Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

:smh: whata lame!!!

i dont like him, but i really hope that this is untrue. where they do that at :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
Being gay is the only reason for any of this. I mean was he trying to gain Heisman votes off sympathy? Get beneficial calls on the field for sympathy? Nah son. You a Heisman candidate @ Notre Dame and you "fall in love" with a chick you have never met on the internet. Something is wrong there.

I cant wrap my head around any other reason other than he is hiding being gay. And people were getting suspicious about never seeing his "Girlfriend" so he came up with the story of her dying. **** is soooooooo random :lol:

And dont get me wrong. I see nothing wrong with being gay. Thats his business. But thats the only logical thing I can come up with for why he would make up such an elaborate lie
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the girl that they used pictures from is actually from the city i live in (torrance, CA) haha. I don't know who she is at all but I have a lot of friends that have been seeing the pics of her today and they know who she is.
U have to remember he is 21 years oldand prob made a mistake. He should admit and ask for help. Still not close to lance armstrong or murdering someone.
You the BMOC and have a make-believe girlfriend? Makes ZERO sense. Well, actually it does if you connect the dots.

When you think about it, the whole thing is really ****** up on a number of levels. On a small scale, you got people like me and you who probably got a tad bit emotional watching him play in the hours following his grandmother's and girlfriend's deaths. You got him leading a rah-rah speech to his teammates to play in their honors vs. MSU. On a larger scale, you got Te'o PERSONALLY writing letters to the parents of sick children who drew inspiration from his story. That's playing with the emotions of people in a very weak frame of mind due to what's going on in their lives. INEXCUSABLE and NOTHING can be said to me to make me understand why he would go to these lengths to lie.

My mind is blown. In the past two years, I've come across two sports stories that have completely left me dumbfounded and are the most shocking things I've heard on a sports related level in my life. 1. Penn State. 2. Te'o and his lies.

I'm sitting here typing and I just can't believe the nerve of some people. I don't care if he's gay or not...the man has some SERIOUS mental problems. You have to be some sort of sick in the head to do this.

Oh, and shame on Notre Dame and ESPN. For Notre Dame, you sat on this since the 26th of December and released some half-*** statement today that was a bunch of ********. ESPN...well, I'm not surprised.
This is a crazy story but I honestly don't see why it's such a big deal though. It's not worthy of being the headlining story on Sportscenter, but maybe I'm missing something.
Teo always seemed off...he kinda looks empty when you look at him...idk if that makes since but yea :lol:
Something is wrong about this dude. Maybe playing football is his escape from reality. You know many football players, especially defender, are kind of mess up in the head.
With all the college cooch running around on campus, and this guy is publicizing an imaginary girlfriend!? :smh: ...Son's not wrapped too tight. If he makes it to the NFL now, I just pray my team doesn't pick this idiot.
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