury were connected to the sheriffs department.

And yeah really hope this documentary gives this case the exposure it needs. My mans Brendan missed wrestlemania smh
Corruption. Law enforcement in that county must really hate the guy for some reason. Someone said earlier in the thread that some people on the jury were connected to the sheriffs department.

And yeah really hope this documentary gives this case the exposure it needs. My mans Brendan missed wrestlemania smh
The thing I found really disgusting was how they blatantly coerced a mentally handicapped 16 year old. 

They ruined that kid's life and he wasn't even aware of what was going on for most of it.

I don't know how that crappy lawyer he had got off without any penalties either, he was literally working against Brendan instead of for him. 

How you gonna let your client get interrogated without being present? Should've suspended his attorney license. 
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If only this was a TV show and season finale was next week so we can finally find out what really happened :lol:

My theory is that this was a conspiracy between Lenk, Colburn, the brother in law, and Bobby. In Law and Bobby followed her after meeting SA then killed and burned her body. Both covered each other with their very weak alibi. Colburn got the Rav4 and drove it to the salvage. Which may explain him asking HQ to check her plate number. Then Lenk planted the key, magic bullet, and blood when he had the opportunity 4 months later. But one question would be what was the In-Law and Bobby's motive? Maybe Lenk/Colburn had dirt on them? All of this could also just been done by Lenk and Colburn. They had the means and access to do all this.

The ex-BF and/or roommate have been thrown out there but I find it hard to believe Lenk or someone in the dept would risk everything and basically do these murderers a favor by planting all that evidence.
Rewatching the last few episodes. Heartbreaking man. Avery's lawyers, specifically Dean, seemed genuinely sad at the press conference.
What was the "official" explanation for the needle hole in the vial of blood?
there wasnt one

their magical fbi analyst did a whole song and dance to "convince" jurors that it didnt matter

binged the whole thing last night instead of sleeping

had a shred of hope he would be found innocent but i pretty much kept telling myself theyve messed up before
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I actually think he didnt own underwear during that point in his life. Perhaps he liked freebaling it in bis denim overalls. About the hole on the blood vial: i read on reddit that someone who worked at LapCorp said that that is how they get the blood in there with a needle. Once the cap is punctured itll reseal itself. But caps during that time also did not reseal according to the post. So I have no clue how they explained that one.

Leaving blood exposed like that just doesn't seem like something a professional would do, especially at the height of aids paranoia.
Just finished it.

Steve is a dope dude man.

What a way to have about you when you've been F'ed over so badly.

He's impressive.
Man when he was interrogated his lawyer wasnt there. Brendan wrote the true story down of what he did that day then the guy was like naw where is the Teresa part. Like wtf
Steve is one strong man 4real. Dude knows himself. This man out there fighting for his own freedom.

Free Steve man. He a real one.
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