March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

He's not saying anything he wouldn't have in 2005. People's tolerance for what they get offended by have changed.

If your premise is that he is still the same, would people that found him funny in 2005 look back at that material now & think it isn't funny anymore based on changed tolerance?

Now, if he is still the same and still funny - how would changed tolerance factor in?
Dave Chappelle is in a different place in his life. I view him and Chris Rock, at this point, as social commentators. I didn't laugh as much as I THOUGHT during that special. It was special though.
If your premise is that he is still the same, would people that found him funny in 2005 look back at that material now & think it isn't funny anymore based on changed tolerance?

Now, if he is still the same and still funny - how would changed tolerance factor in?

Not really that he's still the same, but that controversy and delivery is still there. I've recently watched old Chappelle episodes, still funny as ****. Society has just increased it's sensitivity and awareness to those subjects. That has nothing to do with Chappelle, that has to do with the passing of time. It's 2018 now, a lot has changed in 13 years. Race-related jokes may still be hilarious to people, but a joke about a woman having a **** may not be so funny.

Enzo on Neville:

"Neville is one of my favorite pros in the business. He carried NXT with that title and was a tag-team champion there. Then he worked the 205 division with the hardest schedule in silence, he was working Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then Mondays and Tuesdays. When guys were catching red-eye flights from the west coast after Raw, Neville was driving on to the next town or taking an early morning flight. It's the hardest schedule in pro wrestling because you are closing out 205 [Live] at the end of the week. I hope Neville comes back and we feud. I have never seen a guy work like he does."
I remember that feud, that was the time when Blackjack would do the claw on people and the tv would have a box X on the screen to depict that Blackjack was making them bleed with the claw.

He supposedly punched out Andre & got DQ'd or something in a match I've never actually seen just read about in a magazine
at the time. The heat seemed so real and I didn't even know anything about how they got into fights outside of Kayfabe.

Here is the X used with Mulligan's claw...



Here it is a year later, slightly modified, during the Snuka/Muraco feud...



^Now...I've seen the Snuka/Muraco clip without the X...years may be on youtube right now...
I don't know if the X was just used for the Saturday Morning 'kids' show?...and if the match was replayed
at another time & it would air without the X? or WWE just had it stock uncensored for later use.

Muraco bloodied Snuka but I don't think Mulligan even gave the jobber was for effect...
sometimes just to make it look worse. :lol:
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