March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Taker is kind of an in-between-er in terms of what generation he falls into.
This is why its hard to put him as the best of any specific generation or time period.
He was actually a long-term mainstay. A champion of endurance.

Kind of an example why our 'best of' talks can be confusing imo.

Undertaker also another case of someone who was never THE guy

For some reason I don't ever see anyone knocking HIM for that
Taker is kind of an in-between-er in terms of what generation he falls into.
This is why its hard to put him as the best of any specific generation or time period.
He was actually a long-term mainstay. A champion of endurance.

Kind of an example why our 'best of' talks can be confusing imo.
Kevin Sullivan says Taker is the best Support Player f all time
Taker is kind of an in-between-er in terms of what generation he falls into.
This is why its hard to put him as the best of any specific generation or time period.
He was actually a long-term mainstay. A champion of endurance.

Kind of an example why our 'best of' talks can be confusing imo.
Most iconic gimmick of all time but never thee guy.

Chewbacca would tear off Batista big meaty arm & deep throat him with it.
Then apologize after.


pretty awesome match imo...good pacing & crowd psychology...
two behemoths brawling & wrasslin'

highly recommended to ntwt
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