March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

That's awesome that he did it. Seems like a really good guy.

Anticipation is killing me :lol::pimp:

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From Reddit:

Gedo: "Hey, Naito! You are, without doubt, an unbelievable wrestler. You're awesome. This is to all the wrestling fans out there. There's no one in the entire world that can beat the Rainmaker - do you know why? He's on a different llllllevel. I'm going to let the invincible Kazuchika Okada finish this one."

Okada: "Allow me to say three things. First, Mr. Naito! Mr. Naito. How was the Tokyo Dome main event? It's the greatest feeling isn't it? And you know what? It feels even better when you win it! Let's do this again, in the main event of the Tokyo Dome! Second, today the audience here at the Tokyo Dome - thank you very much.However, the right stand is all empty. The left stand is empty. The top tiers are all empty. Leave it to the Rainmaker - this arena will be full next time. Third, I have something in particular I want to say. Okada fans may be happy tonight, Naito fans are disappointed right now. Bullet Club fans, and everyone else may think that I don't have a right to stand here right now. But I'm here to make all wrestling fans happy. In 2018, it's going to rain with emotion, happiness, but most importantly, gold! In 2018, it's going to rain money!"
From Reddit:

Gedo: "Hey, Naito! You are, without doubt, an unbelievable wrestler. You're awesome. This is to all the wrestling fans out there. There's no one in the entire world that can beat the Rainmaker - do you know why? He's on a different llllllevel. I'm going to let the invincible Kazuchika Okada finish this one."

Okada: "Allow me to say three things. First, Mr. Naito! Mr. Naito. How was the Tokyo Dome main event? It's the greatest feeling isn't it? And you know what? It feels even better when you win it! Let's do this again, in the main event of the Tokyo Dome! Second, today the audience here at the Tokyo Dome - thank you very much.However, the right stand is all empty. The left stand is empty. The top tiers are all empty. Leave it to the Rainmaker - this arena will be full next time. Third, I have something in particular I want to say. Okada fans may be happy tonight, Naito fans are disappointed right now. Bullet Club fans, and everyone else may think that I don't have a right to stand here right now. But I'm here to make all wrestling fans happy. In 2018, it's going to rain with emotion, happiness, but most importantly, gold! In 2018, it's going to rain money!"

Okada a

Meltzer, very intelligently, spoke on Heavys vs. JRS IN THE 90S and how these matches were always fun.


Pay attention to the way Tim says costume :emoji_confounded:

Also, all these Pawn Stars people have the aura of someone who is about to die soon...not very healthy looking people

Pay attention to the way Tim says costume :emoji_confounded:

Also, all these Pawn Stars people have the aura of someone who is about to die soon...not very healthy looking people

Used to watch that show. Not surprisingly turned out to be very fake
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