manglor is the greatest person ever but is a terrible seller (pics bottom of page 1 and 4 AND 14)

good news is that it wasn't for a lot of money. that said, the fact this guy hasn't come to explain things in 10 pages, that's tip #1.
You could still file a paypal claim for misrepresenting an item. The pictures of the shoes he took and the pics that you took, even though yours are lowquality, the shoes still look different. It is worth a try. What I am not happy about is that he isn't here clearing this up and Mods/Admins have not beenin here yet. Are they letting this slide? You do something against the ROC and they're here with the quickness. But a kid gets frauded by one of them andits taking them forever to come in. Even if they are working on it, they should have said SOMETHING, ANYTHING to reassure the community that this will beinvestigated. I know they have lives, but I am sure that atleast one of them has seen this thread since it has been at the top the whole day.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by Lazy B

He knew what he was doing when he took those pictures at those specific angles.

I agree. Grimey.
dam thats messed up.

next time any suspicions, ANY dont do it.


Hope u get your money back.
thanks for all your help guys should i go through with a claim and take good pics with a good camera to show the angles?

if i win the claim i will send the shoes back
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

hes scared to show his face, i even private messaged this thread to him

Chill out, its just shoes. Take the L and move on
Originally Posted by Wikipedia

You could still file a paypal claim for misrepresenting an item. The pictures of the shoes he took and the pics that you took, even though yours are low quality, the shoes still look different. It is worth a try. What I am not happy about is that he isn't here clearing this up and Mods/Admins have not been in here yet. Are they letting this slide? You do something against the ROC and they're here with the quickness. But a kid gets frauded by one of them and its taking them forever to come in. Even if they are working on it, they should have said SOMETHING, ANYTHING to reassure the community that this will be investigated. I know they have lives, but I am sure that atleast one of them has seen this thread since it has been at the top the whole day.
Oh please...
what's to clear up?'s obviously something Manglor needs to handle at the moment....he's a man.

and really...this isn't fraud in my book...
OP took a chance on kicks that were used and described as having stains... he asked for more picsbut none were provided... and yet he STILL went through with the process.
really...if I'm going to buy something and want more pics..and the seller doesn't want to provide them for me...I'd consider that a huge red flagand I'm not matter how good the deal is.

that's the bottom line for me.
if Manglor wants to be it.

there's nothing left for an "Admin" to reply to.
yeah it is kinda dumb what the guy did
But manglor is being a Coward
You cant even show yourself ? Sad!

Give the poor guy a refund
and take back your messed up shoes
Quit hiding and be a man!
End of story!
Honestly....if I were Manglor...I'd refund only the costs of the shoes.. any shipping expenses and paypal fees would not be refunded

and only if I receive the shoes back first...but really...given the OPs already hostile stance...that's probably not going to happen.
it shouldnt even take this long come on
manglor knew what he was doing
and thought because he is a mod
would get away with it and he is

so sad because if anyone eles did this to a mod
all hell would have broken loose
Make me question niketalks morals.
When you take pictures like that, you are obviously trying to make the shoes look as good as possible. Maybe even better than what they really look, which isthe case here.


What's to clear up? Well, one of the staff members is being deceitful. You don't need to clear anything up. It's not straight up fraud like the Modor Admin who took the money for the NT shirts back in the day, but he did misrepresent an item he was selling. None of the Admins/Mods are affected, nor is NT.Just some kid who was got by a staff member. Thats all.

I think we can all conclude that the Buy/Sell forum here is crappy. But, we didn't know that an NT staff member would resort to such foolishness. You wouldthink he would know better being a Buy/Sell guide.
Ok let me clear this up.

I haven't posted in this thread cause i didn't know about until this clown sent me a message on iss saying how he "aired me out".

Son please. He's acting like he paid 350 for some fresh cool greys that turned out to be very used. He paid 100 plus shipping for shoes that were describedexactly as they were with pics taken in DAYLIGHT to show exactly the condition they were in.

First of all this dude is a total clown. I have 70 plus feedback on that other site and no one has ever complained about any shoes i've sold here on NTover the past 9 years. If i EVER had a problem it was dealt with quickly and nicely. I have refunded a few people just because THE SHOE DIDN'T FIT THEMRIGHT. I am in no way a scammer, never have been and never will be. As soon as i put the shoes up for sale i had over a dozen people ready to buy them withinan hour. 100 bucks plus shipping for cool greys is a steal even in yellowed/used condition. The stain on the toe was OBVIOUS in the pics and the two spots onthe side were CLEARLY STATED IN THE DESCRIPTION. The pics showed the shoes perfectly in FULL SUNLIGHT and i don't see how anyone can say they hid anythingat all. I usually take very few pics then add pics as people ask for more which is VERY common. He NEVER asked for another pic at all, if he had i would havetaken any he wanted as I ALWAYS HAVE. He wanted to pay asap so no one else would get them before he did.

Ok so he paid and i shipped the next day with tracking of course. Then TWO days later he posts in our agreement thread saying it's been a WEEK and i nevershipped the shoes to him so i'm a scammer. It was 2 or 3 days later and he already had the tracking number for DAYS so it's obvious this kid is just aliar.

Had he sent me a message saying he was unhappy with shoes i would have gladly refunded him no problem just cause that is how i have always done business overthe last 8-9 years. You can ask anyone i've dealt with. But once he got the shoes he sends me multiple messages calling me names and saying how the shoesaren't worth 25 bucks and how i'm a scammer and threating me yet he NEVER ASKED FOR A REFUND OR OFFERED TO RETURN THE SHOES! Once he did that crap i nolonger cared whatsoever about the fact he was unhappy. I don't do much business here or on iss at all, only once in awhile so i always go out of my way tomake whoever i am dealing with happy but the fact he was such a complete worthless e-thug instead of treating me with any decency made this personal. Plus thefact he never said anything about wanting a refund or sending me the shoes back at all until he sent me a message saying he posted this thread a little whileago.

You can all side with him just cause you love hating staff members or side with me cause i've helped so many of you out in the past, it doesn't reallymatter. I've been a buy/sell guide for a long long time just to help the NT community out and i've dealt with hundreds of other people who have hadissues like this as buyers or sellers.

If anyone i ever sell to (though for the most part i am just a buyer) is unhappy i fix it asap in whatever way is needed. If anyone ever comes at me acting aschildish and e-thugged as this fool did then i could care less about how they feel about the transaction.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Ok let me clear this up.

I haven't posted in this thread cause i didn't know about until this clown sent me a message on iss saying how he "aired me out".

Son please. He's acting like he paid 350 for some fresh cool greys that turned out to be very used. He paid 100 plus shipping for shoes that were described exactly as they were with pics taken in DAYLIGHT to show exactly the condition they were in.

First of all this dude is a total clown. I have 70 plus feedback on that other site and no one has ever complained about any shoes i've sold here on NT over the past 9 years. If i EVER had a problem it was dealt with quickly and nicely. I have refunded a few people just because THE SHOE DIDN'T FIT THEM RIGHT. I am in no way a scammer, never have been and never will be. As soon as i put the shoes up for sale i had over a dozen people ready to buy them within an hour. 100 bucks plus shipping for cool greys is a steal even in yellowed/used condition. The stain on the toe was OBVIOUS in the pics and the two spots on the side were CLEARLY STATED IN THE DESCRIPTION. The pics showed the shoes perfectly in FULL SUNLIGHT and i don't see how anyone can say they hid anything at all. I usually take very few pics then add pics as people ask for more which is VERY common. He NEVER asked for another pic at all, if he had i would have taken any he wanted as I ALWAYS HAVE. He wanted to pay asap so no one else would get them before he did.

Ok so he paid and i shipped the next day with tracking of course. Then TWO days later he posts in our agreement thread saying it's been a WEEK and i never shipped the shoes to him so i'm a scammer. It was 2 or 3 days later and he already had the tracking number for DAYS so it's obvious this kid is just a liar.

Had he sent me a message saying he was unhappy with shoes i would have gladly refunded him no problem just cause that is how i have always done business over the last 8-9 years. You can ask anyone i've dealt with. But once he got the shoes he sends me multiple messages calling me names and saying how the shoes aren't worth 25 bucks and how i'm a scammer and threating me yet he NEVER ASKED FOR A REFUND OR OFFERED TO RETURN THE SHOES! Once he did that crap i no longer cared whatsoever about the fact he was unhappy. I don't do much business here or on iss at all, only once in awhile so i always go out of my way to make whoever i am dealing with happy but the fact he was such a complete worthless e-thug instead of treating me with any decency made this personal. Plus the fact he never said anything about wanting a refund or sending me the shoes back at all until he sent me a message saying he posted this thread a little while ago.

You can all side with him just cause you love hating staff members or side with me cause i've helped so many of you out in the past, it doesn't really matter. I've been a buy/sell guide for a long long time just to help the NT community out and i've dealt with hundreds of other people who have had issues like this as buyers or sellers.

If anyone i ever sell to (though for the most part i am just a buyer) is unhappy i fix it asap in whatever way is needed. If anyone ever comes at me acting as childish and e-thugged as this fool did then i could care less about how they feel about the transaction.


OP, you got some 'splainin to do
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