Man killed while trying to rob hypebeasts in line for Lebron's...

And they got right back in line like nothing happened. That's the most disturbing part of the story.
its creppy man. Like i get it was self defense, but somebody is gone and you still in lie for the shoes? Even the people in line for the shoes should be disturbed, they just watch a man lose his life.

Whole way ppl behaving for shoes is weird man. I aint with all that. Yall can keep the shoes.
i think the robber was in the right mind state. he thought no one was gonna have a blapper on em tho.

this is good, makes these guys think twice before jacking for some shoes. :smokin
So i wonder how it went down? Was the robber just going down the line snatching wallets and a guy at the back of the line picked him off? Or did he wait his turn so it would be actual self defense?

I'm still baffled that the cops just accepted the story as is. I guess you "have" to trust the witnesses. I'm not sure if I'm trusting the judgement of people that are willing to sacrifice a week of his or her life for an ugly pair of jean shoes. I guess it's kinda cool in a weird way that they all chipped in and paid for the guys shoes. Talk about a story for the grandkids: camped out for a pair of shoes, guy attempts to rob the entire line, kills dude, gets back in line, rewarded with free pair of shoes.

The comment that someone mentioned earlier is interesting, if a car wreck took place, would someone give up there spot in line to go help? The sneakerhead community is like a strange lame brotherhood.
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To be honest I wouldn't have killed him ... I would have shot him in the legs n maybe even cripple him so he could live with the regret of robbing so many people :smh: and approaching the wrong one.

Shoot to Kill. Not to injure. If your life is threatened you dont injure. You kill. Sad but thats how it goes.

If someone has the "heart" to attempt to rob 24 people AT THE SAME DAMN TIME, they clearly aren't of a sound mind. :smh:

Well he thought it was gonna be some soft people in line. He thought he can easily get the money. People get robbed everyday b. Dude was just looking for a comeup. I dont think he is mentally challenged.

He probably first robbed someone when he was 15. Been doing it ever since and its nothing for him to do. So he thought he can come up on 24 people.


Bottom line is dont put yourself in that type of situation. Anything can happen.
People that act out of line during releases know what they're doing. If they're not trying to hit a lick, they're cutting line. Those are basically the biggest causes of madness during releases that get people get slapped and or clapped when it comes kicks. If you ask me, it's natural selection & Darwin coming together to thin the herd of cats that like to piss others off. No sympathy or ****s to give.
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If you live in Atlanta than you're not surprised that happened in lil 5 or at WISH for that matter. Every big release is overly crowded with dudes thinking they can jump the line or just be plain stupid for that matter. You won't be there for 30 mins without hearing a threat on someone's life I promise you lol. That's how it was for the yeezy 2 release last year smh

I got my solars from there though :D
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And they got right back in line like nothing happened. That's the most disturbing part of the story.
its creppy man. Like i get it was self defense, but somebody is gone and you still in lie for the shoes? Even the people in line for the shoes should be disturbed, they just watch a man lose his life.
if you're going to wait in a line for a week for some damn shoes something is already off with you mentally.
Shoot to Kill. Not to injure. If your life is threatened you dont injure. You kill. Sad but thats how it goes.
Well he thought it was gonna be some soft people in line. He thought he can easily get the money. People get robbed everyday b. Dude was just looking for a comeup. I dont think he is mentally challenged.

He probably first robbed someone when he was 15. Been doing it ever since and its nothing for him to do. So he thought he can come up on 24 people.
Bottom line is dont put yourself in that type of situation. Anything can happen.
You NEVER shoot to kill. I repeat NEVER shoot to kill. That kind of language will get you locked up
You shoot to neutralize a threat, in times of imminent serious bodily harm to you or others. Neutralize not kill.
Which lebron release? Pics
Why are people surprised that the dude got back in line? Should he have left, gone home, and cried about killing the guy? Serious question, what did you guys expect?
Nike really needs to do away with release dates on all their products this is only going to happen again.

My question is was anyone on here on that line this week.
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