March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

What is that supposed to mean?

That belt and the new IWGP IC title are disgusting..

The new IWGP IC is basically a fake. They got some guy from Pakistan to make it and it wasn't approved by the original belt maker.

The "original" Dave Millican made belt which was destroyed was glued back together and the strap re-sprayed white. None of the work was done by anyone with a clue about belts. The next day the belt was already breaking again, strap cracking and peeling again.

New Japan had a new belt made....a bootleg. Dave Millican owns the artwork rights to the belt. New Japan owns their logo. Dave can make copies of the belt without the logo. New Japan cannot have the belt replicated without permission or agreement from Dave. According to Dave, this new belt was not made with permission from him.

New Japan had this new IC belt made by a lower end beltmaker in Pakistan in which the details of the belt are nowhere close to the original. It's literally one of the bad bootlegs you can get on eBay.
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that was just plain ****ing stupid. "lemme just leap out the ring through a table, solid plan."[/QUOT

Went back to read all the WK live posts. I have been laughing outloud in my store for the last 3 minutes.

This was seriously one fell through the cracks, it was so simple.

looking forward to @bigego24 's quote wall lmao.
Universal studios any fun? Been wanting to do a family vaycay there.

I haven't been since a couple of years ago for HHN, but I enjoy it. Tformers is easily the best ride there ( I have not been on Gringott's cart ride at the new Diagon Alley yet) and I hate the Bayformers movies. I bought passes FOR that ride if that tells you anything.

Def bring good shoes, fast pass it if you are on a time crunch, and try to go during a fairly cooler part of the year.

One thing I wish US theme parks would adopt is how japan let's you bring in outside food and beverage, they also have twilight tickets where if you go after a certain hour, it is at a discounted rate. That is how I went to USJ for like 30 bucks to ride the Evangelion ride.
Went back to read all the WK live posts. I have been laughing outloud in my store for the last 3 minutes.

This was seriously one fell through the cracks, it was so simple.

looking forward to @bigego24 's quote wall lmao.

Gonna go back and watch the show again bc I know during a few matches I would fall asleep for a min or two and would miss something :lol:
I haven't been since a couple of years ago for HHN, but I enjoy it. Tformers is easily the best ride there ( I have not been on Gringott's cart ride at the new Diagon Alley yet) and I hate the Bayformers movies. I bought passes FOR that ride if that tells you anything.

Def bring good shoes, fast pass it if you are on a time crunch, and try to go during a fairly cooler part of the year.

One thing I wish US theme parks would adopt is how japan let's you bring in outside food and beverage, they also have twilight tickets where if you go after a certain hour, it is at a discounted rate. That is how I went to USJ for like 30 bucks to ride the Evangelion ride.

I def need to check it out !!!
Cody and Ibushi was fun.

Bruh this killer elite squad dudes beating up the ring attendants for now damn reason :rofl:
Watchin the rest of WK12 now on the 2nd match. Ishi suplexing Fale was awesome

My Brother just Texted me this exact statement about the Suplex. Crazy how Ishii is so over and yet dude really doesn't win the big matches for titles.

Love you too, bud.

For the NTWT in inclement weather, are ya'll good?

I'm not in the bad weather, but once again our fearless leader checking on our folks! Good dude I swear. I'm doing good to answer you from earlier, just getting over this cold and excited to see when they actually decide to do Naito/Jericho. Don't think I'll make it to Long Beach, trying to clear all my debts. How's everything going with you?
My Brother just Texted me this exact statement about the Suplex. Crazy how Ishii is so over and yet dude really doesn't win the big matches for titles.

I'm not in the bad weather, but once again our fearless leader checking on our folks! Good dude I swear. I'm doing good to answer you from earlier, just getting over this cold and excited to see when they actually decide to do Naito/Jericho. Don't think I'll make it to Long Beach, trying to clear all my debts. How's everything going with you?

I am always reminded of this Ishii promo when I hear mention of him:


Thank you for the kind words, my friend. I too am JUST getting over a cold too. I need them to make Naito/Okada 2 at the long beach show. I am down to posse with my other LINTWT/NTWT breathren and mark out, shame you can't make it, but I am sure our paths will cross someday soon, J.

I am just trying to get these new hires finished up and trained so I can MAYBE take a day off, and best believe I am calling in favors from the dragonlady come Long Beach/Japan trip time for all these 60+hour work weeks I been pulling.

I love that Evil's finisher is named Everything is Evil

But... everything IS evil.

I got Vince on my side and he washed God.

Well damn, son, ok.
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