Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Why does Zod wear a mask? Why was it left out in Superman 2 if its from the og comics?

Zod has had masks/helmet in his recent forms. Plus as their costume is a form of military suit or armor worn by Kryptonian warriors/military (explains the chainmail texture on the new Superman suit), it could easily be a helmet used for battle. Zod is also a General so that could be a high rank helmet?


i have never seen a superman movie..

this will be the first, the other ones just looked so damn lame.
Really hope this film changes the overall general perception of Superman, especially within the comic-book community

...but I doubt it 
President of company says that MOS will leave door open to other superheroes/films.

Justice. :pimp:
I'm glad that Supes is finally fighting somebody other than friggin Lex Luthor- somebody that can take his punch and that he can throw down!

superman IV doesn't really count - not to me anyway.
I think it was a great choice to pick Zod as the main villain in the first film. If it was Lex, I don't think Superman's powers would be displayed properly.~
Really hope this film changes the overall general perception of Superman, especially within the comic-book community

...but I doubt it 

Director Zack Snyder talks up his upcoming Superman reboot Man of Steel in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, dropping a mini-bombshell on a key piece of the superhero's mythology that's been excluded from the movie.

“I’ll be honest with you, there’s no Kryptonite in the movie,” Snyder said. Man of Steel hopes to humanize Superman, but by giving him new flaws and vulnerabilities. Superman actor Henry Cavill said, “Although he is not susceptible to the frailties of mankind, he is definitely susceptible to the emotional frailties.”

Interestingly, EW also saw footage from the film and reveals that in the movie little Kal-El is special even on his doomed home planet of Krypton, where his birth is said to cause alarm among some citizens.

Meanwhile, /Film has posted some scanned images from the EW cover story on Man of Steel. Click the pic below to check them out.

Here's the latest synopsis via the movie's official Facebook page: "A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind."
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Not even mad about the lack of K in the movie. It's the first one, they have to keep Supes as strong as he can be.
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