Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

That looks AMAZING.

You never coulda told me, out of IM3, Cap 2, Wolverine, Kick-*** 2, Sin City 2 and MoS, it'd be Superman I was the most hyped for.
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I know you will put that work in, van alden
I was on the edge of whether watching this at the movies or waiting to Redbox it but that trailer just shoved me over, will be there opening night.
This is absolutely how you handle Superman.

Give him the conflict... that we can relate to. Humanize the superhuman alien... a tough job, but this last trailer makes me incredibly confident. It also helps when you surround Superman with a very strong cast. Costner, Crowe, Shannon, Adams... it'll make simply a good scene into a great scene by having the right actors.

Plus it looks flatout amazing.
Just saw the new trailer. Seriously cannot wait. There's too many movies coming out this year that are on my hit list.
new trailer is :pimp:

makes the anticipation even better

ive been telling all my friends and coworkers about this film

most of them didnt even know about it

only one of my friends saw a trailer in the jurassic park 3d movie and another one in a commercial

wb needs to do a better job marketing this
Never mind, found the answer to my previous question:

"Well, here it's an 'S'," replies Lois. "How about ... 'Supe ..."

A bit of interrogation-room feedback interrupts the tireless Daily Planet reporter, leaving the Man of Steel without the name we've all come to know him by.

This is the most striking moment of the third and supposedly final trailer for "Man of Steel," presenting director Zack Snyder's new film as without a doubt a bold revisionist vision of a beloved character. This Superman isn't even called Superman -- at least not in that scene, anyway.

Anybody watch any films with Cavill in it? How was he? I'm interested in knowing how good he is, he's gonna be surrounded by a lot of talented actors in this movie and I hope he can hold his own.
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