March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Sami needs to stay a heel. Those two at Mania is going to be good. I can’t even think what those two are going to feel being best friends in a match at Mania. That’s gotta be cool. I would hope the WWE Championship would be involved in a future story of these two.

If they do have a match at Mania, it has to be a Tables and Ladders match..
SANADA, EVIL, and Hiromu send challenges to Okada, Goto, and Ospreay respectively in backstage comments. Naito to Jericho "Tranquilo, cabron."

So next few weeks/months we are gonna have

Omega-Jay White
Young Bucks-Roppongi 3K
SANADA, EVIL, and Hiromu send challenges to Okada, Goto, and Ospreay respectively in backstage comments. Naito to Jericho "Tranquilo, cabron."

So next few weeks/months we are gonna have

Omega-Jay White
Young Bucks-Roppongi 3K

Ain't mad at any of it..Confused by the Naito-Jericho pairing..
Ain't mad at any of it..Confused by the Naito-Jericho pairing..

Jericho planted the seeds the last few weeks talking ab how his match was the Main event at the dome and not Naito. Basically bad mouthed him a few times so it wasn’t that hard to figure out that that’s the way they were going but I had my doubts. Good feud for Naito and it’ll help bring more exposure to him and LIJ.
drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345
Already listened to that one..Imagine how big Scott would've been if he'd have took that early opportunity at a singles run instead of sticking with Rick in the tag team..smh..

I like those podcasts with Conrad and Bruce but also want more background on the wrestlers that we dont really know. Its like Conrad goes on Wiki and Youtube and wings it from there.
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