Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20



:nthat: @ no Kryptonite being used in the flick.

Although it is his biggest weakness, the way its used has become corny...especially in the Superman Returns.
I wouldn't mind it being used in bits and pieces of a superman flick, but not as the main source of trouble for superman.

It should be nice to see some originality and creativity when it comes to defeating Superman. :smokin
This might be the poorest viral campaign I've ever seen :lol: Luckily, I'm already completely sold on the movie.
Finally they start a superman movie. I heard it's going to be multiple parts. I hate that they do everyone but superman :smh:

i have never seen a superman movie..

this will be the first, the other ones just looked so damn lame.

Superman:Doomsday was pretty good if you ask me. The 1970's versions were lame though, the way he ran :smh: :lol: :x
that little clip of Zod "I WILL FIND HIM!!"



Nolan doesnt know how to fail.
"...In time Kal-El, You will no longer be alone."

Wish they didn't cut this line. Says so much about Superan and his motivations.
never been a fan of the actor playing Zod, but it seems like hes gonna do a solid job, once again not to sound like a fanboy but Nolan knows how to pick them....he saw Catwoman in Hathaway and delivered probably the best catwoman to date.
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