manglor is the greatest person ever but is a terrible seller (pics bottom of page 1 and 4 AND 14)

This is a copy of EVERY SINGLE message he sent me prior to actually getting the shoes in the mail. All through PM's.

Four messages total and not ONCE did he EVER ask for more pics like he said he did in this thread. He is a total complete liar. Had he asked for more pics andi refused then i could see how that would be fishy but IT NEVER HAPPENED.

"ill take them cool greys if they still available for 125 shipped through paypal"

"ha im ready to pay u send me your paypal and this sh*t is done"

"i agreed money sent"

"I forgot to ask do they come with og box"

That is the complete extent of what he said to me before he got the shoes in the mail. So like i said, he a PROVEN liar.
Did you mention about the separating sole in your auction ? if not , that's a misrepresentation. Just offer the OP a refund. Had him send the shoes back toyou.
jthagreat actually i had planned to take more pics of all the shoes i was selling in the next day or two after i listed them. Most were deadstock but it wasgonna be a sunny day in here so more pics usually make selling faster. I didn't take a specific pic of the two spots on the side cause i forgot they werethere when i was actually taking the pics. If i was hiding anything then why would i specifically state the issue in the description?
i dont care about how much feedback u have or nothing like that i sent u messages asking why u didnt say the sole was coming off and whats the deal with theink stains and u didnt reply till today and those messages were sent weds

and im not going to come right out and say "I WANT A REFUND" i was wanting to get a reply as to y u didnt tell me this form the start? and the reasoni created this thread was to ask the nt community if i was over reacting or if i was truly mis lead see what they said and go from there id they thought i wasmislead/screwed/scammed then ask for a refund and i did ask for more pics dont even try to say i didnt u said i have dozens of people tryin to buy them, then isaw that u were a nt staff figure u wouldnt screw anybody so i sent money b/c i thought i was getting a steal
and why did u give me bad feedback and lie about what i said i never said i didnt receive the shoes i stated right in this thread i received them very quickly
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

i dont care about how much feedback u have or nothing like that i sent u messages asking why u didnt say the sole was coming off and whats the deal with the ink stains and u didnt reply till today and those messages were sent weds

and im not going to come right out and say "I WANT A REFUND" i was wanting to get a reply as to y u didnt tell me this form the start? and the reason i created this thread was [color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]to ask the nt community if i was over reacting[/color] or if i was truly mis lead see what they said and go from there id they thought i was mislead/screwed/scammed then ask for a refund

yes you were over reacting....and no Im not biased towards any party.

You should have waited for his response before you you threw dirt on his name bottom line. Not everyone is on NT everyday. If weeks go by OK I undersatand, butyou didnt even wait one week.

Things happen when it comes to making deals on line and not in person. You should have gave him the chance to make it right before you jumped the gun.
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

i dont care about how much feedback u have or nothing like that i sent u messages asking why u didnt say the sole was coming off and whats the deal with the ink stains and u didnt reply till today and those messages were sent weds

and im not going to come right out and say "I WANT A REFUND" i was wanting to get a reply as to y u didnt tell me this form the start? and the reason i created this thread was to ask the nt community if i was over reacting or if i was truly mis lead see what they said and go from there id they thought i was mislead/screwed/scammed then ask for a refund and i did ask for more pics dont even try to say i didnt u said i have dozens of people tryin to buy them, then i saw that u were a nt staff figure u wouldnt screw anybody so i sent money b/c i thought i was getting a steal
well do you want a refund or not?
So rather then ask for a refund you start a thread saying "SCAMMED BY AN NT STAFF MEMBER"?

Exactly like i said, he NEVER mention wanting a full refund or a partial refund or wanting to return the shoes to get his money back. All he did was complain!How the hell am i a scammer when the fool never even asked for ANYTHING AT ALL? That right there kills his whole thread. He admits he never asked for anythingat all from me yet i scammed him... please kid.

Now would you care to explain why you lied about asking me for more pics? This should be awesome.
Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

i dont care about how much feedback u have or nothing like that i sent u messages asking why u didnt say the sole was coming off and whats the deal with the ink stains and u didnt reply till today and those messages were sent weds

and im not going to come right out and say "I WANT A REFUND" i was wanting to get a reply as to y u didnt tell me this form the start? and the reason i created this thread was [color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]to ask the nt community if i was over reacting[/color] or if i was truly mis lead see what they said and go from there id they thought i was mislead/screwed/scammed then ask for a refund

yes you were over reacting....and no Im not biased towards any party.

You should have waited for his response before you you threw dirt on his name bottom line. Not everyone is on NT everyday. If weeks go by OK I undersatand, but you didnt even wait one week.

Things happen when it comes to making deals on line and not in person. You should have gave him the chance to make it right before you jumped the gun.

honestly i figured he would never reply to me and he didnt till about 4-5 days and i saw that he was on after i sent the messages so i decided to post thisasking what i should do
you guys ALWAYS go against the wrong people in threads like this.

buyer isnt sure what hes getting until he sees it? wow. you should be liable for shipping charges for being dumb.
Originally Posted by Manglor

So rather then ask for a refund you start a thread saying "SCAMMED BY AN NT STAFF MEMBER"?

Exactly like i said, he NEVER mention wanting a full refund or a partial refund or wanting to return the shoes to get his money back. All he did was complain! How the hell am i a scammer when the fool never even asked for ANYTHING AT ALL? That right there kills his whole thread. He admits he never asked for anything at all from me yet i scammed him... please kid.

Now would you care to explain why you lied about asking me for more pics? This should be awesome.

i did ask for more pics but even if i didnt does that make it right? WHICH I DID DO NOT GET ME WRONG and the thread title didnt start off saying i got scammedi didnt change it till about 9 pages in when enough people said I GOT SCAMMED
to take screen shots there is a button that says "print scr" hit that, then go to paint and hit paste and it will show up.
^ Look for a button that says "Print screen"

Man, not sure which thread I should refresh/stay in...this or the Bruce Lee/Mike Tyson.
Buyer...just apologize and ask for a refund?

Hopefully Manglor does.....if not just take the L. Because its obvious your not going to win this one.
How the hell did you ask for more pics???

The only communication was through those PM's and the only ones i got from you before you got the shoes i copy/pasted into that post above.

You are just a total liar and so not worth my time.

How about this, if you admit you are BOLD-FACED LYING and apologize to me personally and the entire NT community in general for wasting our collective timethen i'll consider refunding you minus paypal fees and shipping after you return the shoes.

That is as fair as i'll be with someone like you.

I can't stand liars.
How about this, if you admit you are BOLD-FACED LYING and apologize to me personally and the entire NT community in general for wasting our collective time then i'll consider refunding you minus paypal fees and shipping after you return the shoes.

That is as fair as i'll be with someone like you.

I can't stand liars.
Fair enough considering your a damn liar.
Oh and you also have to change the title of the thread to "Sorry NT, I lied about getting scammed by Manglor."
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