Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

Given the past frauds on NT and the good work of hardworking NT detectives to expose them, this story doesn't surprise me one bit. I would say he was definitely in on it, or he's the world's biggest idiot. Either way, he is worthless scum.
What a mother ^%#*+=* loser? Why? What do you have to gain from that lie? Dude must have major issues.

Btw, longest fist post ever omg
interested to hear what skip/steven a have to say about this tomorrow...

he might be on suicide watch, hope people are around him
interested to hear what skip/steven a have to say about this tomorrow...

he might be on suicide watch, hope people are around him
don't worry. he's on the phone with his girlfriend...

all kidding aside -- whatever the truth is, he can't be in a good emotional state right now. i hope he's with good people. real people.
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Kind of makes me think of Mitt Romney, the way this guy was willing to represent himself so fakely without shame... Is it a mormon thing?
To me, the way this went down clearly indicates that he is gay.

He is also mentally deranged for going through these lengths to cover it up.. homie has serious issues and I hope he sees a good psychiatrist.
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ESPN is full of drama, it''s turned into hair salon gossip. If Manti had something to do with the hoax then he has issues. But regardless he is still a talented football player. And he will be making millions while people waste their time cracking jokes about him on the internet.
An anonymous Notre Dame teammate of Te’o spoke to Jackie Peppers of who has formerly worked for ESPN, Fox Sports, The NFL Network is currently freelancing for Yahoo Sports.

The teammate shed some light on what was really going on between Te’o and his Fake Dead Cancer Girlfriend.

Here is what he had to say

The Notre Dame football player, who asked for anonymity, told Pepper On Sports, “No we all knew he had only seen her once. But when the media was saying how he went through both deaths we knew,” said the source, referring to the back-to-back deaths of Te’o’s grandmother and girlfriend Lennay Kekua, who allegedly died of Leukemia.

In defense of the Heisman Trophy candidate, the source said he believes the lie may have indeed started with somebody duping Te’o using a phony twitter account, and eventually, faking their own death.

Early in my conversation with the source, the Notre Dame player said, “He lied, but the media blew it up.” In response to my follow-up question asking if the source thought that Te’o kept the story going because of the media attention, the player replied, “Yeah. Right after the Michigan [State] game. He should have never brought her in the media. His grandma passing was enough.”

“We would never bring it up. But we would look at him when he would get all emotional during media about his girl,” the player said.

When asked if he thought Te’o was a good actor, the player replied, “Very good.”

This sounds accurate to me, but instead of manning up, Te’o will play the victim. The reality is it was his attention whoring that got him into the situation he is in now.

Here is the best case scenario theory for Te’o and there are a lot of wild rumors going. It is possible originally he was Catfished, but once the media picked up the story, he didn’t dare admit that the person he was talking to wasn’t real. His Ego got in the way and had him doing interviews like the one he did with Jim Rome where he plays up the relationship like it was a magical love between two people who met on a football field.

Just like with most lies they started to stack on top of each other and got bigger and bigger to the point Te’o was simply in too deep. Once he realized he had been duped and it was possible he could get exposed he confessed to Notre Dame claiming he was the victim.

Unless you are a Kardashian do not push your luck with Attention Whoring, you will get exposed.
ESPN is full of drama, it''s turned into hair salon gossip. If Manti had something to do with the hoax then he has issues. But regardless he is still a talented football player. And he will be making millions while people waste their time cracking jokes about him on the internet.

Please son if you don't believe he was in on it, he played it up every chance he got

You don't go to your girlfriends funeral?
Please son if you don't believe he was in on it, he played it up every chance he got

You don't go to your girlfriends funeral?

I believe he was in on it and he has mental issues. I just want to see what he has to say about everything. It's not adding up.
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