March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I always thought Daniel Bryan's mic work was solid when he was a heel doing the I am a Vegan and role model stuff
Face Bryan not so fun

His heel work on the mic was really good. As a face he was alright, nothing embarrassing
Case Case & whoever else-

"Meltzer notes that as of January 5th, the NJPW World subscriber number was up to 95,000 and that they gained 25,000 subscribers in 2 days for Wrestle Kingdom. He mentions that the increase in subscribers is considered to be a "real big success".

From the latest Wrestling Observer Radio.

Edit: For added context, at this time last year they had an increase of 10,000 subscribers to bring the total to 60,000:

They picked up more than 10,000 new subscribers to New Japan World in a 24 hour period on 1/3 and 1/4, prior to the start of the Tokyo Dome show, bringing the total to about 60,000, an amazing one-day increase of a two-year-old business by 20 percent in 24 hours."

I totally agree, and it's so transparent. kinda sad that some people lack that much validation in their daily lives.

I've started saying "thoughtsnprayers" when people sneeze, I want to bury that phrase once and for all.

there's only so many types of attire before you start getting into intentionally weird **** like Zack Ryder halfatights or those futuristic gigolo overalls Jeff Jarrett used to wear, sometimes there's some overlap.

for me, gear is about the whole equipment setup from footwear choice to knee and elbow pads to wrist/fist tape. there's ways to set yourself apart.

out of curiosity, what do you wear into battle my man? are there reasons for your choices?

Trunks and Kickpads right now. I’ve gone back and forth so much on my next gear that it’s stalled me from purchasing.

It’s most likely going to be Long Tights with Fur at the bottom Takahashi/Young Bucks/Morrison style.
Trunks and Kickpads right now. I’ve gone back and forth so much on my next gear that it’s stalled me from purchasing.

It’s most likely going to be Long Tights with Fur at the bottom Takahashi/Young Bucks/Morrison style.

Pull a Matt Hardy and rock the JNCOs.
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