Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Never Existed

You'd think that if this was really a hoax,legal action would've been taken long ago by Notre Dame,Te'o and his people against Ronaiah for all the damage to he's supposedly done to his reputation.
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You'd think that if this was really a hoax,legal action would've been taken long ago by Notre Dame,Te'o and his people against Ronaiah for all the damage to he's supposedly done to his reputation.

How do you do that after you helped perpetuate the whole story even after knowing it was a hoax?
Saw this pop up on my twitter tl

It's about to come out that he's a homosexual and/or nfl teams will know before draft day arrives ...I refuse to believe that anybody is that stupid and if he is I hope a team isn't dumb enough to draft this ******
The female voice was that dude? C'mon dude gotta be fruity or flat out lying. Several year relationship and no skype, facetime or nothin? Nobody is that damn stupid 
This story is TOO wild. No matter how many interviews Te'o gives, his take on the whole situation still has a ridiculous amount of holes in it. Now Tuiasopo was the voice on the other end? :lol: :rofl:
This story is TOO wild. No matter how many interviews Te'o gives, his take on the whole situation still has a ridiculous amount of holes in it. Now Tuiasopo was the voice on the other end?
LMAOOOO Must be watching too much Mrs. Doubtfire 
This story is TOO wild. No matter how many interviews Te'o gives, his take on the whole situation still has a ridiculous amount of holes in it. Now Tuiasopo was the voice on the other end? :lol: :rofl:
LMAOOOO Must be watching too much Mrs. Doubtfire 
lol... i posted the pic before i saw your post.

this whole story is plausible based on movies i've seen. :\
Ole boy has to be either gay, or gay lol. As if choosing to do his first live interview with couric wasn't proof enough. Did that air in the view only LOL. Getcho T-REX wrist on Te'o
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Manti just needs to come clean if he likes dat bro on bro loving. I know him being Mormon is probably the reason homeboy is so scared to just confess :smh:
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Hol'up so for 3 years he talking to a dude disguised as a woman? GTHOHWTBS

Dude should just come out the closet. He's only making it worse.
95% chance dude is gay at this point. No question. Especially since he was actually talking to a dude. Like I thought from the start, this is all a big cover up to cover Te'o's and Roniah's relationship. He just needs to come out and say it.
the link to the voicemails isnt working but I heard Katie on DP Show this morning saying that it sounds like a woman

and when this was first being reported wasnt it being said that a man and a female were in on it with Roniah?

either way it goes son has to be mentally prepared for the heckling he is about to endure....from teammates to fans to opposing players. its gonna be rough for dude. if he is able to put it all behind him and ball out...hats off to him.
I didn't think this would get this big and really isnt a big deal, but after hearing that the phone calls were also from a dude with voice training.......this ish is just getting weird.
:lol: My god

Ronaiah Tuiasosopo - Intense Feelings for Te'o

Ronaiah Tuiasosopo had intense feelings for Manti Te'o ... feelings that developed over time that he channeled through a female persona, but the emotions -- like the scam -- were rooted in fantasy.

Sources very close to Ronaiah tell TMZ ... he struggled for years trying to adapt to the expectations of his culture, his religion and his family. Ronaiah, we're told, never had a serious physical relationship with anyone and created a female persona online as a way to vent his feelings.

We're told Ronaiah used the female persona in many encounters, but so far there's no evidence he became intensely emotionally attached to anyone -- until Manti. We've confirmed when Ronaiah spoke with Manti as "Lennay Kekua" he used his own voice.

Indeed ... Ronaiah's feelings became so intense, he blew his cover on December 6 because it was hard to walk away. He never intended to reveal Manti was actually talking to a man ... he just wanted to reconnect with Manti, but still as a woman.

Our sources say Ronaiah has buried his feelings to the point he has little emotion about anything. We're told even the scandal has not produced intense emotions.

We're told, Ronaiah shut down emotionally at a very young age. He lived his life through fantasy.

Manti Te'o Releases Voicemails from 'Lennay Kekua'

Manti Te'o has released 3 voicemails he claims he received from "Lennay Kekua" during the hoax -- in which Lennay comes off as a very jealous ... and very emotional person.

The first VM was supposedly left on Manti's phone right before she began her first round of chemotherapy for the fake cancer. During the call, Lennay says, "Just wanted to call you and keep you posted ... I miss you, I love you ... bye."

FYI -- TMZ has confirmed the person doing the voice of Lennay on the voicemails is Ronaiah Tuiasosopo.

Call #2 is a sobbing mess ... in which Lennay accuses Manti of having another girl in his room. Lennay tells Manti, "I don't know who answered your phone ... and I don't care."

She continues, "This is my last time trying ... you made it clear what you want."

Manti claims Call #3 was placed on September 11, 2012 -- the day before she supposedly died.

During the call, Lennay tells Manti, "Hey babe, I’m just calling to say goodnight. I love you."

She adds, "I know that you’re probably doing homework or you’re with the boys, or a girl maybe, just razzing. I just want to say I love you and goodnight and I’ll be okay tonight, I’ll do my best. So, yeah, get your rest and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you so much hun, sweet dreams."

Manti released the voicemails to Katie Couric -- and will discuss them during his sit-down interview on her talk show.
^^^ o lordzzzz...... This thread should merge with that subway thread in the general. Bout to sound like one and the same
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