Manny Paquiao !! Hes bringing asians back

Originally Posted by daffy 016

mayweather is going to kill him
Months before.... " Hatton is going to kill him"

anyone that thinks floyd money mayweather can lose a fight right now is ******ed and or doesnt know #!%! about boxing... its a

sweet science and point blank hes too fast and good for anyone to inflict enough damage to win... only way i could see it is him

losing a decision but the way the man counters i cant even really see that... Floyd is the goat
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

anyone that thinks floyd money mayweather can lose a fight right now is ******ed and or doesnt know #!%! about boxing... its a

sweet science and point blank hes too fast and good for anyone to inflict enough damage to win... only way i could see it is him

losing a decision but the way the man counters i cant even really see that... Floyd is the goat
I had to read this a couple times to make sure I saw it right...
Floyd is the goat

Floyd is the goat
Floyd is the goat
That, plus this,
anyone that thinks ... mayweather can lose a fight right now is ******ed and or doesnt know #!%! about boxing

lets me know you dont know @@!@ about boxing.
*Saw Title and showed it to my best friend (who is Filipino)*

His words "Yeah, we're Asians, but we get treated like the black people of Oriental Asians. Now all the sudden other Asians want to be fans. Dudes uphere sounding like White people claiming Barack as half theirs. ****!"
I think Mayweather needs to focus on Marquez before worrying about Paquiao. Marquez isn't exactly a pushover.

It'll be a great fight either way. Marquez or Mayweather v. Paquiao.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

*Saw Title and showed it to my best friend (who is Filipino)*

His words "Yeah, we're Asians, but we get treated like the black people of Oriental Asians. Now all the sudden other Asians want to be fans. Dudes up here sounding like White people claiming Barack as half theirs. ****!"
Originally Posted by justinvincent

I think Mayweather needs to focus on Marquez before worrying about Paquiao. Marquez isn't exactly a pushover.

It'll be a great fight either way. Marquez or Mayweather v. Paquiao.
PBF has that going against him. Everyone is thinking of Marquez as a tune-up
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

point is, who cares who's a fan or not? it isn't going to take away from you being an "OG" fan. btw, i'm not a hop on. i don't watch boxing enough to call myself a fan. but i've always hated that "i was a fan first" attitude, be it sports.. music or anything.
i was calling the dudes who are talking about "PACMAN IS BRINGING ASIANS BACK!" "PACMAN CAN BEAT ANYONE" or the "PACMAN WILL EAT ______ ALIVE" dudes the hypebeast hop ons. if you werent one of them, then my bad, i wasnt talking about you.

and im far from being an OG fan of pacman. im a fairly new fan myself, but can i sit here and vouch for dude like ive seen all of his matches? hell nah. thats why i played my position, i know way more about mayweather than Manny, do i think mayweather can take him down? hell yeah i think he can.

but Manny can also take down mayweather. im just siding with mayweather on this one.
this is a match we have to see to know.

i didnt come in this thread saying "PRETTY BOY LOYD WOULD BRUTALY DESTRONY PACMAN". why? cause PBF probably wont beat him that damn bad. Manny is fast as hell and has nice power while keeping that speed. so i know for a fact that PBF wont just walk onto the ring and beat him down to the ground.

but theres a difference between being a new fan, and being a new hypebeast. if youre a new respectable fan who just supports manny's fights, then all good. i respect your opinion. hell, i even respect a hypebeasts opinion. everyones opinion is respected, but dudes cant just walk in somewhere talking all this big talk when they hardly know %%*#.

and a lot of dudes on NT and outside of Nt do that. ive even gotten into arguments of Pacman with my boys. they saw dude win 1 fight and all of a sudden they were OG fans. i saw manny win against De la hoya and was left with the
face. dude was lethal, and i was sold even more than i was before. but i didnt wake up the next day saying "PACMAN IS +*#%$+* UP ANYONE. BRIGN IT!!", cause dude could have lost his next fight... then wheres my big bad super hero now? knocked the #*%+ out

i need to stop tping these damn essays


Btw I've been following Pac-Man for like a decade... back when he used to be called "The Destroyer"

...but I think this whole "OG" "Bandwagon" fans are ridiculous!
Someone reminds me to invest in Pfizer a couple weeks before the PBF - Pacman fight...

Pacquiao fans are going to need heavy doses of Prozac after Floyd bats him around the ring like a rag doll.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

*Saw Title and showed it to my best friend (who is Filipino)*

His words "Yeah, we're Asians, but we get treated like the black people of Oriental Asians. Now all the sudden other Asians want to be fans. Dudes up here sounding like White people claiming Barack as half theirs. ****!"
the heck does that even mean??
Originally Posted by justinvincent

I think Mayweather needs to focus on Marquez before worrying about Paquiao. Marquez isn't exactly a pushover.

It'll be a great fight either way. Marquez or Mayweather v. Paquiao.

Marquez fights like a bloodthirsty Aztec warrior; PBF had better be ready
Originally Posted by Mako28

Originally Posted by justinvincent

I think Mayweather needs to focus on Marquez before worrying about Paquiao. Marquez isn't exactly a pushover.

It'll be a great fight either way. Marquez or Mayweather v. Paquiao.

Marquez fights like a bloodthirsty Aztec warrior; PBF had better be ready
your avy, its gangsta
nice one

Still; you can't discredit the heart of a fighter that gets knocked down three times by Pacman and then fights him back to a draw

JMM lost the second fight; but youd be hard pressed to believe that after watching it

However, right now Pacman is the standard by which all other boxers are measured
Originally Posted by Mako28

Originally Posted by justinvincent

I think Mayweather needs to focus on Marquez before worrying about Paquiao. Marquez isn't exactly a pushover.

It'll be a great fight either way. Marquez or Mayweather v. Paquiao.

Marquez fights like a bloodthirsty Aztec warrior; PBF had better be ready
Yeah he was nasty in his last fight. Took alot of hits, too.

Glad to see him get a payday as oppose to fighting another young guy
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

floyd will beat this guy *#%......I like manny but floyd has great defense......and um asains were never in when it came to boxing
I thought Filipinos were the ones who introduced the style of boxing we know today? Pardon my ignorance if I'm wrong.

edit: And there were many great Filipino boxers before Manny, but they just aren't recognized.
filipino is asain ?????

last time I check boxing has been dominated by itialians, blacks, russians, latinos, and I would say a few irish men

you really that dumb?
are you really that lame ?............
Keith you prove again (once again) that you have no idea what you're talking about. There is a plethora of Asian boxers that dominate thesport.

Pacquiao, Hasegawa, and Daisuke Naito to name a few rule their respective weight classes.

That and the fact you didn't know Filipinos are Asian is a true testament to your ignorance.

Grats to all Filipinos and Asians.

Boo to all the ignorance in this thread.
Originally Posted by 49ers650

Originally Posted by Mako28

Originally Posted by justinvincent

I think Mayweather needs to focus on Marquez before worrying about Paquiao. Marquez isn't exactly a pushover.

It'll be a great fight either way. Marquez or Mayweather v. Paquiao.

Marquez fights like a bloodthirsty Aztec warrior; PBF had better be ready
Yeah he was nasty in his last fight. Took alot of hits, too.

Glad to see him get a payday as oppose to fighting another young guy
I love this dude, no #+%$. I can't wait till the mayweather and marquez fight, its gonna be something serious considering that I like bothdudes.
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