March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Any dirt notes for Raw 25 at Barclay's? I'll be in the building. I keep forgetting it's the go-home Raw before the Rumble too :pimp: .
Jericho’s era was crowded with arguably the best stars ever

Can’t say the same about HBK as much
HBK was in the main event with guys like Bret , Taker , Sid & diesel ! while Y2J was wrestling with Chyna and road dogg
When all's said and done, and taking into account every characteristic to measure a wrestling talent, HHH>>>"Lionheart" Christopher Irvine..
Impressive anyone could get that line over. You could of gave that line to Barry Horowitz and he would of got over.
Your arument is presented AS IF anyone is questioning Jericho's greatness or his mic work.

Both are praised by EVERYONE.

But again, unless you have been on the Top of the card for a considerable amount of time, I am nkt sure how you can be in consideration for best of ALL TIME.

I am sure you understand that
Pot stirrer get it right smh.

Meat Shield the **** starters :nerd:

I just imagine Fly in the tollbooth like this:

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