I wanna know some details about this too. What I know is that Putin wants to take Crimea from Ukraine because that territory used to belong to Russia and is like 70% Russians anyway? But I hear people saying this could lead to WWIII? What's going on...

And are we all ruling out that theory or something? That article seems plausible to me, or maybe I'm naive.

No, WWIII is not happening because of this. Not one single shot has been fired.

The United States and Europe are just angry that Russia is going to become larger since the Crimean's voted to become part of Russia. What I don't understand is that it's very hypocritical of us and Europe to denounce and not recognize Crimea as a part of Russia. We always talk about "freedom" and "democracy" and now we're denouncing it. It's a joke and a power trip.

But it will not lead to a war, no way.
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Cool, repped fellas. That changes my whole view on the situation. So what's the whole hold up then? I'm guessing the President of Ukraine doesn't want to give up the land, even though the people are asking for it? Unless I'm late and Crimea is already a part of Russia now....

I never dedicate time to watch/read the news anymore, it's kinda embarrassing. 
No, WWIII is not happening because of this. Not one single shot has been fired.

The United States and Europe are just angry that Russia is going to become larger since the Crimean's voted to become part of Russia. What I don't understand is that it's very hypocritical of us and Europe to denounce and not recognize Crimea as a part of Russia. We always talk about "freedom" and "democracy" and now we're denouncing it. It's a joke and a power trip.

But it will not lead to a war, no way.
Correct. The EU and the US are just butthurt that they are taking in the ****tier portion of Ukraine.
Hate to be the 10th guy saying this without contributing anything but can we just speak on facts here?

This dude Superb is trying to push this UFO thing like his cousin is a Martian and he just got the whole run down from homie

And I believe in other life forms on other planets...But nah

Suicide? I understand pilot's are human just like us, but suicidal traits is something you just won't find in mentally strong and disciplined individual's such as pilots. They know the task at hand and they get to it like professionals. You think the co pilot and 10+ staff would just let this happen? Hell naw

I travel every weekend for 6 months out of the year for my job. I'm not new to airplanes or pilot tendencies.

This is a hijacking that more than likely crashed.
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I've been tuning in faithfully awaiting to hear something positive surrounding this disaster but day after day this tragedy has turned into the blame game.

A plane of that size does not just vanish into thin air and I'm now convinced that this plane was landed somewhere.
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I've been tuning in faithfully awaiting to hear something positive surrounding this disaster but day after day this tragedy has turned into the blame game.

A plane of that size does not just vanish into thin air and I'm now convinced that this plane was landed somewhere.
Wouldn't you think the plane of that size would sink in the ocean more than landing somewhere without being noticed?
Suicide? I understand pilot's are human just like us, but suicidal traits is something you just won't find in mentally strong and disciplined individual's such as pilots. They know the task at hand and they get to it like professionals. You think the co pilot and 10+ staff would just let this happen? Hell naw
 You know nothing about suicide/depression if you actually think that. Unless you're a psychologist, stay in your lane...
You can tell I haven't been on a plane and watch too many movies smh but seriously if a plane is crashing what would be the first thing you do?
No, WWIII is not happening because of this. Not one single shot has been fired.

The United States and Europe are just angry that Russia is going to become larger since the Crimean's voted to become part of Russia. What I don't understand is that it's very hypocritical of us and Europe to denounce and not recognize Crimea as a part of Russia. We always talk about "freedom" and "democracy" and now we're denouncing it. It's a joke and a power trip.

But it will not lead to a war, no way.
but technically doesn't Crimea belong to Ukraine ?? isn't it like a state or province of Ukraine ?? so isn't Russia essentially coming into a foreign country and trying to use muscle and influence to secede one of their states without the consent of the parent country who's in a turbulent transition at the moment??

Wouldn't that be like one day if Texas was mostly Mexicans and Mexican officials ran the state government and decided to vote if Texas wanted to secede the U.S. and join Mexico ??  Would the rationale be "Well Mexico use to own Texas so it seems okay " ??
You can tell I haven't been on a plane and watch too many movies smh but seriously if a plane is crashing what would be the first thing you do?
Only thing you can do is pray you have a bad *** pilot like the guy who landed that plane on the Hudson river a few years ago. I'd thank that dude every waking morning if I was on that plane 
but technically doesn't Crimea belong to Ukraine ?? isn't it like a state or province of Ukraine ?? so isn't Russia essentially coming into a foreign country and trying to use muscle and influence to secede one of their states without the consent of the parent country who's in a turbulent transition at the moment??

Wouldn't that be like one day if Texas was mostly Mexicans and Mexican officials ran the state government and decided to vote if Texas wanted to secede the U.S. and join Mexico ??  Would the rationale be "Well Mexico use to own Texas so it seems okay " ??
This seems like a good point. My only counterargument is I'm assuming that the area of Crimea was always populated with Russians, rather than Russians migrating there until they become the majority. But I'd rather someone with more knowledge chime in. 
Id put 100 percent of the blame on the Malaysian government. The planes transponder was turned off 40 mins into the flight and flied up to 7 hours after that... How do you not get a sense of urgency right when the initials signal is lost. Should of got a couple fighter jets into the air right away.

They're whole investigation has been ******** and shady af. Something is being hidden.
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