March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I'd argue that Trips has been in more relevant programs, been the main guy for more time, sold more merch, and had as big of an impact on the business..Plus he's had more title runs and had more main events than Jericho..So by a small margin HHH>>Jericho..
But y2j held titles all around the world. You think trips could go to Japan and get the same reaction as y2j? Could he go to Mexico? Remember trips had Vince on his side. Vince never believed in y2j. I know DC always talking about Vince don't hold people back but we all know if you don't kiss his *** you are going no where.
three H is the most underrated performer of our generation. he's like the kareem of the wwe when it's all said and done. one of the greatest, but not as popular as other performers

sledge hammer > superkick, walls of jericho

kareem scored the most points
h never did the most anything

triple h karl malone at best in a comparison like that
But y2j held titles all around the world. You think trips could go to Japan and get the same reaction as y2j? Could he go to Mexico? Remember trips had Vince on his side. Vince never believed in y2j. I know DC always talking about Vince don't hold people back but we all know if you don't kiss his *** you are going no where.

He couldn't got to Mexico, but I'd bet HHH would be over yewjuh in Japan..

Again, I have to say this every time, I think Chris is an all time great and one of the most creative wrestlers of all time..I was tape trading in the early 90's and was watching his stuff before y'all even knew who he was..I followed his career for damn near 25 years and I love watching him and watching him reinvent himself..But he's not a Top 10 or a Mount Rushmore type of guy..
Pull RIGHT the **** up.
He couldn't got to Mexico, but I'd bet HHH would be over yewjuh in Japan..

Again, I have to say this every time, I think Chris is an all time great and one of the most creative wrestlers of all time..I was tape trading in the early 90's and was watching his stuff before y'all even knew who he was..I followed his career for damn near 25 years and I love watching him and watching him reinvent himself..But he's not a Top 10 or a Mount Rushmore type of guy..
:frown: gotta agree to disagree then lol

Who's on the modern-day Rushmore? Like maybe after 1999
He couldn't got to Mexico, but I'd bet HHH would be over yewjuh in Japan..

Again, I have to say this every time, I think Chris is an all time great and one of the most creative wrestlers of all time..I was tape trading in the early 90's and was watching his stuff before y'all even knew who he was..I followed his career for damn near 25 years and I love watching him and watching him reinvent himself..But he's not a Top 10 or a Mount Rushmore type of guy..
I agree he wouldn't be considered Top 10 of ALL TIME.

No, not at all.

And again, as self aware as he is, I am sure he would agree
Taker is kind of an in-between-er in terms of what generation he falls into.
This is why its hard to put him as the best of any specific generation or time period.
He was actually a long-term mainstay. A champion of endurance.

Kind of an example why our 'best of' talks can be confusing imo.
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