March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

It’s funny I am more interested in the mix tag tournament than the current RR build.
yea i agree with you guys i didnt like that jay white match either.

Couldnt get into it
205 Live should be nixed so the division could just go to NXT

The taped setting would be better for the matches
Better crowd for those kinds of matches too
Adds another belt to NXT which a lot of people want
Easier transition for people they want to move to the main card
205 Live should be nixed so the division could just go to NXT

The taped setting would be better for the matches
Better crowd for those kinds of matches too
Adds another belt to NXT which a lot of people want
Easier transition for people they want to move to the main card

Nah makes too much sense
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