what happens if a plane crashes....instant death right?

car crashes are less likely to instantly kill u. plus u have seatbelts, air bags, and the ability to lessen the impact by maneuvering, slamming brakes,etc. it all depends on the speed as well, going 45 miles in a car vs the minimum speed in a plane is a helluva difference
the plane has to actually crash first, your odds of getting into a fatal car accident are still greater.

the point isn't survival rate of actually being in a plane crash, the point is how likely is it to even be in a plane crash in the first place.

that's like saying you should fear getting hit by lightning more than being shot because more people walk away from a bullet.

and since you're including ALL types of car accidents , if you include ALL types of plane accidents where the plane takes damage then the survival rate is actually 96%

Just ask yourself how many people you know who died in a plane crash and how many you know who died in a car crash.

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in this day and time 2 people are not hijacking a plane alone.... 2 hijackers vs 249 passenegers...come on
you do know that cockpits have dead bolt security doors right ??

that's to say if the passengers even knew the plane was being hijacked.
In each direction b.

Shoudda slept earlier last night. 
In the wake of the news that Flight 370′s mysterious disappearance wasn’t an accident, new information has come forward that shows pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was a vocal supporter of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Ibhrahim was arrested and imprisoned on charges of homosexuality just hours before Flight 370 took off. And, according to the Mail Online’s report,  Captain Shah was present at Ibrahim’s trial and sentencing.There’s a distinct possibility that the imprisonment of the leader could have sent Shah into an emotional tailspin and started an unknown chain of events that led to the plane’s disturbing disappearance.

A photo of Shah wearing a shirt that said “DEMOCRACY IS DEAD” has also made the rounds on the Internet.
Nearly a week after Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 went missing, authorities also began searching the homes of pilots. And the search has been fruitful: in Shah’s home, officials found a flight simulator. They also learned that, suspiciously, the pilot’s wife and three children moved out just one day before the plane vanished from radar mid-flight.

Authorities confirmed Saturday that Flight 370 was definitely “deliberately diverted,” ruling out any other possibilities. The most popular theory right now is that one or both pilots could have been responsible for the bizarre disappearance, quoting reports that all communication systems had been manually turned off.

As officials learn more, we’re all left with even more questions. For the family and friends of the 239 passengers on board, we hope that the public will soon learn the truth about Malysian Airlines Flight 370.
The jet can only go so long on limited fuel. Can the US just use one of their high tech submarine destroyer and submarine to scan the Indian ocean using sonar?
Anyways, so whats going on with Ukraine? 
I wanna know some details about this too. What I know is that Putin wants to take Crimea from Ukraine because that territory used to belong to Russia and is like 70% Russians anyway? But I hear people saying this could lead to WWIII? What's going on...

And are we all ruling out that theory or something? That article seems plausible to me, or maybe I'm naive.
Anyways, so whats going on with Ukraine? 

I wanna know some details about this too. What I know is that Putin wants to take Crimea from Ukraine because that territory used to belong to Russia and is like 70% Russians anyway? But I hear people saying this could lead to WWIII? What's going on...

And are we all ruling out that theory or something? That article seems plausible to me, or maybe I'm naive.

they just had a vote earlier and 50% of the votes 95% of those handed in were votes for Crimea to become part of Russia again. So even the people living there want it to happen.
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