March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

This mans Suzuki look like a whole psychopath

EDIT: this man IS a whole psychopath


Didn't see a lot of this originally. Some good stuff, though the person who put it together could have edited it better.
Universal studios any fun? Been wanting to do a family vaycay there.

Universal Studios and Busch Gardens blow Disney out of the water..Disney has less than 5 rides a person over the age of 8 would enjoy..Food there isn't that great and very high priced..Every ride, when you get finished and exit, opens up into a gift shop..And souvenirs, as expected at most parks, are expensive..Now in all fairness I've only been to the main park (Disney World) and I've heard the other parks are better (Epcot/Animal Kingdom)..My 9yr old son went to Universal this summer and had an absolute blast..When we took him to Disney when he was about 4 1/2 he was pretty much ready to go after about 3 hours..
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