March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Taker and Cena - womp womp
WWE on FOX and FS1, that could work, especially with two hours. Just wonder what that would do for the drafts
Anything 4+ stars from Melrzer, I know it is must see. He has hardly ever steered my wrong from that aspect.

Don't see the need/desire to ridicule for half and quarter stars. How petty is that. One man's opinion.

And usually, matches in Japan ARE superior, but i know yall know that, so why get on him for that?

We know the NJPW style lends itself to having better matches than WWE due to styles and restrictions WWE dudes have to wrestle against.

So what is really the issue?
Jericho vs Omega was a wwe style match. If that same match happen at WM it would of got 3 stars at best.
Jericho vs Omega was a wwe style match. If that same match happen at WM it would of got 3 stars at best.
Not sure how Omega vs. JERICHO was a WWE style match but if you can somehow articulate that with some sort of explanation, I am listening.

I love how you SO confidently predict a star rating of a fictional match and attempt to use it as an arguing point. Brilliant
Not sure how Omega vs. JERICHO was a WWE style match but if you can somehow articulate that with some sort of explanation, I am listening.

I love how you SO confidently predict a star rating of a fictional match and attempt to use it as an arguing point. Brilliant
The pacing of the match, the way the match was worked was a wwe style match.


Who did it better?

I know I was the only back in high school. :smh:

I was here with you fam. Ja brought the hits. Scumbag “fans” turned heel on him. :smh:
The pacing of the match, the way the match was worked was a wwe style match.
You haven't said anything but ok.

What about the moves in that match that WWE talent wouldn't be allowed to do.

What about the big spots WWE talent wouldn't be allowed to do?

What about the outside interactions tjat would never happen in a WWE match?

Not sure which match you watched but maybe saying it was WWE style helps your, "It would be 3 stars if it was in USA" narrative.
Anything 4+ stars from Melrzer, I know it is must see. He has hardly ever steered my wrong from that aspect.

Don't see the need/desire to ridicule for half and quarter stars. How petty is that. One man's opinion.

And usually, matches in Japan ARE superior, but i know yall know that, so why get on him for that?

We know the NJPW style lends itself to having better matches than WWE due to styles and restrictions WWE dudes have to wrestle against.

So what is really the issue?

People think his ratings are a joke. Why does this bother you so much?
No offense to you brother case but who cares? It is just one mans opinion :lol:

None taken..I think it pisses me off so much cause I’ve been a fan so long..And his ratings used to mean something and now they’ve become a joke..Like if, back in the day, he gave a match a 4+ star rating You’d think “damn those two wrestlers must’ve done something special”. Than you’d go watch it and agree that they had..Now he just whores himself out to Japan so bad that it ****s on what the people of the past worked hard to accomplish..It just really irks me..
None taken..I think it pisses me off so much cause I’ve been a fan so long..And his ratings used to mean something and now they’ve become a joke..Like if, back in the day, he gave a match a 4+ star rating You’d think “damn those two wrestlers must’ve done something special”. Than you’d go watch it and agree that they had..Now he just whores himself out to Japan so bad that it ****s on what the people of the past worked hard to accomplish..It just really irks me..

I can respect it.
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