March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I can see Shayna winning it at TakeOver. Ember isn't that over. She should've beat Asuka in Orlando. Instead she lost to her twice and only won the title because Asuka vacated it.
22stylez 22stylez @Bad Moon Rison Broke Boy Club cant even afford insurance :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Watch WK12 up to the start of the Tanahasi/Jay White match.

The Jay White slander in here was fully on my mind. :lol:

Thoughts on WK so far:

- The Cross Rhodes to Ibushi on the floor. :sick:
- Suzuki beat the absolute dog**** outta Goto
- The 4 Way was very entertaining

So far I've enjoyed WK. Will catch the last three matches tonight.
Jericho planted the seeds the last few weeks talking ab how his match was the Main event at the dome and not Naito. Basically bad mouthed him a few times so it wasn’t that hard to figure out that that’s the way they were going but I had my doubts. Good feud for Naito and it’ll help bring more exposure to him and LIJ.

I get that part..I don’t understand how Naito goes from headlining WK to being put in a program with a past his prime Jericho that lost his match on the same card..To me that’s a step down..But I’m sure their match will be fine just like Jericho/Omega..
Watch WK12 up to the start of the Tanahasi/Jay White match.

The Jay White slander in here was fully on my mind. :lol:

Thoughts on WK so far:

- The Cross Rhodes to Ibushi on the floor. :sick:
- Suzuki beat the absolute dog**** outta Goto
- The 4 Way was very entertaining

So far I've enjoyed WK. Will catch the last three matches tonight.

I'm up to Goto and Suzuki myself. Good card overall. The Young Bucks have grown on me.
Jay White has been treated unfairly by the IWC for his match with Tanahashi...he's really match with Kitamura at NYD
I can see Shayna winning it at TakeOver. Ember isn't that over. She should've beat Asuka in Orlando. Instead she lost to her twice and only won the title because Asuka vacated it.

candace lerae close to signing. she'll probably get a quick push and they sort of have a story going from the tourny and she's def a fan favorite
they can also go almas/vega vs garganos but i think tomasso is going to back to spoil
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