March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

wwe uploading 2017 royal rumble on their youtube. the absolute disgust the fans had for roman when he entered and when it looked like he was about to win :lol:
wwe uploading 2017 royal rumble on their youtube. the absolute disgust the fans had for roman when he entered and when it looked like he was about to win :lol:
One of the best troll jobs ever. They did it so the crowd would cheer Orton winning the Rumble :lol:
One of my boys stopped rocking his pants out of his boots because he didn't want to look like Fandango. Now the top rated wrestler in the world is doing it, I wonder if he'll switch back.

I like Jay White. Need to watch him and Tanahashi, but him and Kitamura was good. Guy has a good look and can talk. He'll be a star one day. It'd be funny if he and Kitamura main evented the dome years from now.
Looks my rich homie Meangene45 Meangene45 and the japanese sensation drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 are the two favorites to win NTRR ????? :nerd:
Finished up the last three matches of WK12.

Didn't really get into the Tanahashi/Jay White match. Reading the Jay White roasting in here prior to watching it probably didn't help. :lol:

Jericho/Omega was good. There were some things that irked me though.

Why was there a 20 count if it was NO DQ?
Why did Red Shoes call for a rope break when Jericho had the Wall of Jericho on Omega when if it was NO DQ?
Why did Jericho release the hold?

Jericho did a good job for the most part keeping up with Kenny's hyperactive ***, especially given his appearance.

Jericho looked like he trained for WK12 by dieting on beer, pizza, and donuts.

More lIke Chris Cheericho? amirite.

That OWA on the chair look painful af.


Naito/Okada was excellent.

Arguably the best wrestler in the world was really outchea rocking bell bottoms.

Like I said before wish Naito would've won. Everything would come full circle for him given what happened at WK a few years back.

I'll give Gedo the benefit of the doubt.

Overall, WK 12 was a great card top to bottom.

I know somebody addressed a few of those things a page or 2 back. I noticed that when Jericho broke the hold there at the end, you could actually here him say "HE TAPPED!" to Red Shoes, even though it was off camera. Not the best thing for the cameras to focus on, but I'd bet they were trying to play it like Jericho thought he tapped out and the match was over.
You're forever in 2nd place. Just like Naito.

I'm like Robin Hood. As long as the people get what they want, I topple whoever needs to be toppled.



Looks like rich homie Meangene45 Meangene45 and the japanese sensation drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 are the two favorites to win NTRR ????? :nerd:

It sure isn't 4Cats.

One of my boys stopped rocking his pants out of his boots because he didn't want to look like Fandango. Now the top rated wrestler in the world is doing it, I wonder if he'll switch back.

I like Jay White. Need to watch him and Tanahashi, but him and Kitamura was good. Guy has a good look and can talk. He'll be a star one day. It'd be funny if he and Kitamura main evented the dome years from now.

Kitamura gonna be the future mayne.

Jay White only owns skinny jeans.
Alright, so I got to kick it with AJ for a hot second last night. Unfortunately, it was a little different than years past, so I didn't get a chance to really talk to him about things like I wanted. Did get to ask him about that modded belt with the black stripe, though. He grinned real big, thought for a second, and said "Ahhh, I can't give out that information yet. I'm not supposed to discuss it." I said OK, let me rephrase then. Should I make my belt look like that? He flat said "NO! Don't do that to your belt." So if I had to guess, I'd say he pulled a Naomi and did it without clearing it and got yelled at. Either way, he was a super chill dude, and hooked me up big on my replica...

Dope!! Saw Jordcurt's pic with him too. Good stuff.

Unfortunately you and Case's presents aren't AJ related haha. He got a little prickly when I asked for the inscription, but he was cool enough about it. He may have been more worried about being able to fit it all in there, than me asking him to write it.
Alright, so I got to kick it with AJ for a hot second last night. Unfortunately, it was a little different than years past, so I didn't get a chance to really talk to him about things like I wanted. Did get to ask him about that modded belt with the black stripe, though. He grinned real big, thought for a second, and said "Ahhh, I can't give out that information yet. I'm not supposed to discuss it." I said OK, let me rephrase then. Should I make my belt look like that? He flat said "NO! Don't do that to your belt." So if I had to guess, I'd say he pulled a Naomi and did it without clearing it and got yelled at. Either way, he was a super chill dude, and hooked me up big on my replica...

You had dinner with Cornette right?
Unfortunately you and Case's presents aren't AJ related haha. He got a little prickly when I asked for the inscription, but he was cool enough about it. He may have been more worried about being able to fit it all in there, than me asking him to write it.
That's awesome that he did it. Seems like a really good guy.

Anticipation is killing me :lol::pimp:
Alright, so I got to kick it with AJ for a hot second last night. Unfortunately, it was a little different than years past, so I didn't get a chance to really talk to him about things like I wanted. Did get to ask him about that modded belt with the black stripe, though. He grinned real big, thought for a second, and said "Ahhh, I can't give out that information yet. I'm not supposed to discuss it." I said OK, let me rephrase then. Should I make my belt look like that? He flat said "NO! Don't do that to your belt." So if I had to guess, I'd say he pulled a Naomi and did it without clearing it and got yelled at. Either way, he was a super chill dude, and hooked me up big on my replica...

Dope.. :nthat:
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