March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I heard someone tell a story that they met Big John Studd as a little kid...

Studd gave him an autograph & looked him right in the eye & said "Never stop dreaming."
Dude said it made a lasting positive impression.
(Studd was known for being great with fans.)

There is value to that stuff. In this case it isn't simply about idol worship.

brendasdeadbaby brendasdeadbaby
I heard someone tell a story that they met Big John Studd as a little kid...

Studd gave him an autograph & looked him right in the eye & said "Never stop dreaming."
Dude said it made a lasting positive impression.
(Studd was known for being great with fans.)

There is value to that stuff. In this case it isn't simply about idol worship.

brendasdeadbaby brendasdeadbaby

Good for him, cool story, but it should not be expected from “celebrities” that they HAVE to sign some thing, take a selfie or chop it up with you when you see them in public.
I never met any wrestlers in real life yall mad bool b

My pops met bret hart once i think in ontario at the airport.

He said he was bool. He said he told him that i was a fan of WWF. And i guess he liked that my pop aint pester him for an autograph or ask a stupid question.

i was mad though he aint bring me back those glasses when he came home lol


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