March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Jericho's name rings bells outside of the wrestling sphere way more than HBK's ever has...he is a transcendant talent

5 points for Jericho

This argument is SO irrelevant to this topic that I won't even.

Try it on someone else

Big **** Dave.


Wish I was that spoon

I wish I was the fabric in her crotch.
Trips underrated for sure but no y2j is better

I'd argue that Trips has been in more relevant programs, been the main guy for more time, sold more merch, and had as big of an impact on the business..Plus he's had more title runs and had more main events than Jericho..So by a small margin HHH>>Jericho..
I'd argue that Trips has been in more relevant programs, been the main guy for more time, sold more merch, and had as big of an impact on the business..Plus he's had more title runs and had more main events than Jericho..So by a small margin HHH>>Jericho..


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