Making conversation on trains..

Feb 20, 2009
So has anyone else been in this position, you get on the train/subway and then someone starts talking to you.. do you mind it? Or does it just annoy you?

Do you ever start conversation with any randomers yourself? I never do.
So has anyone else been in this position, you get on the train/subway and then someone starts talking to you.. do you mind it? Or does it just annoy you?

Do you ever start conversation with any randomers yourself? I never do.
If someone starts a convo with me I'll be polite and respond with limited small talk. Never do I initiate conversation though
If someone starts a convo with me I'll be polite and respond with limited small talk. Never do I initiate conversation though
It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
Reminded me of this...


Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It really depends on the person, what they're talking about, and my current mood. If its an attractive women not running game I'll more than likely be open. Not so much for men though, I always think they're up to something.
it all depends on my mood and what their talkin about.

i've gotten questions about shoes i'm wearing or hats i have and as long as i can tell the person isn't on any shifty stuff ill usually start a conversation with them.

with women as long as they look halfway decent ill talk to em on the train
it all depends on my mood and what their talkin about.

i've gotten questions about shoes i'm wearing or hats i have and as long as i can tell the person isn't on any shifty stuff ill usually start a conversation with them.

with women as long as they look halfway decent ill talk to em on the train
i am not a fan of random train converstation AT ALL but before i act rude i try to stop and think how i would want someone to treat my mom if she was on the train and said hi to someone just to be friendly then i do my best to be a decent human being and show a stanger the respect i'd want another stranger to show her.
i am not a fan of random train converstation AT ALL but before i act rude i try to stop and think how i would want someone to treat my mom if she was on the train and said hi to someone just to be friendly then i do my best to be a decent human being and show a stanger the respect i'd want another stranger to show her.
It depends. If I'm listening to music youre going to stay talkin to yourself. If youre a normal member of society with a brief decent conversation then I dont really care but more times than not I dont converse with strangers.
It depends. If I'm listening to music youre going to stay talkin to yourself. If youre a normal member of society with a brief decent conversation then I dont really care but more times than not I dont converse with strangers.
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