Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

at this point what is the best and worst case scenario for Manti, the school, and the media?

Best case for everyone involved is if he's gay. Much easier to rationalize his actions, easy for the school to not want to out him, media gets a good story

At this point dude might just fake being gay
Best case for everyone involved is if he's gay. Much easier to rationalize his actions, easy for the school to not want to out him, media gets a good story

At this point dude might just fake being gay

Nah Notre Dame would crucify him for being gay. You can lie about whatever you want, but if he's gay that same ad that was crying will see him like satan himself. You know what conservative people are like....
I think Te'o is looking for an interview where he can control the situation and get to deal with softballs, and since the story is so big at the moment, I feel like he's going to get that chance b/c a lot of outlets are going to want to get the exclusive.

And get paid for the interview since he signed with an agent last week.
dude just need to hurry up & say sumthin cause its only gon get worse if he dont. folks just wanna know the truth cause this **** is too crazy
I had a friend in college who was a compulsive liar. It was obvious when he would tell stories such as dating the children of famous celebrities and hanging out at their houses and ****, but we never called him out on it to his face, only laughed behind his back. This Teo dude sounds similar, except from that transcript he sounds like he also suffers from mild ******ation.
How did anyone have time to stay on the phone with him for 8 hours every night just for the purpose of playing a joke? Whoever she was she must have caught feelings too even if she was "acting"
at this point what is the best and worst case scenario for Manti, the school, and the media?

Best case for everyone involved is if he's gay. Much easier to rationalize his actions, easy for the school to not want to out him, media gets a good story

At this point dude might just fake being gay

Could you imagine round 2 of this, outing him as faking gay? :x

Monti, how do you explain these direct messages to Rita Ora?
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Yo...this man said in a interview he doesn't know when his girl graduated lmao wtf
He was wrapped so tightly around an invisible hand that he believed those hands were extended to help him. In on it or not, he has/had serious mental issues to deal with and work through.
I'm pretty sure dude's a fraud.  Dude said he rendezvoused in hawaii w/ her.

No way he was catfished

The best story tho would be she is still alive..... and had a sex change. so he lied about her death to prevent all the lulz which would be had 
I'm hoping that it comes out she's real and he made up the hoax after he discovered the Lennay/Tebow sex tape
How did anyone have time to stay on the phone with him for 8 hours every night just for the purpose of playing a joke? Whoever she was she must have caught feelings too even if she was "acting"

She was in a coma apparently when that happened which is weird the time zone thing is a bit off too:

From that SI article:

SI: You would literally sleep with your phone on with her on it?
TE'O: With her on it.
SI: When you woke up?
TE'O: She's be on it.
SI: What would the phone say?
TE'O: Like eight hours. Lucky she had AT&T so it was all free or my family would kill me.
SI: When did you start talking to her all night?
TE'O: When she got in her accident?
SI: So starting in April?
TE'O: Yeah and you know, she was in a coma. I would try, and you know.
SI: Hit by a drunk driver. What were her injuries?
TE'O: I don't know. She had a lot of different injuries.
SI: How long was she hospitalized?
TE'O: She was in that hospital for about two months.
SI: Wow, did she get out?
TE'O: She didn't get out. She went from there. Remember she got in the accident and she was in a coma. We lost her, actually, twice. She flatlined twice. They revived her twice. It was just a trippy situation. It was a day I was flying home from South Bend to go home for summer break. It was May. Mid-May. That was the day where they said, "Bro, we're going to pull it. We're going to pull the plug." I remember having this feeling like everything is going to be OK. They were telling me, "Say your goodbyes." From April 28 to around mid-May, I was always talking to my girlfriend who was on a machine.
SI: She couldn't communicate?

TE'O: No. She could only breathe. One of the miraculous things was when I talked to her and she would hear my voice her breathing would pick up. Like quickly, and then she would start crying. But her breathing would quicken, and she would start crying. So her brother was in the room with the nurse. They were monitoring her. She said, "Who is she on the phone with?" Her boyfriend. She was like, "That's amazing. She doesn't do that with anybody else." So that happened. And then she flatlined and we were losing her.
The day I went home, that was the day they were going to pull it. They were saying their goodbyes and all that. I said, "Babe, I'm never going to say goodbye to you. If you really want to go, she really missed her dad, so I said, "If you want to go, be with dad, go. Just know that I love you very, very much." I had this very positive feeling that everything was going to be OK. I landed in Hawaii. By the time I said my goodbyes. Not my goodbyes, my I love you, I'll see you later, that kind of thing, I jumped on the airplane to go to Hawaii. They were scheduled to pull the plug while I was in the air.
So right when I landed, I was expecting to get a voicemail saying she's gone. So I landed and I had a voicemail from her brother saying, "Brother, call me back right now." So you can imagine what's going through my head. I was like, "What am I going to do? How am I going to take this?'"And so I called him back, the doctor came in and he saw something and he wants to try some treatment on her to see if it works. From there she slowly started to get better. Slowly. Eventually she came out of her coma and she started having memory problems and she couldn't remember because of the accident. That's how much damage she had to her frontal lobe. She had memory problems. I was actually the first person that she talked to. She was breathing, breathing. When I talked to her, I would say, "Babe, do you know who this is?" I knew she knew who it was because her breathing would pick up. I was like, "Relax, chill. Breathe slowly. Breathe slowly." And then, that was when she first started to speak was that conversation. I was like, "Babe, I love you. I love you." Very slightly she said, "I love you."
SI: Was that right when you got back?
TE'O: Then she started to make progress.
SI: This is unbelievable.

Read More:
NFL Exec: We Prefer Criminals Over Liars

The veracity of claims made by Manti Te'o that he was the victim of a hoax in which his girlfriend didn't exist will be scrutinized by NFL teams that consider drafting him.

Te'o has been expected to go in the middle of the first round in the 2013 NFL Draft.

"We'll draft criminals, but lie to my face and you're off our board," said one NFL executive on Thursday.
NFL Exec: We Prefer Criminals Over Liars

The veracity of claims made by Manti Te'o that he was the victim of a hoax in which his girlfriend didn't exist will be scrutinized by NFL teams that consider drafting him.

Te'o has been expected to go in the middle of the first round in the 2013 NFL Draft.

"We'll draft criminals, but lie to my face and you're off our board," said one NFL executive on Thursday.

I respect it.
How did anyone have time to stay on the phone with him for 8 hours every night just for the purpose of playing a joke? Whoever she was she must have caught feelings too even if she was "acting"
c'mon man... please tell me you're kidding.

he never spoke to anyone for 8 hours.  he MADE IT UP.  it's FAKE.
NFL Exec: We Prefer Criminals Over Liars

The veracity of claims made by Manti Te'o that he was the victim of a hoax in which his girlfriend didn't exist will be scrutinized by NFL teams that consider drafting him.

Te'o has been expected to go in the middle of the first round in the 2013 NFL Draft.

"We'll draft criminals, but lie to my face and you're off our board," said one NFL executive on Thursday.

I mean I agree, criminals are easier to rehabilitate than a liar who seems to have some kind of mental issues
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