Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

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Not believing for one second HE was the victim..... :lol: @ his statement.

He made it all up. Got caught. The real question is why? This dude is weird. :smh:
This is a crazy story but I honestly don't see why it's such a big deal though. It's not worthy of being the headlining story on Sportscenter, but maybe I'm missing something.

He bamboozled millions of people. If you can't see why this is a big deal, then I don't know what to tell you.
No one said that.

Something was always off about him. People have been saying they didn't like the guy and couldn't quite put their finger on why all season.
Probably because everyone is tired of these BS sob stories and "perfect human beings" like Te'o and Tebow that are always being pushed down our throats...

Teo was definitely in one these shenanigans.

Worst of all, he exploited the legit death of his grandmother as a part of this nonsense.
After further review

She isn't who we thought she was

Dude is a clown.  This is pathetic.  NFL teams are going GRILL him before the draft. 
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This is a crazy story but I honestly don't see why it's such a big deal though. It's not worthy of being the headlining story on Sportscenter, but maybe I'm missing something.

He bamboozled millions of people. If you can't see why this is a big deal, then I don't know what to tell you.

I bet Lance Armstrong is ecstatic. He just got bumped to page 2.
I'm seeing suspicion that Te'o and Tuiasosopo had a relationship and used this to cover it up. After reading the Deadspin article and their behavior, it makes a lot of sense.
These 2 things aren't even in the same ballpark.

Also, Lance and his lies > Te'o and his.

I'm saying TO ME, those are my top 2.

Lance, has always been sketchy. Was anyone honestly surprised about his PED usage? C'mon....

This Te'o story is SOOOOOOO far outta left field that it's hard to comprehend what the hell is going on.
Yea, I guess you're right about Lance.

I agree about the Te'o story being weird, too.

That Penn State thing was on a whole different level, though, :smh:.
This is beyond disturbing

and I agree, Lance's story follows along the lines of a more typical story within sports..its just on a bigger scale but it happens...things like Penn State and this fall out of the norm of what you expect scandal wise.

I wonder what Lance is hinking right now too... this story just took a complete **** on his "redemption tour" and the Oprah interview
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Potentially a crazy story. Sounds :wow:

Wanna see what Manti says.

Y'all right NFL teams are gonna go in on their interviews with dude
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