Man killed while trying to rob hypebeasts in line for Lebron's...

damn thats crazy as hell...they leavin out details tho, did dude run up on him then he shot em or did he just stand there sayin **** n get shot or what? From the sound of it dude didn't deserve to die but he was also in the wrong obviously for tryin to rob people but sounds like theres some details left out. I mean I dunno if they felt like any of their lives were being threatened thats another reason why I don't think he deserved to die.

sad situation
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Repped back at you

Not eem cuz you rep me just cuz you play some dope joints in the what you listening to thread
Good looking out....... your story was funny because i remember those days moremusic to come too..
your in the hood tryna to rob people. most of these people that have money are goons. imo robber was stupid as hell if he didnt think anyone would step up.

no need to type anything else.

Like I said to BadBrothers its obvious that you have never been through ANY type of gun training or armed certification courses.

A person is authorized to use deadly force against someone ONLY WHEN there is an imminent threat of serious bodily harm to you or others.

You could be mad at a person and "shoot to kill." THAT IS NOT SELF DEFENSE, but you still shot to kill.
Shooting to neutralize the threat ONLY applies when you are defending yourself or others.

Police officers look for the type of language you use after being involved in an incident like this. And that is the whole point of my original post.
There is a thin line in the legal precedent of legally using deadly force. That is why you ALWAYS want to protect yourself with the type of language you use in these types of situations. Shoot to kill implies no threat. Neutralizing a threat always does.

In other words, if you kill someone defending yourself NEVER, EVER say you were shooting to kill. ALWAYS say you were neutralizing the threat. It could mean the difference between freedom and a prison sentence.

But in typical NT fashion, when someone tries to drop some knowledge that could end up helping you out one day, there's always some lame that
questions the information.
if someone was trying to rob me and i had a gun i would kill them without a second thought. Dudes out here think it's a game and can rob people without consequences.
So everyone saw this guy get shot to death and just continued to wait in line like nothing happened? :lol:

They didnt shut down the store?
Nobody was questioned?

This is all very strange
So everyone saw this guy get shot to death and just continued to wait in line like nothing happened?

They didnt shut down the store?
Nobody was questioned?

This is all very strange
personally it would be business as usual for me if he got shot.   im not getting out of line over some idiot who brought what he got upon himself for being stupid.

as i said earlier though.   had someone got hit by a car or was in a car accident, i would have no problem getting out of line to help them because their an innocent victim and i would be disturbed if anyone felt shoes were more important then a persons life in that case.
You NEVER shoot to kill. I repeat NEVER shoot to kill. That kind of language will get you locked up
You shoot to neutralize a threat, in times of imminent serious bodily harm to you or others. Neutralize not kill.

I laugh at the language. People saying .45 caliber hollow points have the best stopping power. Yeah bruh. If you shoot one of those at someone's stomach they're gonna pretty much fall over and die.
Dude made his bed and slept in it. Pun intended.

Justified kill. Mistakes of being about that life.
You NEVER shoot to kill. I repeat NEVER shoot to kill. That kind of language will get you locked up
You shoot to neutralize a threat, in times of imminent serious bodily harm to you or others. Neutralize not kill.
I laugh at the language. People saying .45 caliber hollow points have the best stopping power. Yeah bruh. If you shoot one of those at someone's stomach they're gonna pretty much fall over and die.
I think what he's trying to say is that when dealing with police, for your own benefit, it's better to say you were "neutralizing a threat" than trying to be tough and say you were "shooting to kill" . . . 
Wonder if LeBron or Nike will comment on this....they never do when this type of stuff happens, but it would be interesting.
Wonder if LeBron or Nike will comment on this....they never do when this type of stuff happens, but it would be interesting.
And why would they comment? A man attempted a robbery and was killed in the process. The fact that the targeted victim was in line for sneakers is irrelevant.
your in the hood tryna to rob people. most of these people that have money are goons. imo robber was stupid as hell if he didnt think anyone would step up.

Lmao have you ever been to the A bruh? Little 5 points prolly one of the safest spots in the city
why is the news lady using the term " pick pocketing " as if ol dude was creeping up on guys and slipping their wallets out of their pants or whatever. 

when force is used its considered strong arm robbery....dude tried the wrong person in this case, it happens ( not always with guns though) 
personally it would be business as usual for me if he got shot.   im not getting out of line over some idiot who brought what he got upon himself for being stupid.

as i said earlier though.   had someone got hit by a car or was in a car accident, i would have no problem getting out of line to help them because their an innocent victim and i would be disturbed if anyone felt shoes were more important then a persons life in that case.
Ok E-thug.
Wonder if LeBron or Nike will comment on this....they never do when this type of stuff happens, but it would be interesting.
wasnt at a nike store, nikes stance would be that its WISH's responsibilty to control that situation.

lebron might be asked, but he'd give some pc reply. but it wont change anything in regards to the shoes or how they handle releases.

someone mentioned surveillance footage, i wonder if there is any of it and whether that played in no charges being filed. pretty quick investigation to just let things just be
Dude who got interviewed is lame. Camping since Monday for some denim Brons? Priorities huh?

Not sure if the robber had a gun also if so. You got what you had coming. Wish he would have survived though. I don't wish death upon no one.
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