Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Kryptonian Armors (on toy form)


My first Superman memory was the first Christopher Reeves movie. I guess that's why I always think of him as THE best representation of Superman IMO.

Early Buzz: ‘Man of Steel’ Is An Action-Packed, Great Time
Posted on Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 by Germain Lussier

Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel has begun to screen and word is that it’s fantastic. We’d heard that executives at Warner Bros. truly loved the film and now, reports are coming in from other people too. (And from people who don’t have billions and billions of dollars potentially invested in the success of a rebooted Superman.)

In particular, JoBlo is reporting the film is nearly complete (save for the 3D conversion) and despite the somber tone the trailers suggest, the film is chock full of action. We’ll talk more specifics below.

Here are the bullet points the JoBlo article make about Man of Steel. Their words, not ours.

- Imagine a Nolan story with Snyder effects/action
- It’s the best movie of the year.
- There’s TONS of action with Superman kicking all kinds of *** in his suit.
- The cape is CG’d most of the time so it can look awesome.
- They have intentionally left out most of the the Super action in trailers to save it.
- It’s not nearly as dour and serious as the trailers suggest.
- The movie is complete, minus the 3D post-conversion, which is currently taking place
- Calling it “the best movie of the year” is a bit pre-mature but all of this is still quite promising.

In addition to this report, sometimes just living in Hollywood and conversing with people you hear things. And one of the things I’ve heard is that everything this scooper told JoBlo is right. That everyone who has seen Man of Steel loves it and it’s the ***-kicking, action-packed and heartfelt Superman movie you can’t wait to see.

If the film is that good (or even half that good) it means very good things for all DC movies moving forward, Justice League in particular.

With release scheduled for June 14, we’ll likely be seeing some updated, more action-specific, trailers in the coming weeks. Definitely with The Hangover Part III (which comes out a month earlier and has yet to release a teaser) and hopefully sooner.

Have you heard anything like this about Man of Steel? Does this get you excited?
That is a good sign. Can't wait for this film, it's the movie I am looking forward to the most this year.
Early review, spoiler free.
If you want to see a spoiler version, you can read here, the poster blacked out the spoiler parts:

I saw this about two weeks ago, by accident pretty much. Had to sacrifice a sneak peek at something else, but glad to say I don't regret it. I'll keep my impressions as spoiler free as possible.

I'm not a comic fan just so you know. My exposure to Superman is from the original Donner movies, then the Justice League cartoons. Also, he's still a *****, This movie doesn't change that!

The movie is good, and entertaining. I don't think I'll use hyperbole of calling it the best movie of the year two months in, but it's a top five, if not top three, superhero movie. I imagine Superman fans are going to really love this, unless somehow people don't like this characterisation of Clark Kent/Superman. Which if you don't, then I don't know what to say. I think this is the best live action version of Superman and it does a great job of making him feel relatable. Just so you know, I consider Batman Begins the cream of the crop and the best superhero movie.

For fans of the Nolan Batman trilogy, you'll take to this quite quickly, like I did. It has a very similar feel to a Nolan movie. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise since Nolan was involved, but I thought his involvement wasn't that great supposedly. Either way, it does genuinely feel similar in style when it comes to the storytelling. The one it holds most similarity to is Batman Begins. Not too much of a surprise since it's also an origin story, but it's also tightly told which is the key point. It doesn't move as swiftly as Batman Begins did, but it's still really nicely paced. Like Batman Begins, it's a reserved and more character focused tale, but it also has comic elements. I'd say it's just slightly less serious/grounded than that movie.

The story is simple, and executed better for it. You're basically presented Clark Kent as a boy/man going through changes and having an internal conflict about his identity. This character arc has a two step resolution.

The action is great in the movie. There is fair bit of it. It feels like The Matrix. By that, I mean it's quite over the top. This is good because it's Superman. There are a lot of little touches that are shown by Henry Cavill which give more gravitas to the vulnerability of Superman. Moments where he's shaken or staggered. They're just cool moments. The action is both slow and fast which gives an effect of something superhuman occurring. In terms of action, It really does feel like the first time Superman has been done justice in live action. There is one moment near the end where you will go, this is ******g Superman. It's basically the climactic moment. I'll have to re-watch Avengers, but I think I enjoyed the action in this movie more than any other superhero movie because it just had a lot of weight behind it.

You want Superman to succeed.

Henry Cavill is Superman to me now. I like his take on the character. I don't really care necessarily how Superman/Clark Kent is in the comics. But Henry has a really good performance and brings a new Superman for the modern era. One who is powerful, strong, and inhumane in ability, yet also relatable and earns our sympathy. Also, he looks so much more awesome with the beard. It would be amazing having a Superman with a beard. Let him be clean shaven as Clark Kent, but then when he goes all manly and turns into Superman, he grows a beard instantly too. You get used to seeing Cavill without the beard, but it's so weird. Like he was born to have that beard.

Also, damn Zod is badass. Too badass. He comes out with some next level quotes. I don't even--

The weakest aspect of this movie is the Lois Lane/Clark Kent/Superman relationship. I don't think Amy Adams turned in a bad performance, but in a movie which is quite tight and focused, this aspect was the weakest link. It kind of sticks out. The character on her own is fine, and her little crew are a very pleasant addition, but I think they could've stopped going Hollywood and left a little of the relationship development to a second movie.

Supporting cast is strong. Kevin Costner is really cool. The My-Cocaine of this movie. He's not in it very long, but maybe I like those father figure characters. Also, Morpheus being all Morpheus and being pretty cool again.

The music is very nice. At times slow and emotional, and at others sweeping and epic. The new theme is good. Different, but good. It fits the Man of Steel.

I think I chose to compare this to Batman Begins for a few reasons. It feels similar, it's also character focused, and it does a fantastic job of making you anticipate the next movie. There is a nice blend of serious character focus, and lighthearted humour in the movie. The villains for the sequel are somewhat hinted, and this is a really strong first outing. I'm definitely curious to see what happens with the sequel. They could make an amazing movie like The Dark Knight, or like Iron Man 2, turn out a pile of crap after a solid first movie. Who knows, but as it stands, there will be hyperbole when people see this move. I'm sure of it. That's because it's good, and one of the best superhero movies. More importantly, it's brought Superman from being that little ***** who is always in the shadow of the Goddamn Batman, to more of an equal standing.

I think Warner Bros. has a hit on its hands. I don't think another billion grossing movie is out of the question if word of mouth is good like I think it will be. If this movie bombs, we may as well not bother with Superman in the future. This is pretty much as good as it gets for a foundation laying movie.

Also, I am more convinced now than ever that WB should not focus on the Justice League.

Batman and Superman is where it's at. Do not waste time with the others. It's time to reboot Batman and bring a team-up movie with these two. The universe of Man of Steel has a nice mix of fantastical elements that we could get Batman with his full rogue gallery in it. This movie would be ridiculously huge. Most importantly, with a Batman/Superman movie, you can still bring what both Batman Begins and Man of Steel do better than any other superhero movie, which is earning your emotional engagement. There is a chance of a great movie with a solid story and some amazing action.

I will begin hoping now.
Some new Superman info...

New Images from MAN OF STEEL; Zack Snyder Calls His Superman “More Relatable, More Human”
by Adam Chitwood Posted: March 15th, 2013 at 7:27 am

With director Zack Snyder’s Superman film Man of Steel hitting theaters in just a couple of months, we’re finally starting to see and hear more about the highly anticipated Warner Bros. project. Recently the superhero pic landed the cover of Total Film magazine, and now some goodies from TF’s Man of Steel issue have started to surface by way of a batch of new images from the pic and Sndyer and star Henry Cavill’s thoughts on creating a Superman for the modern era. Snyder and Cavill drill home the point that this film tackles a grounded, realistic iteration of the character, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how their take plays out on the big screen this summer.

Hit the jump to check out new Man of Steel images as well as quotes from Snyder and Cavill. Man of Steel opens in 3D on June 14th.

Speaking with Total Film, Snyder talked a bit about his approach to the character:

“We’ve tried to make a Superman movie where he does stuff and you go, ‘Yeah, if I was Superman, that’s what I’d do. Even though he’s an alien, he’s more relatable, more human.”

Cavill spoke to the challenge of making the classic character relevant for the 21st century:

“This is a Superman for a modern age. It’s not betraying anything that Superman is, but it is grounding everything in reality. It’s the story of this incredible being who can do incredible things, but whom we can associate with. Because he’s gone through troubling stuff and had to make tough choices…”

From everything we’ve seen and heard thus far, it looks like Snyder’s film asks the question, “What if Superman wasn’t sure he wanted to be Superman?” I’m intrigued by the idea of taking a grounded, Batman Begins approach to the story, and I’m hoping that Snyder can deliver some thrilling spectacle as well.
Check out images from the latest issues of Total Film below (via CBM):





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David Goyer Says the Man of Steel Trailer is Just the 'Tip of the Iceberg'

screenwriter tells Total Film that they have kept most of the movie a secret so far.

"It's something Chris [Nolan] tried hard to do with the Batman films," Goyer said. "I'm genuinely pleased with how much secrecy we've been able to maintain. There's so much of the movie that people don't know, that hasn't been touched upon. The trailer's just the tiniest, tiniest tip of the iceberg."

Goyer also talked about whether or not this Superman movie will be darker. "Relatable and realistic doesn't necessarily mean dark. I think it would be inappropriate for us to approach a Superman film as if we were doing The Dark Knight. The Batman films are a lot more nihilistic; Superman has always been a story about hope."
Why does Zod wear a mask? Why was it left out in Superman 2 if its from the og comics?
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