Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

Damn you don't read.

If it can affect a player's game status, it matters.

THIS doesn't matter.

Yes, if it happens in their personal life I don't give a damn. Why should I? Hence the word GOSSIP.

Oh, I am negative because I think athletes should have privacy. That makes sense.
I agree with you man.  ESPN is just like TMZ Sports these days and it makes me sick.  I get enough entertainment from the sporting events themselves...I don't need for them to create additional drama because that doesn't entertain me.  I don't like gossip.
I never said that it did/didn't help him do anything dude.

Again, you aren't reading.

I said this isn't breaking news.

If you don't care why do you feel the need to be the one posting every other post, just ignore the thread

You are in here for the gossip too regardless of what your repeated view says
The comment section under this story on is ridiculous.

"Teo is now dating the tooth fairy."

Chances are he knew wasn't tricked into this.
You can be a grump then. Personally I along with I assume the majority of those who are fans of sports like to be fed gossip about sports. We like to know how big of a clown Teo is the next time he steps on the field. We like to know if two players hate each other resulting in a heated match up. So if watching sports while being oblivious to everything off the field while seeing every player with a neutral bias is your cup a tea than so be it. You don't have be to such a grump about it though. If we are all girls who like to gossip about sports than you're that grandpa who hates the entire world and hasn't left his house in years. There's simply no way you've never gossiped before :lol:
Dog, that is all I ever asked you to admit. If you would have said that from the jump I wouldn't still be talking.

I did like 5 times. Pretty sure it was even the first time I quoted you. You just called me a girl everytime :lol: acting like its the same as me being interested in Johnny breaking up with Susan who said she hated Diane cause she was dating Tommy type ****.
If you don't care why do you feel the need to be the one posting every other post, just ignore the thread

You are in here for the gossip too regardless of what your repeated view says
Makes zero sense.

I am posting in here because it annoys me that dudes are in here salivating over this "news" story.

Me posting in here doesn't mean I care about this damn story dude. But let you tell it. :smokin
Not gonna front, when I initially saw this story as "breaking News" on ESPN I was wondering why the **** this was breaking news on ESPN to begin with.

Seemed like this story would be more apropos for TMZ, or Mediatakeout so I get where DC is coming from to an extent.

But then I read the Deadspin article, and read how weird this story is and how long this hoax has been going on, and how Manti seems to be implicated and I see why this has gotten so much coverage.

This story propelled Manti not only into the national media's consciousness, but was part of the foundation of his run at the Heisman.

So to find out all this was a hoax (with the exception of his grandmother's death) and he seems to be implicated in it is disconcerting.

Ol boy from Notre Dame was a fool to do that press conference defending Te'o, when there are so many things off about Te'o stance in regards to this fiasco.

Still trying to figure out why he was getting so emotional too.

Might lose his job over this.
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I did like 5 times. Pretty sure it was even the first time I quoted you. You just called me a girl everytime :lol: acting like its the same as me being interested in Johnny breaking up with Susan who said she hated Diane cause she was dating Tommy type ****.
Sorry for calling you a girl man. I am more so mad at BSPN than yall.

Forgive me man? :nerd:
Well duh, that's what they do everyday. Just tell me what specifically you'd like to be the #1 story right now.
There doesn't need to be a #1 story right now.

But if you ask, Sportscenter should open up talking about Gronk, Lance (matters since it affected game play), Playoffs, Lakers.

Not this bull........

Give this a 2 minute pocket at the 0:37 mark of the hour of something.

It aint worth a damn BREAKING NEWS.


Your answer is, nothing especially, except for things I already know about, that they won't suddenly choose not to report on anymore.

There aren't any breaking updates on those stories. Your just whiny to be whiny. This is a major followup on a national story they ran earlier in the season. Were you mad back then?

Why does it matter that this is the #1 story? Are you mad that ESPN doesn't specifically cater to your minute by minute preferences or that there's an audience for it? Because then, you're just mad that most sports fans aren't like you.
Saw this on reddit:

From the ESPN article:
Reagan Mauia, an Arizona Cardinals fullback, said he believes Kekua existed because he met her in person when he and other Polynesian teammates and Pittsburgh Steelers star Troy Polamalu went to do charity work in American Samoa in June 2011.
"This was before her and Manti," Mauia said Wednesday evening. "I don't think Manti was even in the picture, but she and I became good friends. We would talk off and on, just checking up on each other kind of thing. I am close to her family. When she was going through the loss of her father, I was -- I offered a comforting shoulder and just someone to bounce her emotions off. That was just from meeting her in Samoa."
Mauia said Tuiasosopo -- whom Mauia believes is Kekua's cousin -- introduced the two. After the initial meeting, Mauia said he met her at an "after-party" for all of the athletes involved in the camp.
"She was tall," he said. "Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model ... "
He said it is his understanding that Kekua's mother is operating her Twitter account. He said he'd never met her mother. When told by a reporter that she apparently might not have existed, Mauia said "No, she is real."

its from this article
Your answer is, nothing especially, except for things I already know about, that they won't suddenly choose not to report on anymore.

There aren't any breaking updates on those stories. Your just whiny to be whiny. This is a major followup on a national story they ran earlier in the season. Were you mad back then?

Why does it matter that this is the #1 story? Are you mad that ESPN doesn't specifically cater to your minute by minute preferences or that there's an audience for it? Because then, you're just mad that most sports fans aren't like you.
As I said it was not worth a BREAKING NEWS label on the ticker tab.
I hate ESPN and it's mainly because it's turned into this sports gossip type crap, but even I'm intrigued by this. Probably more on a human psyche level. I think I'm a drama *****.
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Horrible example.

We are talking about the media reporting, NO, the media BLOWING UP a personal situation of a ND player and you bring up an example of a coach and how he can help nurture his relationship with one of the players he coaches?

Horrible example man.

The MEDIA is the problem here, not the discussion. The media blowing this up to the point that it has a damn BREAKING NEWS ticker.

You said you only care about whether it affects their play on the field. You don't think (if he is to be believed) Manti finding out that his "girlfriend" wasn't really dead less than 2 weeks before National Title Game would affect his play? That was the point; this is a personal interest story but it also ABSOLUTELY affected his on field play.

I don't see why my example is so horrible; you said it's FEMININE to care about an athlete's off the field life/personal issues. If something happened to one of your kids' friends you wouldn't be concerned about it solely because it affects them on the court, unless you're a terrible person. What's so different about people feeling sympathy when a Heisman finalist's grandmother and GF die? This wouldn't be near as big of a story if the GF hadn't allegedly died.

I agree with you that the media/social media and people on here speculating about his sexuality and deciding he did it with malicious intent without knowing all the facts is unfair to him and "gossipy" or whatever you want to call it. Even though the Deadspin story makes the whole situation sound fishy I'm 100% with you on that aspect. But I don't think being interested in the story in general is a bad thing, or a gender specific thing either.
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I love fake b_____ thats my f'n problem
Seriously...this story is so bizarre. Stringin this out for so long for what? Sympathy? Publicity? i don't see the reason for this. LOL at people being convinced hes gay.
Do you think the fact that since he's a Mormon that he is completely naive to "The Real World" and could make him even more susceptible to being "Catfished"?
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Do you think the fact that since he's a Mormon that he is completely naive to "The Real World" and could make him even more susceptible to being "Catfished"?

there is no way he was catfished.

either Manti is ayo or he liked his way to some awards.
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