March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Damn I have been searching everywhere for IT.

Like I've said before, The content on that Flair DVD is a good snapshot in time for any wrestling fan to educate themselves
on that NWA era...I wish some of yall would cop it & watch all the Starrcade '83 stuff.

Especially the Flair fans...yall are missing out if you don't have that DVD.
Like I've said before, The content on that Flair DVD is a good snapshot in time for any wrestling fan to educate themselves
on that NWA era...I wish some of yall would cop it & watch all the Starrcade '83 stuff.

Especially the Flair fans...yall are missing out if you don't have that DVD.

Dead*** facts right here. I had like 3 Flair DVDs and they were all appreciated. We need a Flair appreciation movement or something.
Actually, I told D Fly D Fly before he booked Case Case to defend that I didn't want to partake. Not after. He went and booked it anyway.

Therefore it is my opinion that the match never happened, Case never defended, and he is still the IC Champ. He never really lost.

Not up to me but I wanted to clarify the timeline & explain why I feel Case still retains. A rhino never forgets. :wink:

Case Case
D Fly D Fly

And still your NTWT IC champion!..

im starting to think WWE is paring everyone up with who they actually think their equivalent counterpart is


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