March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I’m glad I lit a fire under your bum promos. Like I said I’m done with you. Little too late now. Been washed you too many times, your color starting to fade. And no. Didn’t research your twitters. Could care less. Actually just got your pic from this vid of yours because you’re SUBSCRIBED to my channel.

This your leader? Dude with LEGO hair like Yoshi-Hashi? HA! This the last time I address you. You are beneath me.





I didn't know @22stylez had money until he started flaunting all his new watches and ****.

BUT i knew damn well this grave digging, inspector gadget wannabe was gonna go and deep dive some "dirt" on me like he did when he was searching out my IG/FB/Twitter etc. apparently when blowing money on things and not experiences.

I admit when I came in here, I had to find my way, but within all the jokes, I became nothing but transparent about who and what I am. Grave dig me coming out to all of you, bring up the in depth posts about identity.

I called out everyone in the beginning.
I wanted a shot at @bigego24 and now he is affiliated. I had a quick succession of members join LINTWT, JCMojica24 JCMojica24 , CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity , and D Fly D Fly . @Warmachine85 co signed.

we continue to get stronger, because even if someone isn't outright affiliated, they can't get with the money,power, respect bull the 3 or 4 of you trying to push. You aren't the shield, you are the AUTHORITY playing dress up. You want so badly for what you all are doing to be what's "best for NTWT business" that you didn't see that this thread went from one ****ty leader to another but this time he was surrounded by yes men. You are Steph, Shane, Vince, and Linda you aren't vest wearing hounds of justice, you are wolves in sheep's clothing.

So no matter what I win from this rumble, I'm gonna take it, and I'm gonna throw the money in a trash can next to scraps of paper with all 4 of your SNs on em, cuz this isn't about some ****ing chump change.

Screencap this promo, save it on your desktop, whatever you need to do, cuz this will go down as one of the greatest promos EVER cut in this ****ing group. This is attitude and reality era rolled into one.

So me and Los Ingobernables de Niketalk, aren't going anywhere.

you can ****ing "believe that".
D Fly D Fly you sure about that NTWT IC title?..

Yeah cause I remember Rhino saying he didn't want to partake anymore after he won the title.

Actually, I told D Fly D Fly before he booked @Case to defend that I didn't want to partake. Not after. He went and booked it anyway.

Therefore it is my opinion that the match never happened, Case never defended, and he is still the IC Champ. He never really lost.

Not up to me but I wanted to clarify the timeline & explain why I feel Case still retains. A rhino never forgets. :wink:

D Fly D Fly
I've posted this like 3 times already. :lol: SO yes, I enjoy the clip.

Too bad I think they stop the clip short of Piper getting beat down by Flair, Valentine, etc....
I think the full clip is available on Flair's: The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD
Damn I have been searching everywhere for IT.
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